What grinds my gears!

Started by Mouth for war, Thu 24/09/2015 13:43:15

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Mouth for war

Ok this is the rumpus room but if this is TOO damn stupid just delete it! :D But when an update/install or whatever has that progressbar and it says 100% complete but you still must wait. That's what really grinds my gears! (Yeah family guy reference there) Maybe I should keep this thread to have a new grind every week!!!! Anyone with me? Check in for next weeks complaints!!!! :D
mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer

Retro Wolf

Or where it gets to 90% really fast then crawls to the end! It should be a consistent speed throughout! And the "time left" always fluctuates or is completely wrong!


Quote from: Retro Wolf on Thu 24/09/2015 14:23:05
And the "time left" always fluctuates or is completely wrong!

I always picture a talk-show host saying:

"Do we have time for the clip before the commercial break? We do? Oh wait, my producer is telling me we don't. (CLIP STARTS) Well it looks like we do...(CLIP GETS YANKED)...Apparently we don't so we'll see you back here right after these wor...(COMMERCIAL BREAK STARTS)"

Mouth for war

Yeah! I hate being lied to! if it is 100% done so be done, don't be playing with my feelings like that!!!! How can I be sure of anything in life if I can't trust an installer/updater progressbar? :D
mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


Well if it's any compensation, the 5yo in me still laughs at the 69% (laugh)

Mouth for war

It IS a little consolation but still! haha :D
mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


This thread name needs to be changed to "what grinds your gears?"

How about status downloadinh bars that say "5 hours left" and keeps changing its mind. Uh.

Mouth for war

I got a new one...People who drives away so god damn slow from a red light when it turns green, resulting in me having to stop for another red light. That seriously pisses me off more than old people who takes forever to finish shopping in the food store when they dig after money for the clerk and in the middle of it must tell a boring, f*****g story about their dirty mutt(often a poodle) who keeps barking outside thinking it's a badass rabid mutant even though you could easily whack it to the moon with a rolled up newspaper!!!! Yeah that's what grinds my gears this evening :D
mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


Let the developers see how they should show the loading line! :) :=


People don't jumping out of my way whenever I'm driving on the footpath at high speeds, resulting in me seriously injuring and/or killing them!


well for installations and updates time is indeed relative. To a Point where it goes backwards. I called this Windows time once, until i discovered steam...
<iframe src="https://itch.io/embed/42168?linkback=true" width="552" height="167" frameborder="0"></iframe>


In Pixar's "Cars" movies...



I enjoyed the The Force Awakens (having finally got to see it), but... big finale is to destroy a weapon inside what looks like a Death Star (albeit a bigger version) - AGAIN?!?!?  I mean, really?  Could they not have thought of something else?

There was a lot I liked about the movie, but it did all just feel a little too derivative.


Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 15/01/2016 14:45:15
I enjoyed the The Force Awakens (having finally got to see it), but... big finale is to destroy a weapon inside what looks like a Death Star (albeit a bigger version) - AGAIN?!?!?  I mean, really?  Could they not have thought of something else?

There was a lot I liked about the movie, but it did all just feel a little too derivative.

Yeah, that was annoying...But I felt it was more a subplot in a movie that had 3-4 other plots going on at the same time...All of which I greatly enjoyed so I could overlook the obvious "HEY WE ARE STAR WARS AGAIN!!! NOT THAT OTHER SHITE THAT YOU GOT BORED BY IN THE LAST THREE MOVIES!" callout to the fans...

(Let's not even mention the fact that they were attacking a HUGE target like an acre wide over and over to detonate the thing...There wasn't even the suspense of the "impossible shot" that needed a pilot wielding the force to pull it off...Maybe next time just a big red button saying "DO NOT PUSH THE BUTTON!!!"?! One little "easter egg"? I did notice during the attack was that they call in "Red 4 & Red 6" like as if "Red 5" is a revered and retired number kinda like "42" in American baseball...Nice touch I thought...)

