First 3D Model and 3D Background

Started by joelphilippage, Tue 12/06/2007 02:07:06

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I have been working on making 3d models. Here is a witch that I made.


tell me what you think.


It's funny and likeable. The face could do with a little more detail, giving the nose more definition. At the moment it looks like a single point drawn out. You could also look into UV mapping. The (orthogonal?) mapping you're using means that the witch's mouth is appearing on the front and back of her head and travels through her neck in the side view.


It's pretty nice for your first  :D. I would suggest you watch some video tutorials on how to model characters. Then you can get  your model a little cleaner and more realistic.  :)


what program are you using?


I'm using milkshape since that's what AGS supports.
Ive updated the character by adding hair on the side of her head and making the face more detailed. This is what she looks like in the game. I would also like some criticism on the background.


I like the background. It has character. Is the scarecrow a char though? Because he stands out a lot from the background, he is an awful lot sharper. Looks a little odd.

Also, for the witch, it may look better if the patterns on her upper body and briefcase aren't so sharp and defined. They look a bit 'scratchy' I like the rest of it though.


What did you make the model in?

Can we see a wireframe shot of it?
"This must be a good time to live in, since Eric bothers to stay here at all"-CJ also: ACHTUNG FRANZ!


As I said above, I made it in Milkshape.
Here is a wireframe shot of it.

I also took another close up on the face scince I changed it some more. It looks a lot more creepy.


What I'm seeing in this screencap tells me that you need to read up on low-poly modeling.  This model, as it is, is extremely wasteful of resources.  The idea is to use as little geometry as possible to capture the shape that you're looking for.  A prime example is the arms.  There are a ton of vertices (and therefore faces) between the ends of those cylinders that don't contribute to the shape at all.  You also don't need that many vertices in the caps of the cylinders.  For a simplistic character such as this, any more than six to eight is probably too much.

Basically, just looks at those really densely white areas.  All of those need to be toned way down.  The hair could even be part of the same mesh as the head with proper UV mapping.


Hmpf, such a complicated wireframe  :o Changing/animating it would be quite a task I think. You shure could have saved some polys. Whats with the upside pentagram texture?
I am just a shallow stereotype, so you should take into consideration that my opinion has no great value to you.



Looks good! Perhaps you should download a poly reducer, since the model has a lot of unnecesary polygons. I would also recomend you to download 3D Studio Max, or the free alternative: Gmax. The background looks awesome, though.
Somebody set us up the bomb!


So I, erm, worked on this and then went out of town for the weekend, and then I forgot  :P

Anyway, I know that this isn't a professional attempt by any measure, but it does at least demonstrate that you can capture the shape of a thing and still spare polygons... the entire head, hat included, only contains 166 triangles.

I tried to emulate a few things you had going in yours, including the toothy grin and the one smaller eye.  Actually, instead of making the eye smaller, I just partially closed it.  It didn't work out all that well, but there you go.

If anybody wants the actual mesh (to use or study, feel free to do as you want), you can download it here.  Zip file contains mesh in OBJ format along with the material file and bitmap texture.


Nice one Candal it's not wasting resources at all. You obviously know your low poly modeling... Still something I wanna do soon.

@ joelphilippage The character look likable but the way hes now he is a bit defunct, also try and textre him a  little better. I like the Bg's too.

Will definitely make for a nice adv game.


its a good effort. im glad to see the 3d background kinda matches the style you usually go for in your 2d backgrounds. lots of good advice has been given here (nice one candall)


My god joelphilippage, that's the most hilarious 3d model I've ever seen! Make some really over the top animations for it and it will be the best game of all time! If you can remove some of the polygons on the body while maintaining the distorted face, it would lower the load on the CPU... but for Christ's sake DONT CHANGE THAT FACE!

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