Fibber's Summer (prototype)

Started by InfernalGrape, Tue 14/05/2024 23:24:34

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What's Fibber's Summer?

It's a short interactive experience I've made for some local game jam around two years ago. It was my first experience of doing a project with Adventure Game Studio, so it's pretty small and simple. And during that jam we had just three days for completion. The theme of jam was "Nobody will believe you".

I was hesitating to post it here, however... I was getting nice feedback from friends and fellow participants who enjoyed it for being a surreal and funny. Also it was a project where I tried to flesh out a certain style of visual and sonic direction I had in mind. So I decided to share it here as well (which will also add a context to a project I'm currently working on that will be a next step from this, basically).

Hope you'll enjoy this small miniature. And if you'd have an interpretation of message/idea you felt from it, I'd be happy to hear (so far, various players were expressing different perceptions).

Download (4 mb)


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