My avatar is no longer displaying

Started by Akril15, Sun 01/09/2024 02:46:27

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My personalized picture image has remained unchanged for years, but for some reason, it is no longer displaying on my profile. The image itself is still there, but it won't display -- all that shows up is the gray default image. I tried reuploading the image to ImGur, but when I tried entering the Imgur URL, I got an error message saying "The avatar you have selected is either too large or not an avatar". What's going on?


It's because your avatar isn't stored on a secure (https) server.  All modern browsers, and the forums software, actively reject http addresses now.

Can you give me the imagur URL you're trying to use?


I get the same error if I try to change my profile, @AGA (though my avatar nevertheless still seems to appear). The URL is


Quote from: AGA on Sun 01/09/2024 15:09:09It's because your avatar isn't stored on a secure (https) server.  All modern browsers, and the forums software, actively reject http addresses now.

Can you give me the imagur URL you're trying to use?
I see. The URL is

EDIT: I managed to fix some security issues with my website, so the image stored there is working again.


We've had issues with imgur before.  It's because for instace redirects to when you hit it, which is a page, not an image file.  They apparently banned hotlinking images a few years ago, presumably that's why it does this.

The forums tries to check the MIME type of the image link when you add it, and presumably this is returning document\html or something instead of image\jpg.


I'm in a similar seat, is there anything I can do instead? I want to be able to have an avatar.


Quote from: Blondbraid on Wed 04/09/2024 19:48:49I'm in a similar seat, is there anything I can do instead? I want to be able to have an avatar.

Try uploading your avatar to a site that isn't imgur if you haven't already, that's what fixed it for me — I used instead and it worked fine.
Worked on the translation from Spanish to English in Clothes Line (2024)


Quote from: Totem on Sun 08/09/2024 09:17:24
Quote from: Blondbraid on Wed 04/09/2024 19:48:49I'm in a similar seat, is there anything I can do instead? I want to be able to have an avatar.

Try uploading your avatar to a site that isn't imgur if you haven't already, that's what fixed it for me — I used instead and it worked fine.
Thanks! it seems to work!

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