Fraud on Indiegogo, they don't care

Started by Khris, Tue 24/09/2013 17:05:04

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Ryan, check this, there is even some kind of explanation at the end:

Ryan Timothy B

That's wicked. I had no idea this was possible (eddy current that is, not this perpetual motion machine of scamming delight).


Eddy currents are sick cool. I haven't looked at the bideo selmiak. Anywat anybody with half a brain cell can tell that perpetual motion is impossible. so al those who gave money have half a brain cell and I agree with whoever it was that said they deserve to be scammed out of every penny. Sorry I am a bit drunk right now


Quote from: Ben X on Wed 25/09/2013 20:43:00
bicilotti, I think the problem here is that you're using "metaphor" incorrectly. That would help differentiate something from being literal rather than it being used in the legal sense. Perhaps "informal" would have worked?

Duh, I can quibble with one native speaker, but not with two :tongue: I concede!


Btw, I actually looked up fraud before posting and got a long list of German words, with just one or two being actual law terms.

As far as the feasibility of the technology, qptain Nemo made a good point. Why would you need a wheel and magnets to extract energy from a quantum field...??
My main gripe is with Indiegogo though; but since the "case" is quite fresh, maybe they will take action.

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