Adventure Game Studio

Creative Production => Critics' Lounge => Topic started by: DragonRose on Wed 16/04/2003 22:33:03

Title: desktop image
Post by: DragonRose on Wed 16/04/2003 22:33:03
This is going to be the desktop image for my main character's computer


Those three people are her best friends, and members in her band, (from left to right) the drummer, the bass player and the lead guitarist.

Toronto can be seen in the background.  :D

The main character's finger may be seen at the bottom right  ;D(it's supposed to be a crappy snapshot)

I'm not too pleased with the shading, however.  Any help any one could give me would cause me to love them forever. :-*

Not that way, you sicko!
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: Quickstrike on Thu 17/04/2003 04:19:40
Make the lines for their clothes and skin a little less wavy.
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: Scummbuddy on Thu 17/04/2003 04:42:15
I think that the guy on the right 's arms needs adjustment.  Both seem to be a little off.  his left arm seems to be on both sides of the girl, like the girls leg should come over more on his arm/sleeve.  I'd also widen the top of his right arm (the one towards us)

I really like this picture.  I think it was well done.
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: Neole on Thu 17/04/2003 10:12:08
I love the image as it is! Except for the blurred background which I would have preferred in the same style as the front characters.
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: Matt Brown on Fri 18/04/2003 04:27:51

hey, that drummer looks a lot like me...and I thought he was the one that dies...

/me hides
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: remixor on Fri 18/04/2003 05:46:53
I don't know how easy it would be, but maybe you could smooth out the lines a bit?  Other than that, I think it looks fantastic!  Good luck with the rest of your game.
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: blacksoul on Fri 18/04/2003 07:24:22
The girl's left arm is too long!
And i can't see where her left arm ends...
that's all
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: Proskrito on Fri 18/04/2003 17:44:41
the image is great, but i think the shades on the left guy´s shirt are a bit saturated. And it looks a bit strange to me that there are so much detail in noses, eyes, lips, etc... and the rest of the picture has a more-blurred style.
But i think it looks great!!
(edit: i wrote 'shit' instead of 'shirt'...)
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: SSH on Fri 18/04/2003 17:50:28
Firstly, love the pic, shadind and blurry effects. However...

Drummer has a blackhead on his forehead and Bass player has drool on her bottom lip... and the girls arm has been cut off as blacksoul said.
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: DragonRose on Fri 18/04/2003 20:59:02
Arm problem- Eek! I thought I'd fixed that. Erm... she's an amputee?  

SSH: It's not drool, it's a piercing.  But I do have to fix the random black pixels.  I'll post a fixed up version soon.
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: Vel on Sat 19/04/2003 15:17:59
Remove the blur effect. Otherwise, it is great.
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: Soft, Gooey, Delicious. on Wed 23/04/2003 05:41:48
You should add a nail to the blurred out finger. As it stands I didn't realise what it was until I read what you'd written.
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: n3tgraph on Wed 23/04/2003 07:52:35
lol@drool ;D ;D

I first thought it was some kind of lip gloss and it looks pretty cool :)
but when SSH said something with drool hahaha :) lol :)
Title: Re:desktop image
Post by: MrColossal on Wed 23/04/2003 09:39:36

i think you just need to clean up those edges

there are many strayed pixels, unless you want it like that

and also pick a light source and stick with it, there are lots of conflicting shadows on those people

also use more contrasty colours, you can barely see their facial features and the lines in their pants are almost non existant

and it's 5 am i have to sleep