CHIP-Tune Contest! A Winner Is...Who?

Started by Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens, Thu 10/11/2005 17:24:37

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Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

The contest is simple: create a *simulated (or true if you have a c-64 still laying around) old school c-64 chip tune theme for either:

1.  A jump and run game (Like Monty on the Run)
2.  A space shooter
3.  A pinball game table theme

Additional Rules:

Can be submitted in any commonly playable format, like .ogg, .mp3, .mod, .xm or even .sid if you're feeling swarthy.

List which type of game the chip-tune was designed for.

For an example of a chip-tune style sound, listen to:

And for information on them, visit:

And finally, for some resources you can draw from to make chiptune-style music:

Hopefully this contest won't prove too challenging, but it seems that some of you need a good challenge to get interested, so here it is!  Impress me!

*Actual chiptunes were made using sound hardware synthesis rather than sampled sounds.



Pet Terry

2D platformerish here too. Not as C-64ish as I wanted, you decide if it's a proper entry or not, ProgZ0r.


Inkoddi wins!

(EDIT: loop it)
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Authentic SIDS for y'all to listen to. And they ARE mine. just check the copyright and Author.

I'll enter... The One which would fit into the category "space shooter"


I choose dark and gloomy space shooter!

(You can safely press stop after about 50 seconds, then it just loops)
Achtung Franz! The comic


I love them all. Amazing idea ProgZmax! I wish I was back home... :(

You'll have a hard time judging. All of these should be winners...


here be a short sid (and PRG for those of you wanting to run it on a C64 or emu) by me

well i got bored and all this talk of chips and commodores got my creative juices flowing and thought i'd put some imagery with the music (i'm working on another tune that actually fits the art more)...

Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!

visy (the guy who made Lassi Quest)

XM (best heard in Soundtracker):

Most definately space shooter, because of the Konami-like waveforms and oldskool kicks. I like this one.

Still working on 8-bit stuff, mostly NES and Atari 2600:

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Four entries in particular were so well made that to do the competition justice I'd really have to hold some kind of round 2, but since that can't happen I'll just pick one of these four based on the genre I like the most..
1.  BOYD- Jump and run (though it's not explicitly stated)
2.  Ghormak- (space shooter)
3.  Haddas- (space shooter).
4.  Inkoddi- (jump and run)

I'm disappointed no one chose pinball since that's my favorite of the three, but my second is space shooter, and the winner of that must therefore be....


Again, I find all of the tunes (and especially) the four above to be exceptional and very applicable to their chosen c-64 game, but I had to choose one.  Now go and make a game to go with those tunes so I can stop playing The Last Ninja.


Victory is sweet!

Keep your eyes peeled open. A new contest will... EMERGE.
Achtung Franz! The comic

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