Adventure Game Studio

AGS Games => Completed Game Announcements => Topic started by: theatrx on Fri 27/01/2006 07:25:53

Title: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Fri 27/01/2006 07:25:53
I have finally finished my AGS game for my son
A Day with Michael.

The links to upload are:

Screenshots are at

You will have to make a folder...
and put all these files
into one folder... once all of them are there, click on the
adwm.exe file and everything should work.

Sorry it had to be three files but I just couldn't get it any lower
and get it in on the AGS 25 mg maximum.

I hope you don't have problems.

I uploaded it myself and it seems to work fine.

I finished my first AGS game!Ã,  I am sooooo happy.

Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: Helli78 on Fri 27/01/2006 14:51:59

1) on the mainpage you'd posted wrong a link. the "one and only" download-link points to all THREE files...

2) the game looks interesting. great GFX (okay, there had been  "real-life" photos taken to make the game), great Sfx (funny sound...), gameplay good/normal...
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: mags_don on Fri 27/01/2006 23:45:58
seems like a nice game so far ;D..but i think i have a bug or found one...after i talked to the man by the fire, the game froze on me..had to start over. :(
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Sat 28/01/2006 03:56:09
Did you give him something to eat?
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: mwahahaha on Sat 28/01/2006 09:16:06
Quote from: theatrx on Sat 28/01/2006 03:56:09
Did you give him something to eat?
I'll bet you had left "display next message after this one selected on the last message in the conversation.  Having given him something to eat or not is irrelevent to the bug.
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: Peter Bear on Sat 28/01/2006 14:59:23
Hi, I've played a little your game ( after figuring out how to download it :p )

I couldn't play it long, as I encountered a bug + The walkcycle drives me crazy.

bug : while returning to the flashing tree, after beeing with the "under mushrooms" tree, you get stuck in the air, on the left side. And cant move or do anything more.

here is a screenshot.
( (

the walkcycle : this is really too slow, then : boring
even more, when you are far away, this takes times to move on the screen.
BTW, did anyone notice the ass twisting of the main character while moving to a upper position ? I liked this one ;) but that was overall too slow ...

So I didnt play it long and far, as I got stuck there.

Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Sat 28/01/2006 16:07:11
Quote from: mwahahaha on Sat 28/01/2006 09:16:06
Quote from: theatrx on Sat 28/01/2006 03:56:09
Did you give him something to eat?
I'll bet you had left "display next message after this one selected on the last message in the conversation.Ã,  Having given him something to eat or not is irrelevent to the bug.

After what message did it freeze?Ã,  Was it after you asked about the boat? Or before?
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: mags_don on Sat 28/01/2006 16:21:00
it froze after i asked about the boat and he had said to go use it. also, i had the same bug when i restarted over with the tree area, getting stuck "up" in the i said before, seems like a nice game i just havent gotten far yet!!
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Sat 28/01/2006 16:55:07
I have to upload the game again but I'm waiting to find out how to do this.Ã,  I fixed the tree thing.Ã,  I was 1 degree off and it threw him into the air.Ã,  Live and learn.

I think I fixed the campfire too

Here are the new links

I also made him walk faster
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: mags_don on Sat 28/01/2006 23:49:52
ok..stuck again! in the living room of the house where the fire place is..i dont see my guy, and i cant get out of there!! am i doing something wrong..i cant exit the room!this was with the new version by the way..koodo's to speeding him up!
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Sun 29/01/2006 07:55:59
Damn!Ã,  You shouldn't be stuck in that room... It's late... very late... I'll look at it tomorrow... You are good to tell me. Promise!Ã,  I'll fix it

Does he move at all?Ã,  If he does... move to the left... It will take you to the bedroom.Ã,  Sorry if this is a mess for you.
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: jane on Mon 30/01/2006 11:04:17
I had the same problem - can't see myself, or get out of the room with the fireplace. 
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: Sean on Tue 31/01/2006 16:22:51
Chances are he's ticked 'Hide Player Character' by accident. If that is the case shouldn't be too long before he uploads a fixed version.

