The Devil's Shroud part 2

Started by snowdog, Sun 12/06/2005 12:38:49

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I am already forgetting the sequence of what I did..... but according to your previous post, you have not gotten back into the monk's cell...
go to the back side of the cell (where the cow is) and look at the window and the broken lamp above.  Go back to the boat and pick up the rope and anchor.... then use these to climb into back side of the cell.   See if you can now pick up the pencil..... then try getting the cork and burning it.    Maybe this will help.


I'm stuck again.  Can't seem to view the embankment.  Get the cork,  record the bird.  I've managed to follow Father Guiseppe to the park.  Help please, I'm Lost! lol


Lost have you ...

read the journal in the monk's cell and also put another 20cent into the telescope to view the embankment?

Could anyone please email me a saved game from just after following Father Guiseppe as even though I have read previous posts, my cursor seems too slow to move to correct places!

thank you!


When following Father Guiseppe at the first screen where you can use your mouse...

I try to hide on the steps on the left hand side. No matter where I stand I still get the message "He's seen me!".

I think I may be too slow?


Save often and

on the first screen, do not walk onto the steps, but go left instead.
on the next screen, simply follow him
on the third screen, hide behind the second house on the left (in the background)
the problem is that you may loose him
there are a few other screens, and this is not easy at all, but eventually, you will follow him to a garden



To all that is playing this game from start:
I've found a bug at beggining.
When entering the hotel for first time and try going at left without
speaking with the clerk. You won't be able to leave.

If that happen simply restart and deal with clerk beforehand.

I'm stuck with recording bird at bookstall:
It seems that I have to been extremely fast to record the bird and I can hardly see the bird. Now exactly is that bird?


I also hat a problem at this stage of the game.
So I first went back to the embankment and spoke to the man again and clicked at several hotspots. Then I went back to the river. At the river you will see only one bird. When it arrives at the far left of the screen record the cry.


Ok, Thank you.

I've solved it, I do have another question.

I did manage entering the crypt including with date/number solve but I did combined two cloths but I'm not sure how to exit crypt.

Can anyone help?

Ok, I just completed part two

A bug report seems to be have reported and it has something to do with number manipulations. If that happens, try to double click a number and simply move or simply save and reload.

1) I am not sure what do with the ring found in bed room
2) When solving date puzzle, I'm not sure if by combining last pieces of cloths or not will affect part3.

Great challenging game and I'm looking forward to part3


Sorry, ignore this post - I'm past the part where I was stuck.  I'm working on the labyrinth now.


How do I
get the key to the drawer in the dead monk's cell from the habits hanging on the washing line?  Every time I click on the habits, it says "I don't need another habit".  Is this a pixel hunt for a pocket?  Or is there something else I need to do first?



Have you been to the cell yet? You must enter the dead monks cell first and try to open the drawer. Then, while wearing the habbit, go to the window and fetch the other habbits.


sthomannch wrote:
Have you been to the cell yet? You must enter the dead monks cell first and try to open the drawer. Then, while wearing the habbit, go to the window and fetch the other habbits.

Yes, but that doesn't seem to work.  Here's what happens:
I entered the cell and tried to open the drawer.  It says "It's locked."  I go into the building near the entrance, still in the monk's clothing, and try to take a habit from the washing line.  It says "I don't need another habit."  I get the same response if I try to take one of the habits while I'm standing on the ground.

I take that's what you mean I should be doing.



I could do it without any problem. I also went south of the screen with the police man and entered the church. This is, where they found the body of the dead monk. I examined this place before I tried to enter the cell. I have no idea what else you could have missed.
Good luck


Paolo,  Don't take the habit just look at each habit on the line  and then ...


Quote from: sthomannch on Wed 01/02/2006 19:58:19

I could do it without any problem. I also went south of the screen with the police man and entered the church. This is, where they found the body of the dead monk. I examined this place before I tried to enter the cell. I have no idea what else you could have missed.
Good luck

Ah... I haven't done that yet.  Maybe I need to first.  I'll try it out.

Lynn, I tried what you're suggesting, and that didn't work either.  Maybe I do need to do what sthomannch suggests first.

Thanks for the feedback.


Quote from: paolo on Thu 02/02/2006 13:22:22
Quote from: sthomannch on Wed 01/02/2006 19:58:19

I could do it without any problem. I also went south of the screen with the police man and entered the church. This is, where they found the body of the dead monk. I examined this place before I tried to enter the cell. I have no idea what else you could have missed.
Good luck

Ah... I haven't done that yet.  Maybe I need to first.  I'll try it out.

That worked.  Thanks.  I hadn't been into the church yet, so I had no reason to be trying what I was doing.


Now I see that I need to

get a 20c coin to operate the telescope so I can look at the embankment where the bookstalls are.  I've gone into the basilica but when I try to get change from the offertory box by putting my wallet on it, nothing happens.

Now, earlier in the game, I gave the saxophonist some coins... were these the coins I need now?  Does this mean there is a dead end in the game?  I hope not, as I would have to go back almost to the beginning in that case...



I have only just worked this out too. You need to use the hand icon on the telescope again after you have used the look icon and the hand icon once. Then it will tell you it needs 20c coins then you go to the box and it lets you swap. [\hide]
Take the road less travelled.... you won't meet so many idiots on the way.


Quote from: ness on Fri 03/02/2006 02:11:42

I have only just worked this out too. You need to use the hand icon on the telescope again after you have used the look icon and the hand icon once. Then it will tell you it needs 20c coins then you go to the box and it lets you swap. [\hide]
Thanks.  Yes, this is what I am doing already, and it is happening like you say.


when I go into the basilica and use my wallet with the offertory box, nothing happens.  Is there something else I need to have done before I can get change from the box?

If I look at my wallet in the inventory, it says "I'm not rich."  Before I gave the coins to the sax player, I'm pretty sure the message was "I have some coins".  Maybe I have to go back to the sax player and steal the coins back again :)  I'll try that.

Any other suggestions?



If I look at my wallet in the inventory, it says "I'm not rich."  Before I gave the coins to the sax player, I'm pretty sure the message was "I have some coins".  Maybe I have to go back to the sax player and steal the coins back again :)  I'll try that.

I tried doing that, but I can't get them back.  Is this a deliberate dead end or a bug or should I be doing something else?

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