RotN: The Case of the Muffin Diver MAGs Feb 2016 Happy 15th year!

Started by Retro Wolf, Sat 27/02/2016 19:29:55

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Retro Wolf

version 1.1

Detective Max Griff gets a call from the local Sheriff, there's a headless body in the forest! A contribution to the Reality on the Norm series.


Remember to use the HINT button for help.
If played in window, use the 2x filter at least.

A short game made for MAGs and RotN's 15th year.
Music Farty Crooks by Eric Matyas.


Just played, finished and really enjoyed this little RoN game. Nice!


Just finished playing the game: A load of fun, which I knew was going to be woefully short. I wanted more of the humour and lovely graphics and animation! Puzzles were quite easy but a lot of fun!

Maybe this could be the lead-in to a medium or full-length game? :-D

I did find one bug (nothing game-breaking):

You can take the pumpkin from the catalog shelter again after you put the first pumpkin on the plinth

Retro Wolf

Well it is a magic pumpkin Mandle! ;)

I know it's a little too short, but short games are all I have time and motivation for these days.
Try finding that parse error when you've got one kid screaming in your ear and the other one trying to destroy everything! (laugh)

Thanks for playing Arjon and Mandle!

Retro Wolf

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