
Started by Stupot, Wed 09/11/2016 08:21:56

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Quote from: Snarky on Sat 21/12/2019 09:18:02
About as expected, I would say. Some things a bit worse, some things a bit better. Overall, a complete shitshow.

Yeah, for the last 4 years it has just felt like something to endure like a dentist drill to a molar...

If he gets reelected then we get rooted in the canal for another 4.


It's not intended as bait. The initial purpose of this thread was to invite predictions about what a Trump presidency might mean. The latest development seemed like a good milestone in his tenure to assess where things stand - where we stand.


Looking back…

Quote from: LimpingFish on Wed 09/11/2016 22:29:39
Republicans may be close-minded racists, but they're not about to let their country go down the toilet on the say-so of a sentient croissant who's best pals with the Ruskies.

I don't think that prediction has been borne out.


Quote from: Snarky on Sun 09/02/2020 11:14:16
Looking back…

Quote from: LimpingFish on Wed 09/11/2016 22:29:39
Republicans may be close-minded racists, but they're not about to let their country go down the toilet on the say-so of a sentient croissant who's best pals with the Ruskies.

I don't think that prediction has been borne out.

:~(  :~(  :~(


Quote from: Stupot on Sat 21/12/2019 04:08:26
So, Trump has officially been impeached


Gotta learn how stuff works if you don't want to keep losing elections. I hear Iowa is nice this time of year.  :X


He was officially impeached. Senate Republicans (with one honorable exception) refused to convict, even though several admitted that he was guilty and the acts were impeachable, in an act of crony nullification.


"Crony nullification" seems like a mischaracterization.
The process of impeachment and removal exists to remove a president from office in a situation where said presidents actions are deemed by both houses, with considerable majority that pretty much has to cross party lines somewhere. Thus it can only be expected to produce the result of removal only in a situation where the presidents actions are deemed dire and harmful to the nation by both parties, not just one of the two parties. Him having done "something wrong" is also not enough of a reason to dismiss, as long as that wrong does not constitute a considerable harm to the nation as a whole, or else quite a few presidents would have been removed from office, including Clinton back in his day.

And now...

Watching the Democrats fail to put forward a candidate the public can abide by.
Watching the rushed attempt at impeachment and removal fall flat just as expected.
Watching the Democrats get called out for massive miscalculations and failures in their caucusing.

I had folk laughing at me in 2016 when I said Trump might well win the presidency, but as we are in an election year again...

* clears throat *


EDIT: removed a few redundant words.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Quote from: WHAM on Sun 09/02/2020 13:17:08miscalculations

This is generous. Some candidates are allowed to run and others not. Ask Ron Paul.

What's surprising is that the DNC eventually pick candidates so obviously bad, that the ringer wins.



Quote from: WHAM on Sun 09/02/2020 13:17:08
"Crony nullification" seems like a mischaracterization.

"Jury nullification" is when a jury refuses to convict a defendant even though they know he is guilty.

Article 2, Section 4 of the US Constitution provides for impeachment of a president for "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Alexander Hamilton explained in the Federalist Papers that "high crimes and misdemeanors" means: "those offences which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated political, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself."

There is no real dispute that Trump did what he was accused of â€" and that it was, according to the Government Accountability Office, illegal. There is strong evidence (though the Senate refused to hear some of it) that his motive was to gain personal political advantage. This would, by consensus of legal scholars and as a number of Senators have acknowledged, be precisely the sort of abuse of power that "high crimes and misdemeanor" refers to.

Knowing he is guilty and that the acts amount to the sort of crime the Constitution envisioned, they were duty-bound to convict, having taken an oath where they "solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the constitution and laws: So help me God."

52 Republican senators broke their oath. You can argue about the political realities all you want, but that is as plain a case of nullification as there is. If they sincerely felt that this wasn't a serious enough case of a high crime or misdemeanor to warrant removal, that would still be nullification; in that case they could have compromised on a motion of censure, as Senator Manchin proposed. They weren't even willing to do that.

And given that senators like McConnell, Graham and others others openly colluded with the defense and declared that they would not be impartial, "crony nullification" seems like a perfectly apt term.

Is it surprising that almost the entire Republican party is prepared to betray the Republic for Trump (or more accurately, out of fear of his populist base)? Sadly, not at all. That does not mean it should not be considered shocking.


Quote from: Snarky on Sun 09/02/2020 13:48:42
"Jury nullification" is when a jury refuses to convict a defendant even though they know he is guilty.

Could you say this defendant was ever convicted? No.

An attempt was made.


Quote from: Jack on Sun 09/02/2020 13:04:55
Quote from: Stupot on Sat 21/12/2019 04:08:26
So, Trump has officially been impeached

Gotta learn how stuff works if you don't want to keep losing elections. I hear Iowa is nice this time of year.  :X


What is truly terrifying to me isn't so much how the people in power do not seem to mind subverting democracy and committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in broad daylight but rather the fact that there's a significant portion of the population who is actually cheering them on, probably due to the unrelenting belief that they themselves will somehow never end up being put up against the wall someday.




So how's everyone's day going?


I hope everyone is well...

There is  a lot going on behind the scenes, some YOU can see and some YOU can't....  Either way....I hope you make the right choice....

Khris has a good point...

I can't say too much here but let's hope the future turns good...


Yeah, slasher is fully Q-pilled ;) (don't know, just guessing, and all I said was that Trump is an unwitting fascist)

Here's the best take I've seen so far:
It's also the only one I've seen since I woke up 10 minutes ago.


Quote from: Khris on Wed 04/11/2020 08:08:44
Yeah, slasher is fully Q-pilled ;) (don't know, just guessing, and all I said was that Trump is an unwitting fascist)

Here's the best take I've seen so far:
It's also the only one I've seen since I woke up 10 minutes ago.
Trump tried exactly this. I think he intended to come out and say "I've won the election" but he ended up saying "As far as I'm concerned, we won." which leaves wiggle room for him to deny that he actually "claimed" victory. He bottled it (which I'm glad about, but he might try again more assertively next time).


What they both have to say about my native country. Did a while ago, thought it was fiting in this thread ;)

A Swedish professor said that Biden is mentally retarded. I died laughing, in national tv too! (laugh)

All i can think is. Let's pretend this Biden actually wins. He is so old, in fact he is very old. Even older then Trump. He could get dementia, or already have it (probably what the professor actually meant to say in Swedish tv.

I can't get my head around the fact that two Very old people are about to to run a country. are there no better alternatives? (wrong)



eri0o: Yup, that about sums it up.

This movie poster came to my mind:


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