Game looks pretty good but the graphics aren't for my taste.  :-\
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Thu 02/02/2006 08:57:14
If he does fix it, I sure as heck hope he'll use patches this time. ~50mbs is NOT a download I want to repeat often, I much prefer a -3mb download. :P
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Thu 02/02/2006 13:49:34
I got the patch maker.  It wasn't at the link you posted and YES I'll use a patch.
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: mags_don on Fri 03/02/2006 00:10:12
getting through this game..just a few little snags along the way. good improvement when you are close to a new room, it room! need that in this game..also, i PM'd you that somehow when you go into the fireplace room, the 'body' doesnt show up(in the third download)..i think i figured that out..when you use the walk icon on the steps..just let the guy walk up the steps without using the USE least i think thats what is doing seem to find a certain area..the treasure room? can not at all get cheating and using your hints.. ;D
Ã,  finally got to the treasure room!! was hard to do..had to get the riiiiiiight spot..also, after the game crashed with an error when i gave
grail to jesus and went to the left..crashed.. right here.
and it said.
Error:load_room!unable to load room file.'room 153.crm' Make sure that you saved room to correct folder.(it should be in your games sub folder of AGS Directory) Also, check the player character starting room is set correctly..
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Fri 03/02/2006 01:32:55
To everyone that's muddled through my first attempt at a game... Thank you.Ã,  I still can't figure out why it worked so well on my computer... even using the exe file and it has bugs on other peoples computers... Oh well... live and learn... I'm working on a new patch to fix all the new problems... the correct version to this date is the 'C' version.Ã,  The others are buggy as hell.Ã,  Steve
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: Uku on Fri 03/02/2006 14:29:17
grapics dont fit together, so it doesnt atract me do download.
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: Hammerite on Sat 04/02/2006 14:47:17
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: lakerz on Sun 05/02/2006 01:52:38
Hi, I just finished the game as well.  Great first effort!  My only complaint would be that some of the exits to new rooms were rather hard to figure out.  I also got the same bug that mags_don pointed out about the game crashing near the end.


Where does one find the coffee shop?  Jesus mentions it when you give him the holy grail, but I don't see any stairs like the hint guide mentions.  Walking to the left crashes the game, and walking to the right puts me back into the room with Isis.
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Sun 05/02/2006 05:31:28

Jesus says north.  You can't go left until you go north.  My fault... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR finishing the game.  This was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: lakerz on Sun 05/02/2006 07:00:22
Ah, right you are.  I thought I had tried to go up before but the game didn't let me.  With that I got 989 out of the possible 999.

Again, very solid effort on your part to finish such a big project!  :=
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Sun 05/02/2006 20:18:42
Congrats!  I'm so glad you got through it and thanks for all the help with the bugs... You're actually the first one that's played it all the way through other than me. 
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Fri 10/02/2006 21:09:50
Ok, I know this'll sound like I'm pressing the point. I'm not, I'm just saying this to let you know: I'm currently updating the games on the AGS Games Archive. I'll add your game, naturally, but it'll be the version I have downloaded - i.e., the first. I won't upload any further versions on account of the size, but I will upload any patches you make.
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Sat 11/02/2006 07:33:35
If you keep anything... keep the C version.  It seems the one that has the most bugs fixed.  I've tried to use the patch but with the three sets of files to make it work... it doesn't seem to work... but I am working on it... Please though... take out the ADWM1,2,3 A and B versions... there are too many bugs... thanks for keeping up with this... Steve
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Sat 11/02/2006 08:58:01
Before I do that, humour me a bit - instead of applying the patchmaker to the three compressed files, apply it to the oldest version ("A" version) uncompressed (and using the newest, "C", version, also uncompressed). Then compress the patch. See if that helps.
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Sat 11/02/2006 13:27:15
I'll try it today... thanks again for the guidance.
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: skyfire2 on Sat 11/02/2006 21:23:33
Quote from: Uku on Fri 03/02/2006 14:29:17
grapics dont fit together, so it doesnt atract me do download.

