Game templates

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Game templates are files with the extension .AGT that are used when creating a new game with the AGS editor. Full AGS releases come with the Empty Game and Default Game templates. The empty one is just that with the bare minimum of included stuff. The default template comes with the classic Sierra GUIs and Roger as default character.

The best place to get templates is to search the forums, or to visit Rui's Skimbleshanks AGS resources site or jasonjkay's resource site.

The Empty Game Template

The Empty Game template comes with no GUIs; 2 completely blank, unnamed inventory items; Global Messages 983 - 999 set the same as the Default Game template, the rest blank; no dialog topics; text parser settings the same as the Default Game template; no sprites (sprite 0 is a 1x1 sprite set to palette index 0); 2 views, VIEW1 containing 1 frame (sprite 0) in its down loop, VIEW2 containing 0 frames in its down loop; 1 character (cleverly named CHARACTER) with normal view 1 (VIEW1), no speech view, no idle view, no thinking view, no blinking view, Diagonal loops checked, Solid and Clickable checked, Talking Color 12, Animation Speed 4, Uniform Movement speed of 3, starting in room 1 at co-ordinates (160,160); the cursors and fonts in the Empty Game template are the same as those in the Default Game template; and the Empty Game template contains no rooms (phew, that's a lot).

The Default Game Template

The Default Game template comes with 3 GUIs, 2 inventory items, 17 global messages, 0 dialog topics, 32 text parser words set, 68 sprites, 2 views, 1 character, 10 cursors, 3 fonts, and 0 rooms set:


The 3 GUIs set in the Default Game template are:

A blank GUI (with no controls) across the top of the screen which displays the ICONBAR GUI when the mouse is moved over it.
Displayed when the mouse is moved over the STATUSLINE GUI and has 10 controls:
  • Control 0 - Sets the mouse to mode eModeWalkto
  • Control 1 - Sets the mouse to mode eModeLookat
  • Control 2 - Sets the mouse to mode eModeInteract
  • Control 3 - Sets the mouse to mode eModeTalkto
  • Control 4 - Displays the INVENTORY GUI.
  • Control 5 - If the player's ActiveInventory property is set, sets the mouse to mode eModeUseinv
  • Control 6 - Saves the game.
  • Control 7 - Loads (restores) a previously saved game.
  • Control 8 - Exits the game.
  • Control 9 - Displays information about AGS.
Displays the player's inventory.

Inventory Items

The Default Game template has 2 inventory items set:

  • Key (script o-name iKey)
It's a key.
  • Pink poster (script o-name iPoster)
It's a poster...a pink...poster.

Global Messages

Both the Default Game and Empty Game templates set Global Messages 983-999 as follows:

  • 983: Sorry, not now.
  • 984: Restore
  • 985: Cancel
  • 986: Select a game to restore:
  • 987: Save
  • 988: Type a name to save as:
  • 989: Replace
  • 990: The save directory is full. You must replace an existing game:
  • 991: Replace:
  • 992: With:
  • 993: Quit
  • 994: Play
  • 995: Are you sure you want to quit?
  • 996: You are carrying nothing.
  • 997: Talking to yourself is a sign of madness!
  • 998: You rub your hands up and down your clothes.
  • 999: Damn, I'm looking good!

Text Parser

The Default and Empty Game templates both set the following Text Parser words:

  • a, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • all, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • an, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • at, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • every, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • for, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • from, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • i, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • in, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • into, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • is, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • it, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • me, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • now, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • of, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • on, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • out, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • over, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • please, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • some, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • that, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • the, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • these, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • this, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • through, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • to, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • up, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • under, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • will, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • with, Group: 0, Meaning: Ignore word
  • anyword, Group 29999, Meaning: Matches any word
  • rol, Group 30000, Meaning: Matches rest of input


View 1 (named VIEW1) is filled with Roger's (the default character's) walking sprites. View 2 (VIEW2) is empty.


The Default Game template comes with 1 character named Roger (script name EGO) starting in room 1 at co-ordinates (160,160). Roger has a uniform movement speed of 3, animation speed of 4, Talking colour of 12, is Solid, Clickable, and uses diagonal loops.


The Default Game template defines 9 cursors modes:

  • 0: Walk to
  • 1: Look at
  • 2: Interact
  • 3: Talk to
  • 4: Use inv
  • 5: Pick up
  • 6: Pointer
  • 7: Wait
  • 8: Usermode1
  • 9: Usermode2


The Default and Empty Game templates both contain 3 fonts: the first being the normal font, the second the speech font, and the third the outline font for font 2.

Installing a template

Once you've chosen a game template (the Default Game template, the Empty Game template, or a template you have downloaded) run AGSEdit.exe (the AGS Editor), choose "Start a new game" from the menu that pops up, select your template and choose a name for your game's folder then click "Next >>". Choose your game's resolution and you're done!

Note that certain templates (such as the Default Game and Empty Game templates) have no rooms built into them. Trying to run these templates as a game (i.e., creating a new game based soley off the template) will abort AGS with an error saying:

Adventure Game Studio
An internal error has occured. Please note down the following information.
If the problem persists, contact Chris Jones.
(ACI version X.X.X)

Error: Load_room: Unable to load the room file 'room1.crm'
Make sure that you saved the room to the correct folder (it should be
in your game's sub-folder of the AGS directory).
Also check that the player character's starting room is set correctly.


X.X.X is the complete ACI version, i.e., 2.72.920 for the AGS 2.72 Final build.

To fix this problem simply create a new room or import an existing game and recompile your game!

See also