SPHINX is the working title of an episodic AGS game in production. The game is also known as the Massive AGS Project. SPHINX is an open project, and encourages contributions from all. You can contribute to the game or look at the current progress at SPHINX Development.


Early sample screen from the game.

Summary Description

In SPHINX, you will play as Ravi, a travelling puppeteer and charlatan. Ravi has come to the big city to make his fortune (or at least enough for a ticket somewhere far away from anyone he owes money to), but instead he meets a girl with a mysterious past, and gets mixed up with revolutionaries trying to overthrow the government. In the middle of the city, among skyscrapers and subway stations, someone is digging up an ancient, enormous sphinx, and the statue is causing political and religious tensions to boil over. But that is nothing... until the sphinx wakes up.

Project History

Development on SPHINX was started in late 2005 when Andail started a thread on the AGS Forums, proposing a grand project of a game to be developed by many different teams of people, working independently. Several forumites showed interest in the idea, and Andail appointed people to different positions in the project. A separate forum was set up for the game development.

The designers on the project, from the start, were SSH, Snarky, and Big Brother (Andail chose to not get involved in the design). They agreed to adapt the game from SSH's design notes for Awakening of the Sphinx, a project SSH had more or less abandoned after creating a demo. From this initial basis, the design was radically revised, among other things moving the setting from ancient Egypt to an imaginary modern city.

After his initial input, SSH decided to take a less active hand in the development. Big Brother, as lead graphics designer, created background and sprite samples and had extensive creative input on the design. Snarky wrote most of the working documents. Several other people contributed to the project at this stage, with particular mention due to czar and cp, who had been recruited as writers.

The project stalled around February 2006. The overall design was not yet complete enough to hand off to the different teams, and recruits waiting around for something to do started to drift away. As interest died down, the designers' output also decreased.

In May 2006, when the project showed no further progress, Snarky decided to abandon the organization of roles and responsibilities, and open the game up for general contributors. The work in progress is currently being posted to the AGS Wiki, and announcements with calls for contributions will be made on adventure game forums.