Adventure Game Studio

AGS Games => Completed Game Announcements => Topic started by: Marion on Sat 05/01/2008 13:25:42

Title: James In Neverland
Post by: Marion on Sat 05/01/2008 13:25:42
My last point&click game made with Adventure Games Studio :)

You are James, a little boy from London, who will become friend with Peter Pan, and will have to travel through Neverland to rescue him.

Graphics are from Reiner (, and music from Kevin McLeod (

Instructions and solution are included in the zip file. There is an english translation, just lauch winsetup.exe.

=> Download JAMES IN NEVERLAND - Zip file, 34 Mo (



Title: Re: James In Neverland
Post by: vertigoaddict on Sat 05/01/2008 14:50:44
Why last? T_T

This game looks very interesting, I'll download it when I have more time and edit this post after I've played it.
Title: Re: James In Neverland
Post by: Marion on Sat 05/01/2008 15:06:59
Thank you :)
In fact, it's not my "last" game, it's the last game I made, the new one. Of course I will make other games after that one ^^
Title: Re: James In Neverland
Post by: on Sat 05/01/2008 15:13:32
That's... that's looking so cool! And a Peter Pan story, too!
D'load, here I come!
Title: Re: James In Neverland
Post by: Leon on Mon 07/01/2008 00:29:15
Just downloaded and played the game. Great grafix. Nice story. Not too hard though. More the point to point to point and click. The interface confused me at start so I ended up more than often in the inventory to talk to someone. The translation could be polished but didn't bother the gameplay.

I saw that the walkthrough was in the zip but I made another one, a bit more storylike instead of just a list of necessary actions. You can find it here (

Minor issue found: after restarting the game without closing the application I can go throught the intro again but when arriving on the beach with Peter (your second screenshot here) , all he can say: get me out of here and all I can ask is: where did you leave the gloves. So Peter is still in prison and I can't go anywhere. The inventory is also strangely reset 'cause I have a scroll, a mattock and the last potion the witch made me. No menu visible here so all I can do is crash the game.

Curious about your next game!
Title: Re: James In Neverland
Post by: Marion on Mon 07/01/2008 07:57:51
Thank you for this great walkthrough :)

Sorry for this strange bug  ???
I will see if I can fix it.
Title: Re: James In Neverland
Post by: on Mon 07/01/2008 15:46:13
This looks great, I'm going to give it a play asap!
Title: Re: James In Neverland
Post by: Joneleth on Wed 09/01/2008 19:01:17
Good game! And I was fooled :P

I was wondering where Captain Hook was, although it was obvious since James had the Jolly Roger all along. :P 

Keep up the good work, your games are cool!

(et tes BD aussi!  ;) )
Title: Re: James In Neverland
Post by: Marion on Wed 09/01/2008 19:02:25
Thank you Joneleth :)
I'm happy that you have guessed, I wonder how many players have ;)
Title: Re: James In Neverland
Post by: splat44 on Fri 11/01/2008 12:45:32
Hi Marion

I've played this game and below are my comment so that further games be improveds


1) spelling errors

"Et go to the adenture!"

I see a spelling error with the phrase to "Et" word.

English translation should be "and"

2) interactions box
The interactions box, it seems to be over used.
interactions box is normaly used on objects to be picked up or open such as doors but not on open entrances or on map.

Open entrances (go in or leave) a single click (left click) should do and this includes the map screen

3) Walkthrough
There few words that english people wouldn't understand example:
dungeon and donjon.
stone circle and cromlech

While writing english walkthroughs, I recommend adding french word in ( ) next to english area names such as:
stone circle and cromlech

It will be easier for english people.

That's all for now and great game
Title: Re: James In Neverland
Post by: Marion on Fri 11/01/2008 18:55:01
Thank you for your comments, Splat44. I will try to remember all of that for my next games :)
Title: Re: James In Neverland
Post by: Leon on Sat 12/01/2008 11:03:21
Splat44 should have read my walkthrough ...   :D
It's translated both there....

About the interaction on doors.... I think it's not too bad. It depends on want you want to say. Normally the default action is walk so a single click on the door would mean go through door. Others like to see it as use the door, so you should select the 'hand' pointer instead of the 'walk'.  I had more problems with the switching of the left- and right buttons. I'm used to cycle through the actions with the right and select with the left. Now both is done with the left.

If you like your game to be bi-lingual, it might be an idea to let someone else do the non-native language. You can always check it before publishing. Then again, the same goes for the native language. Let someone else do a spellingcheck. When you read it yourself you always miss the obvious same mistakes.

I can help you with translations if you need any assistance. (Oui, aussi votre langue ;-)
Title: Re: James In Neverland
Post by: Marion on Sat 12/01/2008 12:20:35
Thank you Leon, I will remember your offer for my next game :)