sadly enough, same here. if i may add some c&c, theatrx, why don't you try to lower the color count in the backgrounds to give a slight cartoonish look.
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Sun 12/02/2006 07:56:07
Look guys... you may think that I was doing this game to make 'a game'.Ã,  I wasn't.Ã,  I was using AGS to see if it was possible to do an interactive tour or my city. Which through my 'game' I proved that it was possible.Ã,  That is where I'm going with this.Ã,  I don't intend on making any more 'games'. I intend on making interactive 'tours' of peoples businesses and my city in general.Ã,  The program is actually perfect for this.Ã,  That's why I used pictures.Ã,  The next step is to make an animated character that 'fits' in those pictures... which I have been working on.Ã,  Very many more sprites and 9 directions... A very intense problem but one that Thanks to Chris... the program is able to handle.

Thus far I have completed 14 blocks of businesses (The walkthrough) with a 'look' at each shop.Ã,  A push of the door opens up into the shop.

I have 10 shops now working with the 'actual' owner of the shop as the shopkeeper.

That's where I'm going with this.

I'm sorry if the graphics and the whatever don't match up for you... but I was doing this for me and my son.

I am more than happy with the results thus far... There are a number of other organizations that are very happy with the results as well since this will ultimately be an interactive 'class' for all school kids in SD county on how to recycle.

I went somewhere else with the program other than a 'game'... The program that Chris made is impeccable.Ã,  It works on such a broad basis.Ã,  I've even incorporated avi's in some of the rooms.Ã,  He's brilliant!Ã,  The man is uterlly brilliant!

So that's where I'm at.Ã,  So please stop harping at me that this doesn't match up with that.Ã,  It was never meant to in my mind.Ã, 

I placed it on the boards to show you what I was up to.Ã,  That's all.Ã,  Now, you've all told me that it doesn't match up and that's great.Ã,  Thanks for the comments.Ã,  At least, someone is looking at it.Ã,  Try to see it from my perspective please.Ã,  I'm not seeing this as a game.Ã,  I'm seeing it as a way to expand the use of AGS into the world using everything that Chris has set up.Ã,  Putting a completed working 'tour' of a city or a business at their disposal.

As I said, thus far, it is working perfectly but only through me learning how to do it with "A Day with Michael".Ã, 

ADWM was fun for me since it was my son and his new wife and all the stuff he loves... but for me it was all that little stuff thrown in that was teaching me how to throw all 'the little stuff' in for each business on my street.

I've learned so much from this program.Ã,  It is sooo logical!Ã,  It's almost scarry!Ã, 

I'm still a very poor script guy.Ã,  I'm learning bit by bit though.Ã,  Thanks to some very nice moderators... strazer and ashen have been impeccable as well as the 'Chris' who has helped out a number of times with my little problems.

Sorry to rant.Ã,  Steve
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: esper on Sun 12/02/2006 09:36:00
I don't normally say things to people I don't know, since I don't like most people. However, I had an idea, and because it is my idea, I must speak it.

Ashen created a very decent module. If you play my game "Heart of Abraxas," you can see it in action. To find the module, do a search for "panorama" or "panoramic." I believe you could use this to make a FIRST PERSON adventure into your local shops and businesses. This would suit it better than making it a third-person game and having to make an animated character to represent all the people that will be playing it, and it would make the "game" more immersive and give a feeling like you've really been there, so when the "gamer" actually does go to visit the shop, it will give a feeling of reminiscence and an overall desire to spend more money for the nostalgiagasm.

