Discord account hacked

Started by Kastchey, Sat 20/04/2024 08:40:56

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Having had a close call with this type of attack a while ago, and knowing it's likely too little too late, here's what small advice I can give to people as a way to try and avoid falling victim to this kind of thing:

If you are ever requested to download and install something or to follow a link that seems even the slightest bit shady, despite coming from a seemingly trustworthy source, try to confirm via a second channel of communication that the request is genuine.

For example, if a link is sent via discord, try to verify it through email or via a PM here on the forums if possible. It adds a bit of extra security, as the attacker must have breached more than one account to convince you at that point.

As always, though, more security means less convenience. That's what makes it so easy to fall victim to these kinds of attacks, as we all crave a bit of convenience and dislike the hassle.

As for my experience with this:
An old friend of mine messaged me out of the blue on Discord, asking me to do a favour. His 'friend' had 'worked so hard' on developing a game and nobody was playing it, so I was sent a link to download and try it out and maybe leave a review. In my case the attack was crude and the 'game' the link sent me to was a Chinese knock-off MMORPG that I bounced off enough that I didn't download anything and called my friend out, only later realising I'd barely avoided a mess just by being picky with what I'd download based on the images on the website that acted as the source of the dangerous files.

Be safe out there, folks!
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.

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