Adventure Game Studio

Creative Production => Critics' Lounge => Topic started by: Flawed on Sun 12/06/2011 02:22:11

Title: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: Flawed on Sun 12/06/2011 02:22:11
It's going to be a scary game. The player stumbles on an abandoned orphanage and finds poster like this on the walls. The poster is supposed to look old and crude

( (

What do you think?

Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: LRH on Sun 12/06/2011 02:42:48
I'm really glad I thought "GOD that looks creepy" before reading that the game is supposed to be scary. At the very least, you've accomplished that much. :D
Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: Anian on Sun 12/06/2011 02:51:51
Is this supposed to be a poster poster or a poster like a child drew it?

Well, besides the edge, the poster doesn't look that old and crude, the font doesn't really look hand written and the girl (while the actual pose is cool) is in too bright colors, generally colors fade over time. Unless it supposed to be like a crayon drawing that a child made, these colors are too saturated and bright.
Btw for what game resolution is this?
Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: NickyNyce on Sun 12/06/2011 02:53:54
I really like the pose of the girl, she looks creepy, but I think her dress and hair should be darker, a bit faded, maybe darken a few spots on the poster, some stains or something.
Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: Flawed on Sun 12/06/2011 02:57:36
All of that seems right on.  Thanks!

New version:

( (

Note: I understand and agree with the logic behind bright colors fading over time, but I WANT the girl to look strangely bright. I did add faded spots though.
Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: Flawed on Sun 12/06/2011 03:40:23
You'll also notice that the girl's not as blurry in the new version. That's because I thought faded spots and blur would be too much. However, it does leave the form of the girl more distinctive (maybe less scary). What do you think? Should I add blur?
Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: InCreator on Sun 12/06/2011 08:01:49

Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: Flawed on Sun 12/06/2011 15:13:22
That's pretty cool. I like the idea of the girl glowing. Perhaps on a different poster it could be part of a puzzle. However, I'm not a fan of the red text. I want the creepiness to be a bit more understated then that.
Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: hedgefield on Sun 12/06/2011 17:06:58
I don't know what time period the orphanage is from, but maybe try embracing the advertising style of that era. Presumably when they put those posters up they were only slightly creepy and meant more to inspire good behavior among its residents.

Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: Flawed on Sun 12/06/2011 17:34:25
I like that alot hE3gefield! My game is going to be set somewhere in the early to mid 40's, so that art style is just about right. The more I look at these posters the more I like them. I want to put quite a few in my game. What font did you use?  Is there any way you could provide a template without the girl, the words or the stains? Also are the embellishments around the text part of a font or did you draw them?

Of course, I'll credit you in the game by whatever name you'd like
Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: Cuiki on Sun 12/06/2011 17:40:43
Wow Hedgefield, this looks incredibly stylish, though the glowing eyes look a bit cheesy.. maybe painting them black or dark brown like they were before would add to the creepiness?
Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: hedgefield on Sun 12/06/2011 19:36:53
Heh thanks. I uploaded everything I used for the poster here ( It's all in layers in the PSD so you can mess with it.
The font I used is called Can Can de Bois, and yeah those little thingamajigs are part of the font, they replace the capital letters. I also included two custom photoshop brushes with stains that I sampled from. If you need any further help with it let me know.

I don't really need any credit, but thanks anyway :) Just be sure to mention the guy who made the font, it's part of the usage license.
Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: Flawed on Sun 12/06/2011 19:58:07
Thanks tons! I'm using Gimp, so I'm not sure if the brushes are compatible. At any rate, I was able to open your image in gimp and make my own template. That along with the font should be fine. I'm sure I can dig up some appropriate gimp brushes and/or filters. I think these posters will go a long way in giving my game a style of it's on.
Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: hedgefield on Sun 12/06/2011 19:59:26
Excellent, good luck with your game :)
Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: Flawed on Mon 13/06/2011 00:12:15
Another one's done....

( (

At, first I thought the white eyes were cheesy too, but now that I have it in two different posters, I like it. I changed the font on both of them. I'm still not sure about it. I just discovered The choices are overwhelming lol
Title: Re: Poster for my 1st person point and click game
Post by: Atelier on Mon 13/06/2011 10:10:13
( ( (

fig. 1: Creepy girl with macabre fascination for jam sandwiches
fig. 2: Creepy arsonist girl plotting next target
fig. 3: Creepy girl eating raw meat and nondescript major organs