Script Modules

Revision as of 11:38, 30 November 2005 by *>SSH (Added links)

AGS script modules are a way for AGS script code to be reused and shared. They work like plugins, though a module manager, but are written in AGS script code entirely, and thus are independent of the platform on which a game is run.

Module Manager

The module manager is accessed through the Script menu on AGS, where a number of options are presented:

create a new module, from scratch
load a module from a .SCM file that you have downloaded
save your own module as a file others can use (modules are also saved in with the game they are used, so you don't HAVE to export them unless you want other to use them)
Deletes an existing module form the game
Move up
The order of modules can be important, as it reflects the order in which they are compiled and run, so this option and the next let you chnage their ordering.
Move down
see Move up

Modules contain a script and a header, similar to the global script and header. They are compiled before the global script/header and can contain their own versions of global script functions such as repeatedly_execute, on_event, etc.

You can also enter a breif description of the module, a version number and authorship details in the module manager when you create a module. There are options, too, to protect the script and the module info from modification if you export and distribute your own module.

See also

List of Script Modules Module programming guidelines Module header template (SSH)