Boogie Bum's Roger Quest

Started by jwalt, Wed 10/02/2016 23:01:53

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A game using RoN assets and intended as an entry in the Feb 2016 MAGS competition. Can you help The Bum find Roger?

Download link:

This game turned out more movie than actual game, but posting it anyway. Short game, set in the RoN universe. I used Ghost's BASS template.


Downloading... :)
Not you do know that there's still plenty of time, you could use this time into implementing some gaming features and puzzles.

Either will give it a try right now. :)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Cassiebsg on Thu 11/02/2016 08:14:04
Downloading... :)
Not you do know that there's still plenty of time, you could use this time into implementing some gaming features and puzzles.

Either will give it a try right now. :)

I may try to do more with it. I'd have to rethink a few of the booleans I'm using to control things. Also, The Bum may not have been the best choice in main character, since, if my take on the canon is correct, he never makes a great deal of sense, anyway. My attention span, anymore, seems to limit the amount of time I spend interested in a project. But thanks for taking a look.


Bums are always the best characters. Hell, one got an AGS Award some time ago! :D


My apologies, I accidentally destroyed the db entry for your game and tried to restore it but got a page expired. Please do put it back in there and sorry again for causing this problem.


Quote from: Mods on Sun 14/02/2016 19:41:49
My apologies, I accidentally destroyed the db entry for your game and tried to restore it but got a page expired. Please do put it back in there and sorry again for causing this problem.

I put it back up. Also added the other game, Luther in the Hood, but it is showing up twice (under the same number). Must have done something wrong, or it is my nefarious plan for getting even.  ;-)  Can you fix?

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