star wars the new ganaration series

Started by , Thu 21/06/2012 01:20:45

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hey i have a video recorded it's me explaining why i wanted to make star wars the new generation sires so goto and watch tell me what you think  o@Ustream !

Ryan Timothy B

I hope you put more energy into your game than you did your recording. Zzzz
Were you playing chess while watching tv while doing this recording?


You want to compile the voice acting (lines) before you make the game? That doesn't sound like a good method to me.. But yes stick to one game. And good luck. Also your latest "upload" to the games db points to a 16kb zip containing a .agf file that can't be played, you should re-upload it with the contents of your games 'compiled' folder.


Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


I'm sorry, but I'm struggling to understand what you are saying. Could you write a blogpost about it or something? It might make things a little clearer.
Quote from: Calin Elephantsittingonface on Tue 08/02/2011 09:00:55
The only person in favour of the mobs seems to be IndieBoy.. but he's scottish so we dont listen to him anyway.


From what I can make out from this...Is that you're not sure why you're making this game either.

The only thing I hear when you're asked why you want to make this game is...Ummmmm...wellll..Ummmm...silence?


Crazy igg. Where is your storyline?

Fighting game or star wars teh new geurnaration? I'm confused.


Please remove the baked potato from the microphone before you do your next interview.
Other than that, your parody podcast is off to a good start.

Ryan Timothy B

i have also recrded a sires of my talking about star wars new ganaration and i want yur feedback as well.



Shouldn't it be "Garneration"? I think many Sith are looking for better garnments, and are probably up to building a new LOOMING Death Star, and that would make a totally good plot for a whole new trilogy:

A New Thread!
The Empire Knits Back!
Patching Up A Jedi!

Ryan: I am giving you this feedback: You should do voiceovers for Dtrah Avred!


are you serious about the plot or are you just messing around like everyone else 


i don't know why you did that but it sure was funny even if you were just trying to imitate me


That was the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. So thank you ig299, for inspiring Ryan to make the best clip I've ever heard around here.

Now that Ryan made it clear why you're making this game, I say you should do it. Let's just hope that Ryan remakes it afterwards so we can all play it  :tongue:


Ryan Timothy B

Quote from: ig299 on Fri 22/06/2012 02:25:11i don't know why you did that but it sure was funny even if you were just trying to imitate me
No way man! I was being serious. I love stick figures and star wars. Very fascinating.

Of course I was mocking you. I could never be that boring or senseless. Talking randomly and not actually making sense or having any purpose to speak - let alone record it and ask for comments.

Quote from: Ghost on Fri 22/06/2012 00:41:53I am giving you this feedback: You should do voiceovers for Dtrah Avred!
Lkeu.. I'm your father!

This is what I gathered from listening to your video audio clip. It's very hard to understand.
QuoteHi, it's me.
And.. umm.. today.. I'm going to.. talk about the game I'm planning on making.
As I've already said before it's star wars the new generation.
And people were wondering about like, why you're tryin to make a series.
Well... it's because. umm.. there's two reasons for it.. one is umm.. because..
umm.. I.. I really.. I don't know about the story it.. it *something* very good, very good to me
the first time.. but like.. I dunno if there's enough action or something.. umm.. but.. umm..
I haven't played like the *something* dvd for it or something.
but I really.. *something* the awards for quite a while but.
I'm.. I'm gonna tell you why.. I did that. I decided to do that.
well. if.. and first of all.. while they're just stick figures.
if anyone of you have played umm.. those stick games on the internet.
where... stick heads... yeah. that's where I was going with this.
the.. they have.. they have good storyline and all that.. so that really grabbed my... desire to do that.
but i don't know.. maybe people are right. maybe i should just focus on one game.
but.. the thing about it.. the reason it took a little longer than I expected was because..
I don't want to start making it until i get all the voice acting done. i know..
and.. umm.. yeah.. so... this is why. i decided to do that. making.. make a series.
cause it'd be pretty interesting. i have.. i have some ideas for the series..
umm.. but i know what you guys gonna say.. so yeah.. and umm..
i really.. like.. i.. i was really looking forward to this the first time I started..
*something* no.. make something different. there's lots of star wars stories already..
or.. as much as *something* said. but.. i'm hoping for it to be good..
so i wanna know guys.. what does..
do you still think i should just make one game or do you still want me to make like a series..
maybe i put it on dvd.
so yeah.. tell me what you think in the.. in the comments.
i'm hoping to *something* ags forums. so yeah..
and you can tell me what you think.. and.. we'll go from there.. thanks.

I haven't a clue what you're talking about or what you have said in the entire clip. Either you're trolling us, or you were legitimately hit on the head with a frying pan (Left 4 Dead style).


Ryan, my hat is off to you for soldiering on through that entire bloody mess of a video and DOCUMENTING it!
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


oh man Ryan's recording just put me in tears... brilliant!

Blake's Sanctum - Quest For Glory Series:
fan page containing pics, vids, info, walkthroughs, patches, & maps!

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Here's what I've taken away from your proposal:

1.  'Um' is part of your daily vocabulary
2.  You have no clue what it is you really want to do and are just meandering about hoping something happens
3.  Recording your voice makes you nervous AND/OR uncomfortable

Here's what I've taken away from Ryan's mock proposal:

1.  Tim Hortons Hears a 'What?'
2.  Canadians STILL haven't learned how to pronounce 'about'


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