Adventure Game Studio

Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: Nikolas on Fri 18/09/2015 13:07:26

Title: My problem with
Post by: Nikolas on Fri 18/09/2015 13:07:26

I feel the need for a few kind ears and a few thoughts... Apparently the bigbluecup forums always have those people willing to help, so...

About a couple of years ago, I was trying really hard to find a way to sell easier in the US, and decided to use FBA (Fullfilled by Amazon) is a brilliant service if you're selling rather well.

Unfortunately for me it doesn't really work, cause the scores I have there don't really sell (anymore). The problems:

I've tried doing a sale before, but it didn't really work, since it's the new music scores people are after.

So, I figured that I could either do a ridiculous sale (like 80% off), or I could lower the prices myself to $1 each score and buy them all off amazon, thus having them returned to me. At least those scores which I'd like to have, cause for the others I'm fine, I have plenty of copies to go around.

Thoughts about this? I doubt it's illegal, but is it allowed? Won't amazon complain? Or any other idea on what to do with the amazon scores stocked there? (it's around 300 in total, so quite a lot, including older versions, now obsolete, etc).
Title: Re: My problem with
Post by: Stupot on Fri 18/09/2015 15:06:29
Sounds like a sucky situation. Sounds like they're basically holding your scores to ransom. They won't return them but they keep taking money for having them. That's not cricket. :-\
Title: Re: My problem with
Post by: Darth Mandarb on Fri 18/09/2015 16:24:48
That doesn't sound right at ALL! 

They can't force you keep selling something (paying them) that you no longer want to sell... can they?

Can you lower the price to $0.01?  That way it'd only cost you $3 USD to buy 'em all back.
Title: Re: My problem with
Post by: Nikolas on Fri 18/09/2015 18:17:53
That's what I want to do, but I'm not sure I'm allowed (the 0,01$ part).

Does anyone know? Or can ask (without being visible that it's me I'm asking)?

I mean a massive order of 300 scores, all reduced at 0,01$ would look suspiciously like a scam! :(
Title: Re: My problem with
Post by: Snarky on Fri 18/09/2015 18:34:47
Here's a forum for Amazon sellers:
Title: Re: My problem with
Post by: selmiak on Fri 18/09/2015 20:41:44
Have you heard there are some interesting musical scores on amazon for as low as 0,01$ ???

*runs off to amazon to buy as many of them he can get* (laugh)

seriously, what they are doing is illegal, what you want to do is totally your thing as a seller. But better time it right or someone really will snag a lot of them right in front of your eyes...
Title: Re: My problem with
Post by: Nikolas on Sat 19/09/2015 06:42:00
There a are a few problems in general with this.

First of all amazon IS fishy if I'm to reduce the price to 0.01$ (tried it and it blocked the scores, as a possible pricing error).
Secondly I cannot buy, myself, the scores, since I'm the seller. I have to put someone else to do it.
And thirdly I'm only looking into getting a few scores, not the whole stock (it's 369 scores in there!)

But I'm on it and should be done today hopefully...