[HELP FOUND] Small Scripting Job

Started by Woffle, Mon 15/06/2015 21:03:26

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I'm working on a very short, very simple adventure game, essentially an interactive short story. I'm a real novice at AGS and scripting in general, however, and there's a problem that's eluding me. I've posted in the technical help forums but my dumb brain is still unable to make it work and I'm on a bit of a deadline. I'm willing to Paypal someone for what I'm sure is about a half hour of scripting work. Essentially, I'm looking to create a graphical element that follows around the hover-over text Module I'm using so that it can be more readable. I'd like the option for it to work with the text hovering over the mouse and in the upper left corner of the screen. It's the last thing I haven't been able to get working and I'm at my wits end.

Feel free to PM or email at garybutterfield (at) gmail (dot) com. ;) Bonus points for zero condescension! ;)

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