Mythical Gambit Tales of the OceanSpirit

Started by Icey, Sun 02/06/2013 19:10:22

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Just to be on the safe side I think the Database want's me to make at least 1/3 topics for a game. I sure hope so cause this is frustrating X(

Mythical Gambit: Tales of the OceanSpirit, is a demo themed around OSD. The Demo is created to show a bit of how my Bakesale game will work however. It's a bit rushed because of school but I was able to create some simple elements to connect the unfinished code from MG:FF to form Junction System for the Demo.

You can download it here: (give me a sec to make the database page This is not working :( just download here instead for now cause I'm sure it's just a bug cause I noticed I don't have the option to add a image and it forces me to check my game off as a demo. )


I'm just left feeling terribly confused.


The game is a demo of another game that's currently in development. The demo is meant to showcase how the real game will work how the story in the demo was created entirely for the demo. It has nothing to do with the full game, the story is just mean't to focus around OceanSpirit Dennis for the OSD Birthday month.

Peder 🚀

Now I'm left feeling terribly confused!


Quote from: icey games on Sun 02/06/2013 19:10:22
Just to be on the safe side I think the Database want's me to make at least 1/3 topics for a game. I sure hope so cause this is frustrating X(

What are you talking about? The database doesn't require any threads to be made. Your game isn't even in the database!

EDIT: What is happening in this battle? Why do I keep downloading this stuff? WHY?! THE PAIN! THE PAIN!

Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


I got the same thing, I thought it was done on purpose. The thing that baffles me is how there 42 000 lines of script in this little game.

If this wasn't a joke (which I initially thought it was, like all the other OSD games), then you really need to clarify how the battle system works Icey.

I couldn't figure out if the HP and Mana I was seeing was mine or my opponent's, and why my own attacks seemed to damage me as well and also just generally what was going on.

I think you really need to invest in a spellchecker before releasing your games - I understand OSD's speech is supposed to be typo-ridden, but the rest you can see was just pure laziness on your part. It wasn't even bad spelling most of the time, just blatant typos which are easy to spot with a read through.

Perfect example is LimpingFish's screenshot - 'conrinrued'... Really? With a quick proofread you could have seen it's supposed to 'continued', since that's obviously just a typo and not a spelling mistake.


That error is done on purpose, I couldn't find away a neat way to finish the game so I did that.

There are that many lines cause that game is built of the real game. :P

The game was rushed, I was getting real bored of it cause I had to hurry cause I had a bunch of stuff to do for school, I promised I would make something for the OSD bday month, and I thought I had to august to finish the full game. I've been busy for a while now developing the battle system for the game. I wanted to finish the battle system so the rest of the demo could be a breeze but notice the date and I knew I didn't have enough time. Basically I wanted to resume work on the real game asap cause even though I needed a small break I just didn't have to fix all the spelling. My focus was to create close enough battle system that would be similar to the final version.

So don't take it as lazy, it's just a short rushed game thats full of typos, doesn't sound too good but my main goal was to finish something that works with error(game breaking). I won't be able too go back and fix anything even if I wanted cause I had to back and edit some stuff to continue working on the full game.


Quote from: icey games on Tue 18/06/2013 08:28:28
I won't be able too go back and fix anything even if I wanted...

This is my new favorite quote.

Anyway, about the database? Could you explain what you said earlier?
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


Quote from: icey games on Tue 18/06/2013 08:28:28
That error is done on purpose, I couldn't find away a neat way to finish the game so I did that.
Code: AGS
QuitGame (0); // This is generally the correct way to do it.


Quote from: Scavenger on Tue 18/06/2013 20:35:17
Quote from: icey games on Tue 18/06/2013 08:28:28
That error is done on purpose, I couldn't find away a neat way to finish the game so I did that.
Code: AGS
QuitGame (0); // This is generally the correct way to do it.

He's been told this who knows how many times already, and he still persists on doing it via AbortGame.
Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore.


I'm aware of the quitgame(0);, I use it in my games, in fact just it's in the exit button on the main menu.

I can't go back to fix what I've done because the game was built on top of the main game. I changed a few things around just so the demo could work and I had to go and back put things back to normal so I could continue working. Now I could have made a extra game and just did same in that game then I would have had the code for the normal and the demo.

Now as for the database, I can't upload my game cause I get an error. I thought it required something extra but really didn't but instead the problem might be that it wants a screenshot but I can add it to the games page because the option is missing from the (adding form)

I this seems confusing but try to understand where I'm coming from. I know I'm not the best speller but one thing I do notice is everyone seems to only read or get half of what I'm saying. It's not fair know, never mind. Just try to understand what I'm saying, I have no problem with trying to make my stuff more clearer but I don't I just don't like having comments made that makes me look stupid. Some are ok but others get the point. ;)

Calin Leafshade

"To be conrinued" is about the funniest thing I've ever read on the internet ever.


Icey I just looked at your other thread in The Rumpus Room -- Your art is quite nice, you seem to have a knack for drawing characters from different angles, and your backgrounds look very pretty.

I think if you really focused on the gameplay and writing aspects of your games you could pretty much create something very enjoyable. I wish you luck in future projects man.


Thanks dude, I get that a lot. It's like I said tho that the game was rush however I can't deny that the gameplay/text have been a problem in the past. But I can assure you and and anyone else for the matter that I'm still getting better at fixing both on my own ;)

All I can say is stay tuned for the more better and sexier full game.

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