Have you got a pony?

Started by Obi, Sun 18/05/2008 00:28:02

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Quote from: Oliwerko on Sun 18/05/2008 20:31:35
Well, sometimes I wonder how comes the idea of posting a post like this.

"Oh well, it is sooo boring to sit here.....wait! I got an idea! Let's post a topic...now how should I call it? What should it include?.....Ah, got it, Have you got a pony?.....Only a picture left....yay, here it is! Ohhh, I am good!"

It is sometimes really interesting to see what people's twisted minds create.

You know, that may usually be the case but we're talking about Obi here. We are bound to expect the unexpected. For all we know he might have planned this for months and there might be some mind bogglingly profound message hidden between the lines.


Quote from: Pablo on Sun 18/05/2008 20:51:13there might be some mind bogglingly profound message hidden between the lines.

Holy hell you were right!

Code: ags
[decode method="ObiPost2008"]I have a pony he is called Dimitri I love him very much. If I didn't have a pony I would buy a horse instead.
This is him [image] this is another photo of him from another angle [image][/decode]

Decoding results:
My name is Obi-Wan Don Quixote. You are now under my control. Everything I say you shall do. You shall feed your goats to peasants with terrible venereal diseases. You will throw fried chicken at leprechauns and then steal their gold which you shall surrender to me. All your base are belong to us.



This post is both interesting and helpful, if not funny. Trust me. Therefore I find it necessary to post it. Why in this topic? I'm afraid only God has the answer.

I am also not drunk, nor am I high.


I thought this was going to be another animation. Like Berty Bee.  :(
| Ben304: "Peeing is a beautiful thing, Sylvr" |


Quote from: Tuomas on Sun 18/05/2008 20:36:51

That band is good.

By good I mean 'features an attractive female'

By 'features an attractive female' I mean 'may feature an attractive female but is very bland.'

Why did I say that band was good? Curse you attractive female!

Ryan Timothy B

I somehow couldn't help but notice that the name Dimitri is in GTA 4.  Perhaps Obi was playing GTA 4 too much?

Paper Carnival

Probably. Like the popular name it is in some countries, only two beings in the whole world could be named Dimitri, a fictional character from a video game and a fictional pony :P


Unfortunately I left my pony in the garden with Nibbler overnight. I tried riding the dark matter instead, but it just wasn't the same.


I almost got eaten by a pony once when my dad was driving along a small road not far from Scalloway, Shetland Islands and then stopped for a small break. Tiny horses appeared from out of nowhere and tried get into the car!
I guess they're probably used to tourists driving by and giving them apples and things.
Silly tourists.


I read the forums, stumble on a thread called "Have you got a pony?" and wonder who the hell would start a thread like that. Then I saw it was obi and I wondered no longer.


Indeed Haddas...once you had the answer there really wasn't much need to wonder what the answer was any more eh? :=

"It was in the last place I looked!"
"Really? I usually look for at least an hour after I find something..." :P

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