Background Blitz: Crazy perspective (OPEN - Deadline Nov 16th)

Started by Creamy, Mon 16/10/2023 22:20:44

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For this Background Blitz let's forget about character integration.
Curve the lines, cheat with the vanishing point and other geometrical laws if you want, but show us an unusual perspective.

Deadline: 16th of November 2023.

Voting criteria:

- Concept: your background should tell us something about the place you have depicted.
- Audacity of perspective
- Artistic Execution: does the image convey the wanted atmosphere? What's the feeling of the place?



Oh that's a fun idea and some nice example photos.  I have no idea what to do lol.



Ooh nice! A chance to practice curvilinear perspective. Here's a quick tutorial:


Just a quick reminder that we're halfway through. Good luck everyone.


Started work on my entry and hope to have it posted later this week :)


This was a little tricky at this resolution since everything is a bit "blurry" to begin with.


Oops, I let the deadline slip by.

That's a cool idea, @newwaveburritos .
Also a bit crazy: showing a reflection at low resolution with this limited palette  8-0 
You couldn't use a gradient yet you made it work.
Congratulations for this new demonstration of your talent.

I think you can host the next Background Blitz, unless @mattcoles has something on the way?


I think we can take that as a no lol. 

Thanks for the kind words!  I'll think up something fun and post it here tonight or tomorrow and we can get started on a new one.  Excellent!


I totally missed you entry, @newwaveburritos. Wonderful work and great take on the topic!

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