MAGS: Me Go Away!

Started by Akatosh, Sat 27/10/2007 09:52:47

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Yeah, I went there.

Features a funny-at-first-listen-but-really-annoying-afterwards background tune, an EPIC BATTLE TUNE and some plot help by FSi and, um, ... everything Me Go Store! had, only worse. The plot doesn't make much sense... as the game... and the puzzles... and pretty much everything else... but hey.

Get Me Go Away!


Looks like I'm the only person to have downloaded this so far!

It's not the greatest game in the world, but it's quite inventive and even has an arcade-style game in it! Given that it was made in about an hour or so, I'm impressed.

Here, you won't find achingly beautiful graphics and thought-provoking gameplay with puzzles that take days to solve, but it will make you laugh. Well, it made me laugh a lot, and not many games do that.

EDIT: I got stuck and *almost* started a Hints and Tips thread for this game, but that would have been embarrassing because the game's easy... I had just overlooked something.


Quote from: paolo on Sat 27/10/2007 12:26:08
Looks like I'm the only person to have downloaded this so far!

I've downloaded it like an hour ago.  :)

The game was short but indeed pretty enjoyable. I wouldn't mind more of this.


One day, I'll understand what people like about this Me Go Store stuff. Until then, thanks for the nice comments, people!  :)

Neil Dnuma

Any other way to get this game? The link only brought me to a Porntrack-history-killing spyware installer. And I don't want the internets to mess with my porn.


It's also available from my site, exactly here.
Direct download, no popups, 'high-speed' server in USA...


Yeah, sorry about that, but it was the only way to get the game to a host that works nearly 99% percent of the time... thanks for the mirroring, FSi. I'll update the games database entry immediatly!  :)


Ick, that music is really bad! Scott Joplin is supposed to be rag piano, not pseudo-melodic flute.


Downloaded and enjoyed.

A lil bug: If you came back from the airport, the main character dispeared for good.

QuoteOne day, I'll understand what people like about this Me Go Store stuff. Until then, thanks for the nice comments, people!

Here why :

== Akatosh Games ==
Originality : Huge
Pixel Hunting : None
Interaction Level : 100% - If it's draw, it's (usually) clickable.
Puzzle Logic : From Good to excellent.
Immersion : Relative to player imagination. Personnal score :100%
Overall : Light and Refreshing

== Last Commercial Game I Bought ==
Originality : Sherlock Holmes vs A cheap Lovecraft mummy...
Pixel Hunting : Relatively Heavy.
Interraction Level : Low like hell. Most puzzles need to find fire sources on a mansion fullfill of candles and gazlights.
Puzzle logic : None. To find what's interractable IS a puzzle.
Immersion : Very good and long cutscenes. (to read : none)
Overall : Frustrating, boring, better rent a movie instead.

"I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe. Destroyed pigeon nests on the roof of the toolshed. I watched dead mice glitter in the dark, near the rain gutter trap.
All those moments... will be lost... in time, like tears... in... rain."


He didn't disappear, the invisibility-ness from his car just rubbed off on him.  That's not a bug, that's a feature!

Great little game considering how fast it was made, but I demand a more complete version now that the MAGS deadline has passed and you have the time to work on it (you can't even LOOK at the invisitrain- wasted opportunities, I mourn for you!)


Yeah, and it needs more EPIC BATTLE TUNES instead of flute ragtimes.


If I can screw up more EPIC BATTLES, there shall be more EPIC BATTLE TUNES!  ;)
No, seriously now. I might actually expand this a little, and if only to fix a few issues.



I've always sort of glanced at your games and sort of "meh'd" them. I decided to give this one a shot and will now be playing your other games.

Most enjoyable.


Boy, that EPIC BATTLE TUNE didn't exactly match my taste - I would have preferred a piece of nice ol' country music, dueling fiddles or twanging banjos for that matter - it was a fight involving beer and trains, after all. Other than that, all of my thumbs have unvoluntarily gone up and point to the sky.
I, object.

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