[NON-AGS HELP WANT] God's only children looking for pixel artist

Started by Postototo, Wed 11/09/2024 11:38:44

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Hi everybody, I'm an Italian filmmaker, who's trying to put together a very atmospheric point and click in pixel art set in 70s in San Francisco, taking from police movies, big conspiracies and Blaxploitation style. 

Here you can see the beginning of it:
God's only children

And I leave you also a proof of concept film for an American tv series that I've done to see a bit of my narrative style:
The Recycling Man

It would be ideal to find a more skilled than me, pixel artist that wants to build this together, however also other roles collaborators that wants to join a passion project are welcome!
Thank you all e ciao a tutti!

Here if you want you can download a playable alpha version of the beginning:
God's only children playable alpha

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