The fall of European Undersea Facility 02 [FINISHED]

Started by WHAM, Sat 06/08/2011 22:02:54

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New chapter, new format. I've decided to simplify the rooms so that they no longer have a perspective. This will gretly reduce the workload on me and make updating the game less of a chore, as I originally only intended the graphics as a mere way to enhance the atmosphere of the game, while most of the action and events were just written text. Hopy you guys don't hate the change. Anyways, this game might be in it's last chapter, or it might be on the verge of a new beginning! Choose wisely and be aware of past events! Oh, and thanks for playing for so long! It's hard to believe I started this back in august! Some statistics: so far I've drawn 209 screens, and it seems that all those screens take up about 2,4 megabytes of space. We also just passed the 500 post mark in this thread. :D

Phew! The ladder seemed to go on forever but now it finally seems to have ended! You have no idea how far you've come, but your arms ache from all that climbing. For a moment you thought you'd have to ditch the trusty pool que, but fortunately you have managed to hang on to it. You find yourself in a short corridor with an entrance to the elevator shaft in the middle and two doors on each end. You're not entirely sure how, but for some reason it doesn't feel quite so dark up here. However, there is a distinct sound of rushing water coming from the door on your left (labelled: "D-Walkway"). This cases you to feel a little bit uneasy.

Well, new place to explore and still no idea what you're supposed to be doing. Judging by the fact that the electric lights are off, there doesn't seem to be any power here either.

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Errr... Is this game over or something? Who plays this game?


Quote from: Noctambulo on Fri 03/02/2012 18:19:10
Errr... Is this game over or something? Who plays this game?

You could play. Anyone can play. I fear my break has caused people to lose interest. :(
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Errr...I have seen like the first 6-7 pages, but I'm too lazy to read all of them (at least right now)  :=

Let me try this

> Look around
> Listen


Not lose interest, but scared to make a wrong decision...

So guys, let's walk to the lockers or what do you think? We had enough water for now, right?

@Noctambulo: If you want to play with us, you should indeed read the other pages too...


Noctalumbo, join the fun! My last guesses made our hero dance around and then being terrorized by fish. I do NOT dare to type what I think is the next good stab. Some fresh ideas would be useful.


Quote from: cat on Fri 03/02/2012 18:35:15
Not lose interest, but scared to make a wrong decision...

So guys, let's walk to the lockers or what do you think? We had enough water for now, right?

@Noctambulo: If you want to play with us, you should indeed read the other pages too...

I just started reading the post, and I noticed that nobody was playing since Wham posted this new chapter (and thought that the game was kinda over), and that's why I started like the game was beginning  ;)

I'm glad that you are still playing  ;) (but was hoping that I could skip the "reading ALL the other pages" part... xDDDD )



> Look around

You squint your eyes and give the room you are in a good look over. The walls are empty and clean, and there aren't any immediate signs of danger. There are two white doors, one to your right and one to your left. Behind you is the elevator shaft from which you came from.

> Listen

You prick your ears and...

Your headset, which you had almost forgotten was still on your ear, emits a loud screeching noise into your ear. The noise is followed bu bursts of static, in the midst of which you can just make out fragmets of sentences:
"...ding in the green facility, no sign of... ...ple in the tram tunnel are in nee... ...dome status is... ...immediate evacuation, I repea..."
The transmission fades into static and the volume fades away. Either the device is running low on batteries or there is some sort of interference in here.

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


> Examine and touch (do NOT open) the walkway door. (look if it is cold or if it is condensation over its entire surface: to get an idea of the level of water behind it)



>Examine and touch (do NOT open) the walkway door.

You carefully fondle and caress the door. It doesn't feel especially cold or wet, and the sound of rushing water seems to be coming from a good distance away. You're pretty sure opening this door will NOT lead to instant and gruesome death.

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.



*deleted*   EDIT:  ...  too late  :-\

I hate it when the forum needs longer than myself to send a post



> Open the walkway door

Feeling as safe as you can feel in here you open the door and step outside.


All of a sudden you feel quite insecure and insignificant. It would seem you have stepped onto some sort of walkway that crosses the insides of a gigantic glass dome which has somehow been constructed underwater. The walkway has collapsed halfway through. The dome itself is cracked and one of the gigantic glass panes is letting in water, which is slowly flooding the dome and appears to be swirling down deeper into the underground structure through several drainage holes down below. Judging from the trees that still stand, this dome was once used to grow plants and to generate oxygen for the undersea facility from which you just came from. The water that accumulated here must have been flooding the drainage systems below the facility and then began filling the interior. You wonder how much time you have until the entire dome is filled up.

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Impressive pic, WHAM!

Ok, before we do some Mario-style jumping I think we should check out the locker room.

> return to elevator room and carefully take a look through the D-Locker door.

I'm not sure if this is going to help us:


Hey! This game came back!  :D

While I miss the perspective of the previous rooms, I really like that shot of the giant dome. I hope our little guy can swim. Otherwise, it's going to be hard to do Mario-style platforming one text command at a time.  ;)


Left of the ladder where we are, there is a plaque with the drawing of a man. On the other side of the screen, right, there is a drawing of a train or tram : travel routes (maybe exits)?



> Return to elevator room and carefully take a look through the D-Locker door

You backtrack to where you came from and try the other door, carefully tiptoing through to the next room. It seems to be some kind of small locker room paired with a couple of benches. In the back corner there seems to be a large door with some symbols and text on the wall next to it.

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


> Open locker with the red symbol on it. Look for supplies (raft, jet pack, TARDIS, etc).

Sane Co.

>If the locker is locked jab the bent scissors at the lock and hope it breaks


Sorry for failing to update, was working on my first AGS Bake Sale Let's Play and recording and editing has taken some time. I promise to update TOMORROW (that is, on thursday).

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.

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