Adventure Game Studio

Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: Erenoth02 on Fri 10/06/2011 06:24:31

Title: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Erenoth02 on Fri 10/06/2011 06:24:31
I started a facebook account some time ago, now please don't take this the wrong way and please no irrelevant posts calling me some kind of weirdo.. >:( >:( >:(

I tried this with another site and pretty much got called a PEDO.

Im looking for help here, thanks.

Now facebook has a nice little app called "People You May Know" I loved this app, as I started to add friends and family members It helped me to find long lost relatives pages and friends that I had not seen In along time, I enjoyed being able to reconnect.


Now its only recommending under aged girls, most of them being 14-20.... and a lot of them are from bonney lake, which is about 10 miles from where I actually live...

Is there something in my settings that I can change?? currently i have 32 friends, Im not looking to build my friends list, but whenever I search for someone I continue to be bogged down by the same girls.. my profile clearly states my age! also most of the friends in my list are 30 or older I admit I did add a few family friends and cousins who requested who are young, but other than that I haven't done anything to my settings.

Why do I keep getting friend suggestions and rare requests from these girls??

Yes I made the error of adding a few of them, assuming that they must have been family friends... however this was a big mistake and Ive deleted every one of them. (the reason I added them is that I have an uncle who is a bit obsessed with facebook and the constantly searches for relatives and family friends and sends every member in my family suggestions of people to add)

All I want, again.. ALL I WANT!, is to figure out how to block, or restore my friend suggestions so once again I will be getting people my age, whom also are actual acquaintances like I used to not too long ago.

Can anyone help??, and if your going to comment "creepy" "weirdo" or... any other thing than please just stow it, Ive had enough of those comments from other forums and even facebook support.

Facebook support suggests that I delete this account and wait the number of days for it to be removed and then start a new one unless im actually trolling in which case if they get any complaints my account may be disabeled, Im really not interested in that option.

ps, It may be possible that my recent joining of a Writers group started by author Terri DuLong to assist aspiring writers might have started all of this.. The group does have a lot of under aged writers as well as older ones, the purpose of this group is to write random stories and get feedback world wide from other aspiring writers, to become a part of this group you do need to have a strong writing talent in Creative Writing, Terri DuLong even often checks in on projects and gives writers her own feedback.

Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: monkey0506 on Fri 10/06/2011 07:15:35

In my experience, Facebook usually "suggests"/"recommends" "friends" based on your friends' friends, your friends' friends' infinitum. However, typically when I click the X for a given user Facebook won't suggest them again. Well, actually you have to manually and individually purge the entire list I believe or they will all keep coming back.

So, basically just keep clicking those Xs until it runs out of suggestions. Also, make sure you don't have anyone in your "Friends" list that you don't actually know. Just coz your cousin's brother-in-law's neice's nephew's wife's dog knows someone doesn't obligate you to add them on Facebook. You'll also have to purge the suggestion list again any time you, or a friend, add a new friend.

Oh, and if anyone is calling you a paedophile simply because Facebook is making these suggestions then clearly they have never used Facebook. If you're messaging these girls or anything above or beyond that, then I'd say that is pretty much your own I said, don't add anyone you don't actually know, and problem solved.
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Stupot on Fri 10/06/2011 11:36:12
Or just ignore the suggestions like I do.
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Wyz on Fri 10/06/2011 12:56:15
Let me tell you something about Facebook's suggestions, it scares the fuck out of me.
I have a Facebook account but I never use it, I made one time because I wanted to check out someone's profile. Since that moment on it keeps sending me e-mail with suggestions (ok I've actually turned that of now) and the real scary part is that they are right. The come up with people I know, but how do they know?
I can understand that it tracks my behaviour on face book, ok but I don't use it or go to other people's profiles at all. It might check other people's activity when they might visit my profile, but I told noone I have a profile and besides some of these people I hardly ever seek. In contrary some of these people (ex class mates) I haven even seen in a decade, no email, no phone, nothing. Completely no communication with them. How does Facebook know?
The most worrying case must be one guy I haven't seen since I was a toddler, the son of an ex-colleague of my dad's that passed a few year ago. There can not have been any contact ever since, heck he might not even remember me. Also we live in different cities and have never been to the same schools. Explain me how Facebook knows. It might read my emails, but then again I never emailed the guy. Scary shit.

I'm the only one using this computer ever
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Babar on Fri 10/06/2011 13:02:33
If you have other people who share/used your computer (family or friends or whatever, for example your father), then that isn't all that surprising. Probably something to do with cookies and stuff.
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: arj0n on Fri 10/06/2011 13:08:41
Even easier:
Someone has an facebook account and enabled a connection to his/her email account.
You can be in his/her email contact list.
And there's the link how facebook can suggest you if you know him/her.
Not that scary, although it can suck  ;)
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Atelier on Fri 10/06/2011 13:27:33
I created a fake profile ages ago and it suggested loads of Indian friends. So the algorithms they use must be very complex. Either that or Facebook has bots.

It also explitictly says that they suggest friends from email connections, mutual friends, whatever (Facebook has even got face recognition :-\). Do these girls have any mutual friends with you? If so that's the reason why.
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: monkey0506 on Fri 10/06/2011 21:15:35
Wyz, regarding your plight, is there the slightest chance that you ever, at any point in the history of your current email address, ever emailed a single one of these people, ever? That's all it takes. Just one email sent some 10 years ago could be enough.

