The Dark Plague (MAGS - January, 2016)

Started by Gurok, Fri 12/02/2016 12:28:33

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The Dark Plague

You are a charlatan, trapped in the previous doctor's home while the townspeople outside are screaming for your blood. Make a cure or find a way to escape before they end you.

Created for MAGS January, 2016.

>> Download here <<



Impressive game. Full atmospheric.
Great game.
My official site:


I had a great time playing this, going in cold, and just letting things happen. I had a bit of an issue with needing to be next to things without any keyboard controls, but the atmosphere made up for it! Congrats!

On my first playthrough, when I went back into the main room and everything had changed I got way too excited for my own good... (nod)


Really enjoyed it. I liked the use of color and sound, and I really like the level of detail in the UI. The writing and the theme was good, looked well researched.

I was also really creeped out, in a good way, as the rooms changed when I returned to them :-) I got into a few of the outcomes, but what I was really trying to get into were the Pagan solutions. How many different outcomes or solutions are there? How do I figure out the pagan parts?


Very good game. Nice grapics and good puzzles and I also enjoyed the change of rooms. I got three different ends (charlatan succeeds, charlatean flees and charlatan is killed by the mob). Can only recommend it

Michael Davis

This game looks awesome but when I downloaded the .rar from the link provided my Windows Defender software said the archive had a Trojan virus:

Maybe you should check your system, Gurok :/


Quote from: Michael Davis on Tue 23/02/2016 01:16:28
This game looks awesome but when I downloaded the .rar from the link provided my Windows Defender software said the archive had a Trojan virus:

Maybe you should check your system, Gurok :/

It's probably a false positive.
You'd be surprised at how unreliable antivirus software can be. Still, I'd always recommend having one installed.

By the way, I've downloaded it and tested it with both AVG and Malwarebytes, and haven't gotten anything. So definitely a false positive.


Quote from: Michael Davis on Tue 23/02/2016 01:16:28
This game looks awesome but when I downloaded the .rar from the link provided my Windows Defender software said the archive had a Trojan virus:

Maybe you should check your system, Gurok :/

Ahhhh. You should think about downloading some third party internet security programs. If windows defender is picking up false positives it might be that you actually have that trojan in your system or something, but it can't find it or do anything about it. Download a copy of AVG and Malwarebytes like Danvzare did and see if that helps clean things up. I'll go through the rar again to make sure on my end.
Art Director and Lead Artist for "Kate and Shelly Stick Together"


Quote from: Edmundito on Mon 22/02/2016 03:50:42
Really enjoyed it. I liked the use of color and sound, and I really like the level of detail in the UI. The writing and the theme was good, looked well researched.

I was also really creeped out, in a good way, as the rooms changed when I returned to them :-) I got into a few of the outcomes, but what I was really trying to get into were the Pagan solutions. How many different outcomes or solutions are there? How do I figure out the pagan parts?

Sorry for the double post!

There's actually 3 main endings with a secret ending that have variations. The main ones are making the fever cure, the fervor cure, and escaping into the woods.

Fever cure - make the strange concoction following the guide, then leave the front door.
Fervor cure - make the foul concoction, spread on both windows, leave through the front door.
Escape through window - leave through the window.

The variations are:
No cure - you're killed by the townspeople regardless if you leave the front door.
high fever, low fervor - you die of plague shortly after leaving the house.
high fervor, low fever - you go crazy and start burning heretics at the stake.
high fever, high fervor - you probably just die of the plague. Can't remember this one.
Escape through window with no supplies - you die of exposure.
Escape through window with water/wine and coins - you survive and run away.

Secret ending - throw everything into the firepit. After a certain number of items it triggers the house burning down. By default you die in the fire; however, if you unlock the window and open it you escape and stop the spread of the plague. You live a full life and nobody ever finds out :')
Art Director and Lead Artist for "Kate and Shelly Stick Together"


Ok, so I got all except high fever cure. Anywa....
The virus scanner did not alert me (ok, I run on Linux anyway -> clamwin and maldet)

Michael Davis

Snap. Maybe it's on my end. I have a bunch of stuff running but I will do it all in Safe Mode and see what happens. Sorry for the false alarm!


Hey Gurok your game got chosen as one of the Best Free Games of the Week on PC Gamer!  Nice one ;-D


My official site:


Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 24/02/2016 23:33:11
Hey Gurok your game got chosen as one of the Best Free Games of the Week on PC Gamer!  Nice one ;-D

AWESOME!!! Now just watch the downloads count go through the roof!

A few years ago I "made" a game called "The Adventures Of The Black Hand Gang"...I released it about 3 hours before having to wake up and go to the airport to head back to Australia for a trip, during which time I did not have internet access mostly...

Upon arriving back here in Japan I discovered that the game had achieved "Free Games Of The Week" status and had gone 600+ downloads in a bugged version (still playable, but very embarrassing), which only required a single line of code to fix...After fixing, the game has gone to about 2000 downloads last time I looked, but I still have a very red face about that first 600 something...

Cool story eh, bro?

Anyone want me to tell it again?


Trying your game for a while... congratulations is a sturdy piece of work. A good example of how you can make a good game in lo-fi graphics.

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