Take or leave my advice, but know this: for every time you do not take my advice, I will eat a baby. And I, in my glory, will KNOW when you do not take my advice.
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Sun 12/02/2006 14:37:28
Very cool!  I fooled around with the 3d but it didn't seem to do what I needed.  That Ashen!  Wow!  He sure knows his stuff.  Thank you much for this.  I will search for it today.  By the by... I loved Dr. Who when I was groing up... the first Dr. Who... Not so much the second... Thanks
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: on Wed 04/04/2007 10:00:04
Stive,hi,i wrote to you small letter in your site..plz ..respond..Ala
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: on Wed 04/04/2007 10:43:48
Stive,hi again.Please dont be angry with any are extreamly tallanted man to do such a job..i played many games here and ,i can say from shots,its one of the most beautifull once i seen.
Some ppl just play and didnt even immagine the effort producer made..the happyness he feel ,when its ended up..So..cary on..there are some ,who play and never comment,and they are thousands..they all appreciate your fantastic work..
Take care..
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: on Wed 04/04/2007 13:28:20
but he is gay u know ;)
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Wed 04/04/2007 13:52:06
Thank you so much.  That was very kind.  I wrote that game for my son for Christmas and incorporated his honeymoon at the end of the game.  He married a wonderful woman. I am so very proud of him... and her.  Steve(theatrx)
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: theatrx on Wed 11/04/2007 05:40:15
Thank you everyone for muddling through my first effort.  I didn't know jack about AGS when I started this.  All I knew was that it was an incredible engine and I wanted to use it for something else.  A Day with Michael was my first game and it was 'pretty' but it wasn't very good.  That said... I've worked on two other games that hopefully aren't as buggy as ADWM.  but they probably are... I was trying to figure out timers, counters and 'is colliding with'.  So, there are going to be bugs since all of those are major pains in the ass as to how they work. HOWEVER, the end result product which is an interactive tour of the downtown of my city is working very well thanks to all of you that participated in playing these learning lessons.  Sorry if playing was frustrating.  I never meant for it to be.  I didn't realize that when people play these games they do a 'whole' bunch of stuff that the maker didn't take into account.  That's my fault.  I'm learning though... thanks to you.
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: on Thu 12/04/2007 18:47:41
Theatrx,you did a grate job..dont you i said,some ppl foget sleepless nights,creation of story and so on and on..But ,i see that ppl didnt hard on you,its just ordinary hints they ask and asking you ,wat to do with bags,simply,cose they are very interested in your fantastic game to continiue.So..thanks so much for all your efford..keep going on and on with your projects..
(sorry 4 my english :)
Take care and give as more games to play..
Respect 8)
Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: splat44 on Sat 14/04/2007 05:42:23
Quote from: theatrx on Wed 11/04/2007 05:40:15
Thank you everyone for muddling through my first effort.  I didn't know jack about AGS when I started this.  All I knew was that it was an incredible engine and I wanted to use it for something else.  A Day with Michael was my first game and it was 'pretty' but it wasn't very good.  That said... I've worked on two other games that hopefully aren't as buggy as ADWM.  but they probably are... I was trying to figure out timers, counters and 'is colliding with'.  So, there are going to be bugs since all of those are major pains in the ass as to how they work. HOWEVER, the end result product which is an interactive tour of the downtown of my city is working very well thanks to all of you that participated in playing these learning lessons.  Sorry if playing was frustrating.  I never meant for it to be.  I didn't realize that when people play these games they do a 'whole' bunch of stuff that the maker didn't take into account.  That's my fault.  I'm learning though... thanks to you.

Steve, I am confuse here, you did sent a pm regarding this game and you did mentioned able provide me a download link.

Now is this game you wanted me to test or something?

Title: Re: A Day with Michael
Post by: splat44 on Sun 15/04/2007 00:34:11
Hi Steve,

Here come some of my discoveries:

Here what I did:
Going left from bridge (+5 point)
speaking to fish (+5 point)
Taking drum or meat (+5 point)
Talking to all christmas trees

going to back to fish area & speak to it one again (+20 points)

The following error show up.

Error: DoDialog: all options have been turned off

I did sent you a PM asking the following
How to reach other areas after speaking to chrismast trees, there no aren't
other walkable area except those I've visited. Can you answer to that as well?