Background Blitz - Round Two - Closed, we have a winner!

Started by jwalt, Fri 29/11/2013 18:07:59

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Since no one wanted to come out and play, and since Adeel suggested I try again, and subject to moderator approval, let us try this:

Just give us a recent background you've been working on, or recently completed. Theme/genre/topic will be immaterial. Judge the submissions, if any, on the following criteria:

     Will it work as a background in a game?

     Does it have technical merit?

I'd prefer recent work, rather than going back ten years to an image that you feel is the best work you've ever done. I will not, however, specify an exact definition of recent. I'll trust your honesty.

Since I've already taken up a lot of time, I think this can and should be a very short Blitz. In this instance, December 10, 2013 should give folks enough time to find and respond to this post.

Again, this is subject to moderator approval.


If you increase the deadline, I'll consider to participate. For I have a background almost completed (which I were drawing before I fell ill). So please, increase the deadline. :) And nice theme btw, I'm sure that it'll generate many entries. (nod)



10 days? I'm feeling more and more comfortable now. :cheesy: Fine, lets go with December 10th. :smiley:


Okay. The deadline will be December 10, 2013.

Edit: And get well!


Sorry you didn't get any entries for the last blitz, jwalt. Seemed like a neat topic.

Here's my entry; the most recent completed background from a new project I'm working on.


Quote from: Pinback on Mon 02/12/2013 06:10:22
Here's my entry; the most recent completed background from a new project I'm working on.

You're setting the bar incredibly high ;-D Will post something for sure, I have a couple of unfinished bgs here that really should be cleaned up anyways!


I might see if I can put some work into this sketch:


Edit: Well, I did some more work, but decided I didn't like it and started over from scratch. Didn't get far enough to have anything.


You guys have no idea how relieved I am to see an entry and some interest in the competition. I was beginning to think I'd be forever known as the guy who killed the Blitz. Whew!


Working on a RON game!!!!!



here's my entry.

originally created for a 'nighttime' MAGS but unfortunately my story was _really_ lame and i didn't had time/inspiration to continue, so i decided to cancel it...

Just draw a car quickly to the background to let it look less empty...
But that's it with this background - i'll put it to all the other unfinished stuff on my comp... ;-)


Thanks for two very nice entries! Also thanks for the sketches, which I was tempted to include in the competition, but decided, in the end, to exclude.


And Lupo4u2's:


How well will the image work as a background?
Does the image show technical merit?

Voting will close at the end of December 13, 2013. Sorry, folks, no trophies. They would have been lame ones, anyway.


Pinback for both categories.

Lupo's is good, but I'm not 100% convinced by the perspective (I think because the foreground trees make it seem like the camera is a few meters off the ground, but then the perspective on the car looks like it's lower), and I can't quite work out the walkable area or exits. I think maybe a bit of highlights on the trees and less saturation on the green sections in shadow would look better as well (my experience is that you lose almost all color at night, so that neither grass nor leaves look all that green unless illuminated with something much brighter than the moon):



The Public, Snarky, has spoken. Pinback wins and has the honor of hosting the next Background Blitz.



Pinback also won the Tune Contest, and the composers, over there, are debating revolting and posting their own topic. Any suggestions about what should happen over here?


I think, therefore I am, I think.

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