Then to further exacerbate said problem, if said person ever sent out any type of mass email or forward, there's a chance that people you never even gave your email address to have saved it in their contacts. Don't tell me that doesn't happen, coz it's happened to me. From there the problem becomes almost infinitely recursive.

So then, regardless of how long ago your address may have been given out, there's a fair chance that it's gotten around a lot more than you know. These people give Facebook access to their contact list, and any address therein becomes a viable "suggestion".

Add in what has been said about the recursive nature of Facebook suggesting friends' friends' friends' friends, and there you go. Based on the person or people who had your email address from a decade ago, Facebook now has a fair amount of data weighed against you in determining who you might know.

Toss in some evaluation of browsing habits (both in and out of the Facebook domains), and there's even more data.

So although it might seem "scary", that's just how data mining works.
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Erenoth02 on Fri 10/06/2011 21:20:25
I probably was a little too pissed off at facebook when I started this post, but ingoring the suggestions is a good idea.

Im really just hoping to find some setting that I can change and get back to where it suggests "REAL SUGGESTIONS" instead of random..

lol I synced my Facebook with my andriod phone and now i can GPS almost any of my Facebook contacts and get driving directions to them.
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Erenoth02 on Fri 10/06/2011 21:28:20
^^  the OP shows proof of how angry I was after after accepting a friend request from my suggestions and having my account disabled because they complained about me after finding out my age.

for that matter I think I know how I can fix the problem, thx guys, I have my profile hidden because Its specifically for family and a few friends I grew up with, therefore if I make it a public profile Ill stop getting suggestions and add requests.... I dont know why that never occurred to me.

Girls under 18 have their profiles hidden by default... could that be why Facebook suggests them to me? if so.. very creepy.

Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Erenoth02 on Fri 10/06/2011 21:35:44
So my phone is an internet phone therefore i'm constantly on the internet and constantly on Facebook, could that mean that any other phones in my area are suggested as friends? lol

probably the same for anyone I text or call

I ran into a girl in town named Calie later she was suggestion on my facebook, now were friends and i have her phone number, we text off and on.

Also Sydney from my art class was suggested as a friend on facebook....  and ive had my phone on in class.

but shes much younger and asked me why facebook was suggesting me..  atleast now i think I am able to explain why.

Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Atelier on Fri 10/06/2011 22:59:14
Dude it's not an e-diary. But I'm glad you got your problem fixed.
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Erenoth02 on Sat 11/06/2011 06:39:53
Quote from: Atelier on Fri 10/06/2011 22:59:14
Dude it's not an e-diary. But I'm glad you got your problem fixed.

Sorry, just throwing out some wild theories
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: monkey0506 on Sat 11/06/2011 09:18:33
Yes, Facebook is constantly scanning and storing the GPS coordinates of your phone and comparing them against the coordinates of every other mobile-registered Facebooker so it can suggest you become friends with any and every person you might happen to have been standing remotely close to. Yup.

Wait a second, you can't actually be taking this thought seriously..can you? Can you?!

/me is sad at life nao
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: on Sat 11/06/2011 15:43:10
As of today, facebook has gone completely kaput on me using Firefox. The internet is such a piss take these days, what happened to simple old HTML?
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Anian on Sat 11/06/2011 16:03:44
Quote from: ModsiE3 on Sat 11/06/2011 15:43:10
The internet is such a piss take these days, what happened to simple old HTML?
...web designers.
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: TomatoesInTheHead on Sat 11/06/2011 18:46:06
Quote from: ModsiE3 on Sat 11/06/2011 15:43:10
As of today, facebook has gone completely kaput on me using Firefox.
Something like this maybe?
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Cuiki on Sun 12/06/2011 18:57:46
Quote from: Wyz on Fri 10/06/2011 12:56:15
It might check other people's activity when they might visit my profile, but I told noone I have a profile and besides some of these people I hardly ever seek.
That's possible I suppose.. Especially if you're using your real name, which means people could easily look it up at some point.

I remember checking a profile of a guy I know but whom I didn't have any mutual friends with, all that on a totally random day, and the next day I got a friend request from him.

So maybe these girls were checking your profile too, Erenoth02?

...or maybe you're just making things up? :P
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: Mr Flibble on Sun 12/06/2011 22:01:20
I sometimes get a Facebook suggestion to add as a friend an old employer of mine. Let me make it clear that there is no link on my Facebook to this whatsoever. I don't have it listed in my employment experience, I'm not currently friends with anyone who worked for him, we have no mutual friends.

But Facebook knows I did some cash-in-hand data entry for him two years ago.
Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: veryweirdguy on Sun 12/06/2011 22:19:14
I think we are all missing the obvious explanation:

Title: Re: Facebook Settings? Can someone help me?
Post by: monkey0506 on Sun 12/06/2011 23:17:00
Mr Flibble, you're missing the even more bizarre coincidence that I have you as a friend on Facebook, and yet we still never talk! :P

P.S., How's "Return to Monkey Island" coming along? ::)