Forest - A 48 hour Horror Vignette (+Source Code Released)

Started by Vince Twelve, Tue 16/07/2013 20:36:17

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Vince Twelve

A 48 hour game made for Molyjam 2013

Explore the Forest of People.
Talk to its residents, discover their secrets.
Come for the pseudo-3d, stay for the live-action FMV ending.


Use the arrow keys or WASD to move. Spacebar to interact. Ctrl-Q to quit.

About Molyjam

Molyjam is a 48 hour game jam inspired by the Tweets of @petermolydeux who regularly makes fun of the real Peter Molyneux's outlandish claims about games. This year, the theme was to pick a quote from the real Peter and use it as an inspiration for a game. I chose:

Quote from: Peter MolyneuxIf you could imagine, there was this hill completely full of people, like a forest of people. It was quite scary, actually.

And 48 hours later, this experiment popped out.

This version is actually slightly edited from the original 48 hour version. I fixed a few bugs and added some extra sound by Limpingfish!  Thanks Limpy!

Source code
I'm providing the AGS project for download if anyone's curious to look at how I did anything. But a quick disclaimer: this is shitty programming. I didn't have time to sit and plan things out, so it's all slapdash thrown together. At many points during the 48 hours I was thinking to myself: "That one's going to bite me in the butt later. Oh well, it works. Moving on."

Download Source Code v1.1 (for AGS 3.2.1)

Edit: Not two hours after release, Stupot found a game breaking bug.  Version 1.1 has been uploaded.  Download the new version if you run into a crash!


Brilliantly creepy. I managed to find the first item but then I wandered around totally lost in the 'forest' for ages. I'll go back to it but I had to take a break because felt myself 'vegging out' and speaking to all the different weird dudes. Looking forward to see how you pulled it off!

Vince Twelve

There's only one path in the game.  If you follow it, you'll eventually find everything you need up until the last bit.

Edit: Just uploaded the source code.


Just finished it. Nice job on the 3d effect and on the creep factor. Not bad for two days work :)


I know I already commented, but I need to implore you guys to play this game to the end and enjoy! For any time at all this is an excellent achievement never-mind 48 hours. Pure class. Everyone who's interested in AGS or otherwise needs to play this... SERIOUSLY. Ok. I'm not even brown nosing it's impressive to consider this was done with AGS.


I admire games that set quite strict input/design restrictions and still manage to make an enjoyable game out of it, and this did just that. I do believe my favourite aspect was how:

The individuals turn from muttering various reminiscences that set the scene nicely to providing directions to completing the game. A very elegant and splendid piece of design, that.

Thanks! :)


Creepy and very lovely! It took me a while to realize what was going on but after some time of just walking around talking to people I realized what I had to do and the solutions started coming naturally to me. I like this kind of flow in game design. You're not forcing anything on the player, apart from teaching them the game controls in the beginning, so they're left with a sense of freedom. Well done!

Vince Twelve

Yeah, I didn't know if the one word instructions "Follow" would be enough to get the player into the game and figuring out what to do.  If you start off going the wrong way right off the bat, you could be wandering for a while.  There was no time for playtesting, so you're some of the first people to finish it other than myself!

Thanks, guys!  Glad you liked it.  :=


Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore.

Vince Twelve

My Nebraska Driver's License.  It expires in March of 2014, so get it now.

Uh... seriously... I don't care.  Do what you will with it.  What license is that called?  I don't know anything about licenses.  If you find a way to sell it for big bucks under your own name, I wish you well.

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