Adventure Game Studio

Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: Meowster on Tue 13/01/2004 15:18:51

Title: Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: Meowster on Tue 13/01/2004 15:18:51
Okay so we have this eeeeensy weeensy problem.

There's a dress design competition at school. So we have the dress, and we have the model, and we have the dancers, and we sort of have the music. That is to say, we have the music we're using, but we need to remix several songs into one short, three minute version.

We need it by tomorrow MORNING, and we're pretty stuck because, even though we're all awesome and cool, we're not quite sure how to work this whole 'music program' thing. So if there are any suckers nice people out there that want to volunteer to help us er... us lovely ladies... well, I guess we'd be best friends forever. All you need to do is stick three or so songs together in an MP3 and send it over this way.


P.S. I just realized I started the last three threads and now I feel kinda lousy. Oh well!
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: c.leksutin on Tue 13/01/2004 19:12:07
Well, I could do this, except I dont have an internet connection at home,  Darkstalkey also has the required skills (more so then I) to pull this off in the time required, so I would suggest you PM him or find him in the AGS chatroom or something.

Good luck.

Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: Meowster on Tue 13/01/2004 20:58:54
Hm. Okay, I'm gonna try to do this myself, because after all, what could possibly go wrong? I just have to cut/paste a couple pieces of music together, right?

Anybody recommend some pieces of software that might help me?
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: LordHart on Tue 13/01/2004 21:14:06
If you're only going to need the program once, I suggest something like Goldwave. I used to use that and it's pretty easy to use for beginners.

Not sure where you'd be able to get it, but just do a search on google, or even check out some PC mag cover discs you may have.
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: TheYak on Tue 13/01/2004 21:34:42
I volunteer m0ds.  An AGS Opera would work perfectly for this. :P  This whole project doesn't seem in keeping with your feminist ideals.  Ah, well, best of luck.  If all you want is 3 mp3's together, why not choose 'em and burn them to a CD?  I think anyone helping you with this would need a bit more info about what you're lookin' for.
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: Meowster on Tue 13/01/2004 22:02:49
I'm not feminist, I just hate wearing skirts to school...

But anyway! I give up. Screw this. I need one of you to do this for me. I can tell you exactly what songs you needs and how long each part plays, and what part plays. I can't bally well do it.

So, anybody want to do this? All I can say is that I will really, really appreciate it.
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: TheYak on Tue 13/01/2004 22:12:11
Sorry, I was bein' a bit of a bastard.  Anyway, I'll volunteer but I see that a multitude of AGSers on currently logged in and just about any one of them could do this better/faster than me.  If nobody else will bear the cross of Yufster, then one does what one must.
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: shbaz on Tue 13/01/2004 22:22:02
What kind of songs do you want anyway?
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: Meowster on Wed 14/01/2004 00:37:22
Well the competition is in a few hours so you'd have to be superman to do this...

It's 12:30am here... I'm up again and off to the competition at 6:00am precisely...

The songs are these (Not my choice of songs!!!)

It starts off with ...

Linkin Park: Crawling. The first 50 seconds plays, but instead of going in to the rest of the song it should go into ..

Chordettes - Mr Sandman. It should start from about 1minute 37s into this song, including the piece where mr sandman says, "Yesssss?" preferably... and include the end of the song, since it's near the end anyway.... at which point it brings us to...

A Song Of Your Choice!!! But it has to be really scary and end on a really scary note, and say, last for about 30 seconds, and preferably have some sort of lyrics like, "Sleep tight!" or "DIEEE!" or something. For the finale.

So all in all it lasts nearly 3 minutes. I don't have these songs but they ARE available on Kazaa. The version of Mr Sandman should preferably be the Chordettes version. If you could incorporate Murrays (the demonic skull) evil laugh into the beginning of the song, while Linkin Park is playing, that's a plus.

If anybody can do this in the time given, you're obviously a genius, and on broadband hi-speed.

6:00am!!! :(

Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: eVOLVE on Wed 14/01/2004 00:43:48
I'm on it ;) YakSpit, come to IRC #ags if you've already started it, so we don't both have to do it, but I'm talking to the Yufster about it now, so you don't need to worry.
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: shbaz on Wed 14/01/2004 01:54:33
Um, crap.. I already did one. Getting on IRC now I guess to see what's going on  ;D
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: eVOLVE on Wed 14/01/2004 01:56:09
Okay, whipped up two versions... because you really gave me very little to work with for the 'scary' song, I felt that it could be played two ways...

1. The scary part is an ominous fear of what might happen style track, for which I borrowed a rather cool section from the Unbreakable soundtrack.

2. The scary part is a running away from evil style track, for which I borrowed a nasty section from the Silent Hill 2 soundtrack. Both versions are included in the zip downloadble from here: (

Hope this is what you're looking for (and that you can get it on CD okay) :) Perhaps given a chance to actually talk to you properly about it I could have come up with something better, but I'm happy with the transitions...

Let me know how it turns out :)
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: shbaz on Wed 14/01/2004 02:20:05
I can't post my mix to the thread for bandwidth concerns, so I PM'd it to you two.

I think eVOLVE's are better, personally. I love that laugh at the intro, haha.
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: Meowster on Wed 14/01/2004 20:12:30
You saved the day.

I don't know how to thank you. Both of you.

I don't know if we made it through to the next round. Probably not. I hope not, because there's a lot of work that still needs to be done on that costume. But what I guess is important is that we tried, and that one day we will be able to look back and say, "Hey, there's that competition that we entered, and spent ages building a ridiculous costume for, and then got bitchy at each other on the competition day, and then screwed up the dance routine and for some reason the CD player wasn't working and the Amplifier exploded and then we all stopped and didn't know what to do and then Amy started crying and the headpiece fell off the costume and the wire-bits caught our teacher in the eye and her contact lense fell out and then everybody had to stop while they turned on the lights and everybody searched for her contact lense and held up the competition for half an hour and then we got sent out in disgrace."

Or at least, that's what some people will be saying! But WE'LL be saying stuff like, "It looked really cool! Man, were we awesome or what?"

Danielle and Sarah loved the part in Sandman when he says, "Yessss?". They said to say thank you, and Sarah asked me not to tell you her real name because she thinks internet freaks will track her down, rape her and murder her. So, if anybody asks, her name is Sarah, not Emma.
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: LordHart on Wed 14/01/2004 20:20:07
You should post a pic of the dress so we can see it. So we can see how ridiculous it is. :)
Title: Re:Kinda need help, sorta-ish... with remixing music... maybe, perhaps?
Post by: Meowster on Wed 14/01/2004 20:53:27
As soon as they're developed, lil buddy. As soon as they're developed.