Adding atmosphere to my background

Started by ThreeOhFour, Wed 05/09/2007 11:05:18

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Personally I think you need to tell us what kind of hall way is it.  Is it a hospital, prison, or some sort of administrative offices for something?

The top "trim" is neat and all but there's no place that has what looks like wall trim at the top.  Some utility cabinets and so forth are ok, although maybe what should be there instead is the cabinet for the fire hose and/or fire extinguisher.

The post looks out of place, firstly because it's brown, it might be painted white and it might be a bit bigger.  I could see another post inbetween the left door (along the wall) and the double doors at the end of the hall.

Also you might want a rather large ventilation duct towards the ceiling.

Also personally I would extend the floor in that completely black area, and then of course leave it in shadow.

I might not put lights over the doors but rather in the ceiling hanging down, again dependant on what kind of hallway it is.


Here's a quick before work edit with some shadows:

The corridor is meant to be like a staff only corridor leading to store rooms etc on a large ship. I realise it is rather large for this sort of corridor, but want to keep it this size for simplicity. The post is actually mean to be a pipe such as one would expect to find on a large ship.

I'm actually quite happy with this background now, but further crits are always welcome.


Ehm, don't you think that light would reflect on floor. Unless there is no floor and the balck area is just vast emptiness.
I am just a shallow stereotype, so you should take into consideration that my opinion has no great value to you.



Looks great, Ben.
All thats needed now is some bloodstains and pieces of brain splattered up the walls.
What kind of game is it for... if any?


Radiowaves - The floor is actually the dark grey/green part. Look up the far end and see how that wall joins on.

Screenshot for reference:

Stupot - Glad you like it dude. It is for a game. There will be details soon, I promise.

space boy

You should add a reflection for the guy in the finished game. Otherwise it's going to look weird.


Spaceship or ocean-going ship?

You might want to still change that "post" to be instead a large pipe, and probably going up to some pipes and girders along the ceiling.


I don't get it, floor reflects door, which is dark, but the brightest part is left unreflected :D Ok, there is something, but the reflection of light must be clearly a lot brighter! Certainly brighter than door. Same goes with the wall which could be a bit darker further away from light.
I am just a shallow stereotype, so you should take into consideration that my opinion has no great value to you.


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