I thought they should have gone a step further and have had the attack FAIL (the "target" was a decoy) and the "Death Star" fully charge and wipe out the rebels' outpost...

And screw General Organa...She should have known better to get herself in the same situation twice and expect the same happy outcome...

So...the next movie would be just the last few remaining Jedi, without any rebel support, trying to bring down the entire "First Order" ...cough..."Empire"....all on their own...

Now...wouldn't THAT be a much more exciting story?!

I honestly felt NOTHING when that thing blew up...BUT the rest of the movie was awesome!

Retro Wolf

The whole thing just seemed like an homage to the original trilogy, almost every scene! Still very enjoyable though.


Quote from: Mandle on Fri 15/01/2016 15:15:48
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 15/01/2016 14:45:15
I enjoyed the The Force Awakens (having finally got to see it), but... big finale is to destroy a weapon inside what looks like a Death Star (albeit a bigger version) - AGAIN?!?!?  I mean, really?  Could they not have thought of something else?

There was a lot I liked about the movie, but it did all just feel a little too derivative.

Yeah, that was annoying...But I felt it was more a subplot in a movie that had 3-4 other plots going on at the same time...All of which I greatly enjoyed so I could overlook the obvious "HEY WE ARE STAR WARS AGAIN!!! NOT THAT OTHER SHITE THAT YOU GOT BORED BY IN THE LAST THREE MOVIES!" callout to the fans...

(Let's not even mention the fact that they were attacking a HUGE target like an acre wide over and over to detonate the thing...There wasn't even the suspense of the "impossible shot" that needed a pilot wielding the force to pull it off...Maybe next time just a big red button saying "DO NOT PUSH THE BUTTON!!!"?! One little "easter egg"? I did notice during the attack was that they call in "Red 4 & Red 6" like as if "Red 5" is a revered and retired number kinda like "42" in American baseball...Nice touch I thought...)

I thought they should have gone a step further and have had the attack FAIL (the "target" was a decoy) and the "Death Star" fully charge and wipe out the rebels' outpost...

And screw General Organa...She should have known better to get herself in the same situation twice and expect the same happy outcome...

So...the next movie would be just the last few remaining Jedi, without any rebel support, trying to bring down the entire "First Order" ...cough..."Empire"....all on their own...

Now...wouldn't THAT be a much more exciting story?!

I honestly felt NOTHING when that thing blew up...BUT the rest of the movie was awesome!
Don't you mean only an acre wide. I mean that thing was the size of a planet with it's own atmosphere and they destroyed it with a few shots from a couple of TIE fighters aiming at... what exactly?

That said, I thought the film was cracking. I can't call myself a Star Wars fan to be honest but EpVII certainly satisfied my film going needs.


Don't you mean only an acre wide. I mean that thing was the size of a planet with it's own atmosphere and they destroyed it with a few shots from a couple of TIE fighters aiming at... what exactly?


I know I was way too concentrated in making sure my bladder didn't explode (needed to visit the toilet for about the last hour of the movie (roll) )... but wasn't that what Han and Chewie were doing? Placing explosives to blow the "core"(?)??? Wasn't that the blew the planet, not the tie-fighters?
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Retro Wolf

Over the last few years I've noticed in every film or TV show, and I mean EVERY SINGLE BLOODY ONE! Whenever a character hits his head or an explosion occurs, all sound becomes muddy and they play a high pitched ringing sound. It makes me cringe and cover my ears, can't stand it!

Mouth for war

One thing that really grinds my gears is...you are in the shop and have a sweet tooth like out of this world...you start taking your favourites from the "take whatever you want then we wheigh and you pay"-section. There is one type of candy that co sists of puffed rice covered in chocolate....so i scoop up a lot...just to realise when i come home....it's god damn chocolate covered raisins. Raisins...the retarded,inbred cousin of the tasty grape. How the hell can you make something so disgusting from a grape?!?! Anyway...that ruins my day completely and that people, is what grinds my gears!!!
mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


It grinds my gears when people dislike raisins.
The Bunker

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