The Sphinx of Time [MAGS October]

Started by jfrisby, Sun 03/11/2024 16:05:31

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The Sphinx of Time

The Sphinx of Time is a sci-fi-timewarping-mystery-point & click with 30-60 minutes of fiendish puzzles, exploration, and adventure.  Join the crew of The Bahamut as they voyage to the end of the universe to try to save time!

- Multiple player characters!
- 8 colours!
- Piano and space clarinet soundtrack!
- Riddles? Pangrams?
- Possibly difficult puzzles, that may require taking notes (you've been warned!)

Made by Babar & jfrisby over two months for 2024 MAGS August "Timewarp" & MAGS October "Finish your MAGS game".



Was fun to play, good riddles and nice jokes. Had to scratch my head a few times, well done.


Good game! Even the trick to save time by not doing walkcycles ends up being a universal pun.  ;)
The world building and character banter is entertaining and tongue-in-cheek funny, even though the problems they face are serious enough. Once again, I'll praise the piano playing that sets the mood throughout. Along with limited palette graphics, that's become somewhat of a hallmark for your games, giving familiarity even though the plots vary greatly.

I really liked the clues left behind, like the writings on the wall. They hint of a larger story, and lets the player fill in the blanks. I wonder if the stuffed head and other items are there just for decoration, or if they belong to a puzzle not appearing in the game?

Like Cat, I discovered the coins and the beat before the need for them arose. If I had to nitpick about something, it would have to be that. Then again, it could be explained away by deja vu, given the cycle of events.

The best puzzle (which I probably should post in the almost forgotten puzzle thread) has to be the star/button puzzle. It requires spotting a pattern, includes other actions and multiple locations, both players being active and is almost impossible to brute force.

The unexplained bits: How and/or why could the museum people (?) make the puzzle? The light from the stars would have to travel for thousands of years before appearing in the correct windows.  ???
 That's...probably best not to think too deeply of. And what happens now that the Sphinx resets time without a new liver? Is he healed? Is the cycle truly reset? With the captain still in space, can time be saved the next time? Uh-uh!  8-0

Thanks for a game that was fun and challenging to play!

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