New RON Demo: Hidden Messages

Started by e-vinyl, Mon 08/01/2024 09:37:30

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Hello everyone,

This is my first post here though I've known RON for about 20 years (almost since the beginning). It was because of this series that I was introduced to AGS (and game development in general) and while I didn't do anything particularly special back then, I've managed to get some time to contribute :P.

I'm currently working on a game called Hidden Messages and got my demo released (you can get it from This is made from a concept a friend and I created almost a decade ago, for a RON game. Here's the synopsis:

QuoteDavy Jones has been impatiently waiting for a special package for weeks. After going through hoops to finally retrieve it, he finds out his new prized possession is not quite what he thought it would be.

The demo is meant to be the beginning section of a larger game (depending on my free time, it's between 30% to 50% of the final game :P).

You'll probably notice the resolution is a bit unorthodox (it's 240x160 instead of the classical 320x200). It is because this was originally meant to be a GBA game (though due to lack of time, I ended up not going with that idea). I did, however, take the opportunity to practice pixel art a bit and still redrawn everything on a smaller resolution.

Not sure when I'll go about finishing the game but, in the mean time, I hope you enjoy the demo!


It looks interesting. I hope you finish it.  :-D

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