MODULE: SpeechBubble v0.8.0

Started by Snarky, Sun 03/12/2017 11:28:04

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Quote from: Dave Gilbert on Fri 15/09/2023 18:12:08Hello! Sorry for the double post. Is there a way to manually change the X position of the tail?

Sorry no, not in the released version of the module. I really have to complete and release v2, which has this setting.

Dave Gilbert

Oh! Good to know it exists at the very least. Ping this thread when ready! Thanks.


Decided to try this out today but apparently:

SpeechBubble_0.8.0.asc(797): Error (line 797): undefined symbol 'eAlignCentre'

Couldn't find anyone else having this issue when I searched so not sure how to solve it


You can replace it with eAlignCenter. I thought we had dropped the UK English only in ags4, not sure which ags version you are using.


Ah, I assumed that since the activity in this thread was so recent that the module would still work with more recent versions of AGS but it seems I was mistaken. I'm seeing more things now that are no longer supported like System.ViewportWidth and GetViewportX

Unless someone happens to have a patched version to share I will simply join the que of folks patiently waiting for v2 :)

OH! Just went back and saw Daves notes on what to swap out, will try that, thank you Dave and also eri0o :)

Edit 2:
It works! Woo! :D

Crimson Wizard

I shall note this again, 3.6.* versions are fully backwards compatible, and ALL the old commands may be enabled again by changing the "Script compatibility level" in General Settings -> Backwards Compatibility; as well as few other settings, as explained here:

Alternatively, here's the list of deprecated commands and their new equivalents:

Dave Gilbert

Hello! I am sort of cross-posting from this thread. The latest update to AGS doesn't seem to be compatible with this module. It crashes with this error when anyone speaks. Any idea why this may be happening?


@Dave Gilbert

Hmm... Looking over the code (without tracing the logic precisely), I get the impression that this might happen if a character is already background-speaking when asked to speak. I don't see why the latest patch would change the behavior of the module, though.

Dave Gilbert

Thanks! CW over on the other thread managed to sort out what was wrong.


Quote from: glurex on Fri 18/11/2022 18:52:56Hi, Snarky.

I use your module and modified it a bit to "erase" the tail of the speech bubble for a game i'm developing.

Speech-Bubble-WOT" border="0

Is it ok? Of course I'll credite you and the module.

I would like to know what you changed. This interests me

Dave Gilbert

Hi all! So I'm adding speech to the game and I'm noticing a bit of weirdness when using the SayBackgroundBubble command.

I have two characters talking in the background. One of them is currently voiced, the other one is not. For some reason, when the unvoiced character speaks, a second speech balloon appears above the voiced character. It echoes what the unvoiced character is saying but is visually distorted.

See here:

As a test, I imported some dummy speech files for the unvoiced character (which don't match the text, so ignore that) and it plays fine:

So this problem will fix itself once I add the final voiceover, so it's no big deal, but I imagine this isn't the intended behavior.


Thanks for the report. I will look into it.

(Also, the game looks really great. I am honestly a bit apprehensive that you're relying on my code for the speech display.)

Dave Gilbert

Heh. Well I've been using it for almost 4 years now so it's too late to remove it now!  :-D

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