Sprite Jam (until May 10th): Two-faced God (EXTENDED TO May 11th)

Started by Khris, Wed 02/05/2007 19:02:25

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Sorry for the delay.

2nd place: cobra79
Your entry captured best what I had in mind.

1st place: SpacePirateCaine
Your skill stands out though, and the sprite is directly usable and original.


I couldn't decide on a third place, so to the rest: consider yourself all sharing that bronze medal.

I'll post the medals here as soon as I've finished drawing them.


Congratz SpacePirate, a fabulous idea, greatly executed.


So, the bronze/ Third place medal will be shared with (in alphabetical order):


Saber teeth

Steel Drummer

Vertigo addict


Thanks, everybody. I enjoyed the competition - and I think it was ultimately a pretty good, solid competition. It got off to a slow start, but in my opinion there's no such thing as a bad topic, just bad turnout. Now I can just hope that the topic I start gets some good action going as well.

See you in the next jam!
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