Monthly Writing Competition - February - Voting Time!

Started by Mr Flibble, Tue 31/01/2006 19:53:51

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Mr Flibble

Nyarg, triple post.

I don't understand why the writing competition receives so little attention, everyone on the boards must suck I guess...

Anyway, I want to declare a winner, but at the moment its tied. Help me out here?
I'm going to close voting at midnight on Saturday, so hurry up!
Ah! There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling!


I vote for Voh then. (Hope I can do that even though I entered.)
(\ _ /)
(o.o )
(>< )
This is Bunny
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!

Mr Flibble

Then it is with great relief that I declare this competition closed.
The winner is - Voh!

Well done - now you can start your own story thread.
Ah! There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling!


Wow, what a landslide victory ;)

I do hope we can get some more people to get into this thing, but I'm pretty sure it won't be me doing it :P

I'll start a new contest tomorrow or the day after, I so busy :(
Still here.

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