Anime recommendations/sources

Started by straydogstrut, Mon 28/03/2011 00:10:25

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Nice-looking list EKM.  I might check a few of those out, myself.

Also, has anyone seen the film Tokyo Godfathers, about three homeless people who find an abandoned baby.  That's a really funny and heartwarming story.  Highly recommended.

Igor Hardy

Quote from: Stupot on Fri 08/04/2011 01:58:45
Also, has anyone seen the film Tokyo Godfathers, about three homeless people who find an abandoned baby.  That's a really funny and heartwarming story.  Highly recommended.

Yes, that's actually my favorite Satoshi Kon film, preferred over his more famous ones.


Quote from: EKM on Thu 07/04/2011 21:24:13
6. Ergo Proxy <-- A philosophical post-apocalyptic Anime with intriguing artwork and music.

I did enjoy this, but wasn't expecting quite so much weirdness when I bought it. If you go in expecting it to be anything like the trailer, then just watch the first 3 episodes, I guess. After that... prepare yourself for basically anything  :P


Thanks for the recommendations EKM, i'll be checking those out when i'm well again. I've got both Whisper of the Heart and Tokyo Godfathers and would also recommend them!=)


There's a few that I'd recomend that's already be said so I won't repeat them here.

If you like thing like Manga creation stories then Bakuman is pretty good, and is fairly new to anime though the manga has been running for 125+ chapters.  Also in the same vein, but older is Comic Party. Both are Slice-of-Life/Comedies.

If you like mind-fu*k stories then definilty check out Boogie-Pop Phantom. Each episoide is simingly disconected until you watch them and see all the little events that connect all the chracters together. Texhnolyze is another M.F. anime, and it has a more structured continuity.

Also, if you do check out The Place Promiced in Our Early Days, and you enjoy it, definily check out the movie Voices of a Distant Star since it's created by the same person.

Millennial  Actress is also a good movie to look up.


I remember a film... or should I say Series of films that my old school buddy had at the time, back in the early 80's.

If I remember correctly it was called 'Crying Freeman'.
As far as I remember it was Japanesse with subs.

I think it was about an assassin who took jobs to kill people. He cried everytime he did so, I believe.
There was a reason for this... although, for the life of me, I can't remember why.

In my mind I remember it as being a good animation and bloodthirsty ninja tale.



Quote from: EdLoen on Sat 09/04/2011 00:56:42
Also, if you do check out The Place Promiced in Our Early Days, and you enjoy it, definily check out the movie Voices of a Distant Star since it's created by the same person.

Millennial  Actress is also a good movie to look up.

Thanks, i've seen all of those, I think Voice of A Distant Star is the only one we don't have on dvd yet. They're all really good. I'll check out your other recommendations.

Sounds intriguing Jay, and Wikipedia agrees with you, Crying Freeman it is. I'll try it out, thanks!


Anime, eh?

It's funny, really, I rarely watch anime at all anymore - I guess the problem that I have with it lately is that ever since the whole 'Moe' (Mo-ei) thing picked up over here and every single cartoon became about teenaged girls, I started to lose interest. Seriously, I haven't seen a new popular series over here that hasn't had a lolita-complexey heroine in years. Couldn't bring myself to watch the N of Suzumiya Haruhi stuff, Lucky Star and don't get me started on K-On!. Still, I'm kind of tied to the anime industry, so try to keep my finger on the pulse of what's big.

I'm a fan of what is now really something of a dying breed of anime: Cerebral stuff. Since nobody has mentioned yet, or if they have I missed it, I'd like to recommend Jin-Roh (Trailer's in Japanese, but I'm sure there's a subtitled or dubbed version if you look harder than I did). Beautiful piece of fatalist storytelling, and some great references to Little Red Riding-Hood, as well.

I also second the nomination of Death Note (Would've linked to the Andrew WK "Ready to Die" AMV, but spoilers). I've heard some very interesting conversation about good and evil come up from that comic/cartoon, and I guess in a way, it confirms my realization that I'm probably more on the evil side, as I was rooting for Light from beginning to end.

And even though it only covers the first few books, I also recommend Berserk. By far one of my favorite comic series, and a decent translation to the small screen. If you can find the comics, I would suggest sinking your teeth into them, but know it's a long walk - The most recent issue I have is number 35, and they're hefty volumes. Also, there's a new Berserk movie on the way as well.

Finally, there's Angel Densetsu. This one did have a short-lived cartoon adaptation, the comic is pure comedic gold. The story of a basically angelic young boy with a face of pure evil - The concept sounds odd, but it's a sublime comedy of errors type of story. Definitely worth a read, if you can get your hands on it.
Check out MonstroCity! | Level 0 NPCs on YouTube! | Life's far too short to be pessimistic.


Here's a little update (hope it's okay to unintentionally bump this):

We watched Perfect Blue finally. Now there's a weird film. It's like Paprika without the feel-good factor. It was brilliantly executed though and deserves its space on my shelf. It's a keeper.

Memories also arrived. Like Dual, I also found the first feature to be the best, and by a mile. It had all the sci-fi elements I like mixed with some psychological tom-foolery. The second, Stink Bomb, was quite fun and different, but the third, Cannon Fodder, was really disappointing. We weren't keen on the graphical style, but the story really let it down. It basically borrows the perpetual war idea from Orwell's 1984 but does nothing with it. It felt pretty pointless..but maybe that was the point!

I also got Are You Enjoying The Time of Eve? on DVD after watching it on my iPod through Crunchyroll. I absolutely love it and only wish there was more of it=(

Finally, I got Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 based solely on Stupot's recommendation and it was fantastic. It's such a beautiful, wonderful and heart-breaking tale. I actually cried at the end - I mean, really cried. I would definitely recommend it.

I've also been watching a bit Occult Academy via Crunchyroll which is a bit silly but kinda fun. I also ordered the first volume of Last Exile, and the Samurai Champloo Departure soundtrack i've been wanting for ages, but neither has arrived yet.

Still lots of other recommendations here that appeal to me so will keep you posted!

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