Lost in the Woods

Started by theatrx, Sat 05/01/2008 14:18:59

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Regarding the Lever
The lever is the red sort of line at the top of the panel with the red and blue valve.  Hit the lever once.  Hit the red valve once. and hit the blue valve once. That should turn everything off and send water to the faucet.

Regarding the Potions
you are presented with three potions.  You have to take each one separately meaning take and use the red one on yourself then put it back on the table... take and use the yellow on  yourself then put it back on the table and finally take and use the blue one on yourself.  You can put it back on the table or keep it.  There is no order but you have to use them all on yourself to get into the temple.

I just uploaded a new version to fix the problem that imaloser was having.  I've always had a problem with graphical variables registering as global variables for some reason.  It's fixed now. So you may want to download the new version.  I'm glad he found that though.
Life is a banquet and most poor sonsofbitches are starving to death



when you are in the room with the broken pipe, go to the lower left, around the wall. It is a bit of a pixel hunt. But when you find the right place, you will get a inset picture with a red lever on the top of the inset, a gauge and a red and blue valve.
save often


Thank you!
Finished it. I found that this part I stumbled upon was a bit tricky and unexpected, at least for me. But finally, I completed your game :-)


Thanks Everybody ! i will download new vertion better,cose i moved all around 4 pixel hint-no way..
I have play it ,,it s very nice Game !!!


Quote from: sthomannch on Sun 06/01/2008 19:29:58
perhaps this is not his cup of tea... I like it

After playing a while, I got to the point where

I could free the muses and have now three potions to choose from
but now I have no idea what to do next.

tried to use the potions on the playing character, the flowers and the well outside in the garden with the flowers, and many other places...

You need using those three potions on character, Since we only allow holding one, simply use one and put it back and do same steps for others. If you were able using those three portions, simply go at the ancient temple. (exits point is hard to find, however once you go in via steps, simply exit right from where you are)

Ian Aloser

Hi Theatrx!

Sorry for my criticism, reloaded it and it IS FUN!

Cheers and keep up the good work!

I a l


Thanks for finding that bug. We hadn't found it before.
Life is a banquet and most poor sonsofbitches are starving to death


Sorry to say..but i gave up,i download new vertion and again...cant get any pixel to move.lever...i delete the NICE GAME..IT SHOUL BE BIT EASY AT THAT POINT...
thanks..any way.. :( :( :(


Playing this game as I write. I must say, indeed not my cuppa tea but I'll keep trying. I had a go at 7 Doors as well and stopped halfway. Just a few notes on these games:

- Pixelhunting is hunting for something you actualy _can_ see. In your case I have to move my mouse to a position and click on something that isn't there because my character is behind a wall. DON'T.

- Make objects more visible or at least interactively. It's not real life where you can pick up everything and look at it and think of your use with it. I have to click on every tree because there _might_ be a branch that I can take. I have to click on _every_ rock on my screen to see if I can pick it up. It's not a crime to make at least your cursor change or a statuspanel change to indicate I can use it or do something.

- The adventure genre is about visibility. Make passages, entrances and exits visible. I now have to move my character to the top of the screen on the left, click with my mouse on the right to make him walk behind a wall that has (or hasn't) a passage behind it. If there's a passage or exit, I want to be able to click on it.

- Try suggestions. People like hints once in a while or suggestive texts. I've seen the text "This is a rock" too many times and wasn't aware at first of the fact that I had to do something with it. A text like "A rock. There's some space, but I can't get through" would have been more appropriate.

- When making games, keep the player in mind. What's obvious to you as writer, isn't always obvious to the player. Again, some additional texts or objects you actually can distinguish from the background would make the gameplay much more enjoyable.

Don't get me wrong. I never made any game so I'm the last to judge any writer. But I've played a lot (and I mean a lot) to know what works and what doesn't.

I hope you're not offended by this criticism. It's not meant that way.
As soon as I've finished the game I'll write a walkthrough (as I do with all games I play) and publish it. I'll let you know when that is 'cause at the moment I'm Lost In The Woods...    ;)

Hope to see more of your work in the future.

[edit] I just died... In your game that is .. ;). I can now float around on my back as corpse and look at things, use thing etc. The only thing I can't do is walk. In addition to the points above: when you're dead, you're dead. Game Over. Restart/Load/Quit.  Nothing more, nothing less. [/edit]
Ultimate Game Solutions - Because there is a solution for everything


So here it is: the walkthrough.

Just a few final notes:

- Try a little variation in the music. I can't hear any Bernstein for the next few weeks!

- It's possible to end the game without going to the wall. That leaves a remark by the character in the end of: pitty of that person... If I didn't know any better I'd say: what the ^#@& is he talking about? Either try to make the end impossible without visiting the wall or leave the message and end the game.

I've a feeling there are some loose ends here.. Did you intend more that we can see now?
Was there a intention to keep score? If so, what would be the maximum I'd be able to get? That way at least I know I missed something.

For instance:

What's with the soil and the underwear? It don't get it at all. I get a point but it's not functional in the game at all. Same goes for the little rock... I can pick it up, get a point but don't use it...

Like said before, nothing I pointed out here is to criticise in any way. It's just what I noticed about the game as a player. It's _my_ opinion. Blame me for that. In the end, the game has something ... but for me just not it.

Keep up the good work and I'll be playing your next game!
Ultimate Game Solutions - Because there is a solution for everything


I used water on fire, it is gone.
Now i'm blocked by a green head.


Could you leave the room? Are you still in the main hall? I can't remember seeing anything like that. Can you do anything at all?

You need to walk north, through the 'fire' to go the the next room.
Ultimate Game Solutions - Because there is a solution for everything


Can someone kindly direct me to where I can download this game?

I played the other one with the space ship piece collecting, gun blasting, bunny character running, red ruby thing collecting, and can't even remember the name of that one and can't find Lost in the Woods for shit!

Much love for a link or any help, friends.



The link from the games page still works so no problems there. You can click that download link to get the game. The best place to request these games is in the GameSeek department.

The other game you mention, is that one also made by Stephen Storc?

Ultimate Game Solutions - Because there is a solution for everything


You know what, I'm pretty sure this is not the game I was thinking of. Maybe it was something along the lines of "lost in the forest" or whatever... Shit. I'm drawing a total Steve Bruhl blank here about the other game's name... It had ruby crystals and gun shooting and the gun was powered up when you had full health. It was sci-fi themed, but had lots of natural terrain and bunny-like characters. I'd highly recommend it to you guys if I could remember the name...


I just figured it all out-

Cave Story- Awesome side scrolling shooting sci-fi bunny rabbit game. Highly recommend if you haven't found it.

Knytt- Not quite as awesome but very artistically charming and creatively similar.

Knytt Stories- More Knytt, apparently.

Within a Deep Forest- The one I've been searching for! Similar platform as Knytt.

Braid- Some apparent freeware that my search also led me to  that looks totally worth checking out!

Soldat- Also something I found. Supposedly a freeware multiplayer sidescroller shooter. (sorry adventurers)

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