Adventure Game Studio

Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: nulluser on Thu 15/02/2007 17:00:43

Title: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: nulluser on Thu 15/02/2007 17:00:43
Many people I know sometimes argue over what is better - Nintendo, Sony or Xbox? And, I sometimes feel like it is a split argument (except for Sony, I hate Sony), and I do not know which way to go. So,

Let the Gaming War begin!

I personally prefer Nintendo and the DS, but I used to previously own an Xbox. Xbox, has the promise of excellent, quality games, and are quite capable of coming up with fresh, new ideas. Nintendo however, are able to explore new and exciting theories of the market. Take for example, the Wii. Many people love it's ingenuity, and Nintendo are quite able to serve up good quality gaming characters. Mario, is a gaming character that has his own gaming franchise, and is even recognised by non-gamers. I currently own a DS, and I love the way the DS can be used in so many ways. Trauma Centre: Under The Knife is able to use this in a brilliant and capturing way, which puts the player under the position of an inexperienced surgery doctor who discovers he has a special power called The Healing Touch. The DS also has the Wi-Fi mode, which enables players to play with each other without the burden of tangled wires. However, the Xbox has this, but in a much more advanced way. Xbox Live allows players to connect over a long distance, and even has a gaming community where players can meet up and share information. This is a much more advanced form of the previously said Wi-Fi, but the Xbox is a lot more expensive. You can probably see from my long paragraph my gaming dilemma, but I need to know what other people think of the main game console franchises.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: vict0r on Thu 15/02/2007 17:22:19
Personally, I prefer the PS over both the Wii and Xbox. The Wii failed to deliver what it promised IMO. The only reason I choose the ps3 over the Xbox is the games. There are just too many upcoming games for the ps3 I don't want to miss, and for the Xbox there is... Well, none.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: nulluser on Thu 15/02/2007 17:25:28
Yes, but the PS3 is very expensive at £450. And also, I remember reading from the OXM that all that the PS3 is doing is remaking and updating crappy games from PS1 and PS2 days. I agree with this, as all I keep hearing and seeing is ooh, Resident Evil this and Final Fantasy that...
Also, this may sound extremely prejudiced, but most people feel that PlayStation is for chavs. I for one, concur. I think that the PS is simply a one-trick pony. It can only deliver sports games, like the Fifa franchise, and the Pro Evo series. Sorry, PS can only manage football and wrestling games. Tell me when you find a decent PS game, and maybe I'll think differently.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: Mr Flibble on Thu 15/02/2007 17:34:48
I find myself agreeing with the VintageDemon to an extent, which surprises me. A lot. I wouldn't go so far as to say that the Playstation is a chav console, but it does seem to be heading itself that way. It just seems like the default console choice. Lowest common denominator. Coincidentally, good luck maintaining that with such a high price.

I've grown up in a Nintendo household, although the Wii did seem like a leap in a strange direction. Then I played it, and found it to be massively fun. And since the graphical/processing updates from the PS3 and Xbox360 didn't appeal to me, I went with my gut. Besides, the Wii has a lot of games I don't want to miss.

This seems like very well trodden internet forum territory, and could potentially be tedious and flameridden.

Oh and, in terms of handhelds, I'd probably have gone for that Gamepark thing if I'd known about it. Still though, since I never owned a gba, the DS gives me a massive catalogue of new and old games to keep my busy.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: Postmodern_Boy on Thu 15/02/2007 17:38:30
Europe must get a very different selection of games if the only PS games you can find are sports over there.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: Akatosh on Thu 15/02/2007 17:40:55
Well, I used to play games on Nintendo consoles (various gameboys and the fantastic N64), but the next generation, I switched to the X-Box (mainly to be able to play Morrowind, which my PC back then wouldn't have run).
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: Da_Elf on Thu 15/02/2007 17:44:01
hey. why isnt pc listed. i prefer to play games on my pc before i play them on those systems
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: nulluser on Thu 15/02/2007 17:45:19
Well, I'm glad some people agree with me. Even though PS has the promise of better graphics, so does Xbox and Nintendo! Have you actually seen the screenshots of Super Smash Bros. Brawl? It looks so gorgeous and detailed, and I'm afraid that PS all have are just repeated games from it's old glory days.
Oh, and also I've heard of other non-chavvy video games for the PS (I-Ninja, Spy Vs. Spy, that thingy where the soul reaper or someone sucks souls out) but I still don't like Sony (after all, Sony means Satan in Japanese).
Oh, and Da_Elf -
Quote from: Da_Elf on Thu 15/02/2007 17:44:01
hey. why isnt pc listed. i prefer to play games on my pc before i play them on those systems
PC's aren't part of the main gaming franchise. Although I love some games on the PC (Broken Sword, BASS), it just takes to long to install it on your computer. With a console, you can just pop it in, and play it immediately.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: Mr Jake on Thu 15/02/2007 17:46:29
Personally, I totally love my (friends) wii. Its well worth the money, and a great console. We'll probably get an xbox360 next year when we will beable to use the online features properly (in our own house).  The only reason we don't have one now is cost and the lack of being able to use xboxlive here.

