Bolnar's Mission

Started by zeblin, Tue 21/02/2006 09:27:49

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This is a test game I made for a story line I wrote 15 years ago.  The real game isn't programmed yet because I am not very good with art work (graphics).  I wrote this to test my programming ability.  Let me know what you think of my first attempt.
Also, I know the graphics aren't good.  But anyone please tell me if a great story line would carry the lack of drawing ability.  If that's the case, I'd go ahead with the real game.  Any input would be valued.

Bolnar's Mission

P.S.  There is "some" salty language from time to time.


Quote from: zeblin on Tue 21/02/2006 09:27:49
The real game isn't programmed yet because I am not very good with art work (graphics).
That sentence made little, or no, sense to me.

Anyhoo.. I'm dowloading now. Give ya a sound when completed.

EDIT: I completed the game and... Well... You completed a game! Dont really have much more to say than that.

A couple of questions tho: Why does he use the blue cup for a helmet? Surely it wouldnt kill you to draw a helmet.
Why can't i walk on the brown carpet?
And where is that salty language?


Yeah, what I meant was I have a full story line to a game with these characters that I haven't made because I can't draw.

The helmet thing was an inside joke.  If you click the eye icon you see that I admit it's a cup.

The brown carpet is actually a desk.  Like I said, I can't draw.

The salty language comes if you try talking to everything you see in the ship's hanger.  Just making a few jokes is all.

Thanks for giving it a try.

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