Xenophobe Returns returns!

Started by , Mon 15/03/2004 23:14:27

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I am aware it's not a full game, but it is as FULL as it will ever be! Xenophobe Returns, by Andrey Biglari (of the former AJ Pictures, circa 2000) is available once more!


It was made using the DOS version of RoomEdit, so sincere apologies about it being machine dependant. It's a bit too old to upgrade to Windows (I think), but something could be sorted I'm sure.

Also available is Andrey's demo, The Invisible Machine... PLUS! I'm hoping to get a copy of the ill-fated adventure Dimensia which he was making, cancelled/stopped due to a bug in development that even CJ himself couldn't fix!  :o

So yeah, blast from the past! Take a look :)

Keep an eye on the classics page, as I try and revive older, dead adventures and demos.

PLUS, if anyone wants a page for their game in association with s7e, contact me on;

Also available now, Floyd SB and Pizza Quest.



Jeez, I thought that you had beaten me to producing a game.  ;D

Nice additions, and I may consider your offer about being hosted and associated with you.
- Oh great, I'm stuck in colonial times, tentacles are taking over the world, and now the toilets backing up.
- No, I mean it's really STUCK. Like adventure-game stuck.
-Hoagie from DOTT


Heh actually I just want to know if anyone got hold of a copy of tw2 before it's taken down (because it's too buggy according to Andail), I want to see how it looks (even if it's buggy and probably cant be completed) and I don't want to wait forever for Andail to release it. ;D


buggy...it's just plain bad...

good luck finding it by the way :P


Heh I just feel I'm missing something having played tw1 and tw3 but not tw2.


Perhaps its a bit like LOTR, where its not essential to have seen the other movies to watch the third one.


Funny you should mention that Mods, Peter Jackson said the same thing. Our creations have so much in common!

Seriously, though; forget about tw2 - not only because it was a bad game, but because I don't have it, and I reckon noone else has it either. But thanks for showing interest :)


Why do I find it so hilarious that there's no picture for the Invisible Machine?

This is quite a cool idea, Modsy.  Huzzah!
Sssshhhh!!! No sex please, we're British!!- Pumaman


LOL, yeah! It's not quite the irony you'd think it is though. It's the fact PSP can't capture the screen (just comes up all jumbled) and the F12 key doesnt seem to have any effect within the game.

The graphics are similar to that of Xenophobe though, trust me!

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