Search for the christmas present... REMAKE!

Started by Pet Terry, Tue 23/12/2003 17:55:55

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Pet Terry

Hello hello!

As it's almost christmas, it's time to release my short christmas game I finished earlier today. Here, have a screenie:

Game is about a young boy who tries to find a hidden christmas present in his house. This is a remake of a game I released last christmas and this is LOT better :P Okay, if you find any bugs etc. post it here and I may fix it. I didn't have much time to betatest this, so it's possible that there's some bugs. Also, don't care about typos :P

Err... if I have something to add, I'll edit this post.

Click this to download

So... merry christmas everybody, and enjoy the game :P

Oh, and special thanks to Annie (OneThinkingGal) for making the neat interface graphics ^_^/
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Looks awesome!!!!!  Great job on this one!
This signature intentionally left blank.



Great game!!  The graphics are cartoon-y enough to be a really strong feature.  Plus, I like the music and the ending was great too.  Good job.  Makes me want to write another game now.

One suggestion, though.  Allow the player to click-skip when the character is talking.


I found a small bug.  It's not major, but when you operate the cellar door, after you've already gotten the key, he still says "There's a key on the other side of the lock" even though you already have the key in the inventory.  It's not a major thing.  I just noticed it as I was watching someone else play the game.

Great little game!

Pet Terry

Thanks for the feedback!

And you can skip the speech by pressing keyboard, I guess I forgot to add that to readme-file...
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Coolio! :D
Could you post that poster in its real size? I lost it while formatting :(
Cool game, but I am too tired to continue now, so tomorrow! :D
Veteran, writer... with loads of unreleased games. Work in progress.


Heh, It kinda suprised me when I saw that teeny pic from vegatable patch extreem that I drew in with the boxes...

Otherwise, fun game, Iplayed and liked the original too...

Pet Terry

<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Hehe! Cool! A reference to Roger Foodbelly ;D
You also included the famout word "teh" :P

But hm.... there was going to be errors in the game, like "magik box"?

Oh, and the exit it the first room should be easier to get to. Make a hotspot or something, or like a _        |
on the black bottom.

Even another easteregg from Foodbelly! My oh my! I'm proud.
P.S - That image is outdated ;)

I liked the credits sequence. It was out of the ordinary.
Oh my oh my :D

This was sweet :D

Dice: 4+
Veteran, writer... with loads of unreleased games. Work in progress.

Pet Terry

Ooh :o yay!

Magik box was... is... something you can find in another game by me (which isn't finished yet though :P)

Hehe, glad you liked the credits!
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7

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