The fall of European Undersea Facility 02 [FINISHED]

Started by WHAM, Sat 06/08/2011 22:02:54

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> Open the locker

You open the cabinet, revealing its true nature! It would seem to be a fairly well-stocked tool cabinet, full of different screwdrivers, wrenches, sockets and such.

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


>go back in the hallway and go through the level 2 door on the left.


> Take a screwdriver and a wrench

Come on, this is an adventure game! How can you not take this stuff?


Quote from: NightHawk on Wed 29/08/2012 16:10:23
>go back in the hallway and go through the level 2 door on the left.

What door do you mean precisely?
The hallway outside the maintenance room can be seen in the last picture of this post:
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


The one on the left side with the handles.


That's the door that leads to the corridor outside the maintenance room, which is the image I linked to before.
The metal one in the middle of the stairwell level is an elevator door.

I might need to draw a map of how the rooms are connected soon :)
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


oh sorry just run Cat's then


>open and look inside all boxes in the maintenance room.
Emma said, "There should be at least an entire box left somewhere."


> Take a screwdriver and a wrench

You grab, at random, a screwdriver and a wrench.
It appears you wound up picking up a medium-sized phillips-head screwdriver.

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Quote from: oraxon on Wed 29/08/2012 21:35:29
>open and look inside all boxes in the maintenance room.
Emma said, "There should be at least an entire box left somewhere."


Now we will probably only need a flathead wherever we go.


> Open and look inside all boxes in the maintenance room

You open the box closest to you. It appears to be full of random trash, covered in grease and filth, although you do spy the corner of some sort of magazine underneath all the junk. No fuses here, though...

You move to the rear part of the maintenance room, and open all the boxes piled up back there.
They contain:
- Two (2) security cameras and related wiring, as well as manuals for them
- Several assorted cans of spray paints
- A dozen cans of WD-40
- 6 standard fuses
- 4 high-yield fuses (large)

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


> Take all the fuses

And just for fun...
> Make a smiley face in the blu-tak   :tongue:


> Put the white tabs and chips on the table. > Take all the fuses and all the camera stuff.


I suggest we put all of this into two boxes, stack the boxes, and carry them to the room where Emma is.


Don't shout to Emma, "We got 12 cans of lube!"


> Put the white tabs and chips on the table
> Make a smiley face in the blu-tak

You place the microchips and the fuse-pieces onto the table to make some space in your pockets. You also mould the piece of blu-tack in your pocket into a smiley face, revealing that your skills in crafts are rather poor.

> Take all the fuses and all the camera stuff

There is nmo way you could carry all that. You pick up one of the large fuses and two of the smaller fuses as a compromise.

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


>Go to Emma's room. >Give Emma the personnel roster and replace the last 2 fuses.


> Go to Emma's room
> Replace the last 2 fuses.

You make your way back to Emma, passing through the Level 2 corridor, the staircase and the Level 1 corridor, braving the ear-shattering shrieks of the alarms still sounding in these areas.
Finally you make your way to the quiet of the control room, where you promptly replace the two missing fuses.

As a result, you can see that new devices have come to life, their LED's blinking to life.

> Give Emma the personnel roster

You approach Emma to present her with the personnel roster, but as you approach her you realize she has fallen asleep, perhaps due to the stress getting to her.
For now, you just place the personnel roster on the desk next to her, atop some files that are already on it.

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


> check O2 level on emma's bottle and if the mask sits tight on her and there are no leaks or other malfunctions

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