I don't see us ever getting a ps3 though... Ugh. Overpriced and not at all interesting to either of us.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: Hammerite on Thu 15/02/2007 17:48:16
PC's the best (best games from PS and XBox (i.e. Silent Hill, etc) end up there too), and most games on Nintendo consoles don't really interest me (not really a Mario fan)
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: Postmodern_Boy on Thu 15/02/2007 17:55:33
I think that PS1 and PS2 had the most good games during the previous two generations, but I also think that the good years are almost over for sony and I would rather get a Wii this time around.  It feels nice to finally say that I want a nintendo system agian, because I have not owned a nintendo since the good old SNES days.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: ManicMatt on Thu 15/02/2007 18:16:42
Quote from: TheVintageDemon on Thu 15/02/2007 17:25:28
Yes, but the PS3 is very expensive at £450.

It's £425. It has a blue ray drive in it too, which on their own cost around £1000, last I checked. But yes, a tad pricey I agree.

Quote from: TheVintageDemon on Thu 15/02/2007 17:25:28
I think that the PS is simply a one-trick pony. It can only deliver sports games, like the Fifa franchise, and the Pro Evo series.

Excuse me? Currently on my PS2 I am playing this game:
Look closely and you'll see Zidane kicking a football around, I'm sure.  :P


Also, check out this wrestling game:
You even get football controller with it. Oh no wait, it was a guitar controller, my bad.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: nulluser on Thu 15/02/2007 18:19:35
It seems everybody loves Nintendo then, and Nintendo now. Nintendo is great at revealing new and revolutionary ways of making games. Take N64 for example. It's best game was The Legend Of Zelda: The Ocarina Of Time. This was a fantastic new way to game, and there were plenty of other
revolutionary games to make games history. Nintendo is the best - full stop.

Also - I feel that PlayStation only makes gimmicky games. Stuff like SingStar, Guitar Hero and Buzz! are just gimmicks. And also, they continue to rip off spin-offs of these games.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: vict0r on Thu 15/02/2007 18:47:25
Quotehat all that the PS3 is doing is remaking and updating crappy games from PS1 and PS2 days
QuoteAnd also, they continue to rip off spin-offs of these games.

Ahem.. Zelda, Mario (party, bros, wario, cart etc.), Metroid, Pokèmon and Super smash things anyone? Let's take mario for example. Over the years, Mario has appeared in more than 200 video games to date!

I really don't want a console war, but please check your facts! :P

And sounee is actually the japanese name for devil.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: ManicMatt on Thu 15/02/2007 18:53:18
Quote from: TheVintageDemon on Thu 15/02/2007 18:19:35
Also - I feel that PlayStation only makes gimmicky games.

And the Wii remote isn't gimmicky?

Also, FIFA and PES appear on the xbox too, or did you forget that?

I got nothing against Nintendo's, and I'd love to play a Zelda game, but to write the PS2 off when you clearly haven't played all the great original games it has offered over the years, is rather ignorant.

Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: vict0r on Thu 15/02/2007 18:54:37
The Wii is a gimmicked-up GC.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: Mr Jake on Thu 15/02/2007 19:00:06
Please stop using the word gimmick. Its stupid. It brings a new way to play games.

Take that from someone who has a Wii and plays it a lot. A lot more than I played any other console I've owned.
It would be a gimmick if it had it and like one or two games used it. Just because its different is a stupid reason to call it a gimmick. I agree that VintageDemon should just stop trying to be controversial though. Every console has its pro and cons.
Threads like this always turn out stupid.
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: Hammerite on Thu 15/02/2007 20:35:50
Thing is most Nintendo games seem to be over cutesy (not that that's a problem, it just isn't my thing) or simply rip-offs of Mario or Zelda, whereas the PC, PS2 and XBox get the games that appeal to me (good storylines, good gameplay, etc).

Saying the PS2 is for chavs is just immature.
In fact, most use of the word is immature (stereotyping is very lazy)
Title: Re: Nintendo, Sony or Xbox?
Post by: scotch on Thu 15/02/2007 20:48:26
Everyone knows what the different consoles offer, and I assume nobody particularly wants to know which you think will be best for you. Search for the several other threads that are console debates if you do want to find out what people think.

Every forum on the internet has a thread like this already, it's pointless starting another.