The Long Overdue Post Your Picture Here

Started by Helm, Tue 12/11/2002 22:15:19

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N3T, Petteri, you may be good at playing air-guitar, but can you play a real guitar? And without strings? Yeah, weren't expecting that one, were you?


Yes, I too can now join the guitar club....Now who can join me in the messy room club?


Behold: Me!

Rubbish camera + Rubbish Scan = good times.

It's not a very good photo, either. Ho hum.

edited by eric, 50kb

Edit: Cheers Eric.


I'm gonna be different:

(I don't know how to play.)



I am the one holding the toddler with the bleached hair.

i know were on a guitar theme so i'll get one up there with me and my guitar sometime soon

ps, my hair aint blond any more

it's BLUE baby!!  hell yeah!
I fail at art.

Femme Stab Mode >:D

Mmmm yeah.. my server is acting shitty, so you will have to copy/paste a geoshitties adress.  :'(



I posted a picture awhile back, but since then have changed ISP's and lost the old pic's.

So, here is a pic of me taken last November, but with some added special effects i was messing around with.


btw, hair is much longer now, and no goatee. I have no new pics of me because camera lens' crack when they take pictures of me. Yuck!! I'm hideous!!!!



Are the guitar clubs still open? I finally found my digicam's cable, so I was able to move some pics to the computer...

(800x600 pics. the smallest my digicam can take... and resizing messes them.)
I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.


I think the links right...



Lorena playing the fool with the guitar, she only knows one chord...

La Lore showning her latest award...

La Lore blaming me for playing "Port Royale" in spite of take attention on her...
Me, joining the "playing the guitar/Bass" club... Notice the bike and the several lens flaeres...
Me pretending to look like Jan Kuipers "N3tgraph"... Quite alike, but with 1/2 meter less... Notice thee funny skin colours that the Sun produces in my head when filtrated thru the holes of the helmet... My future mother in law calls me "Badger".

TA Neole for the space... If putting pics in your space is a problem, don't hesitate to make me know, please...
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


Most of you don't know me, cuz I just read the forums, rarely post anything.. used to a lot, but not anymore..

anyways here's one for the guitar club



It's finally time for me... AVERT YOUR EYES!!!

I just got my webcam. Gosh! Look at my eyes. I look 30!

Picture taken by mistake

I just found porn

P.S The paper on the table... I've got flu, and I'm too lazy to clean my room so it's basically FULL of slimey papers

One moah thing!

Yes. I live in heaven. Nah. That's just how snow looks like with a combination of sunlight. I can't look out the window :P

Haddas or any of his affiliates take no responsibility for psychological or physical harm that might have occured on the way to the car or by viewing these pictures. By viewing these pictures you have agreed to pay 3.99$/month unless otherwise is instructed.

(c) Haddas 2004 All rights reserved


Hehehe its fun to photoshop hair.

Once I had to find a picture of me for the local magazine I do movie reviews in.  I was in a fun mood so colored my hair 255, 0, 255 if you know what I mean  ;)

but I did it on my friends computer so I don't have it waaaa!


Here is me doing my science project (I got an A minus!!!!);

I fail at art.

Femme Stab Mode >:D




Ok... yet to upload one pic, but here's my ticket to the e-guitar club...

(600x800 pic, not taken in my room.........)
I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.


Piraatlife4me felt left out.

This was taken about a year ago at a 80s club in hollywood

La Lore

This are some photos of an universitary party "PAELLAS 2004"  
No one of us ate paella (actually we ate McDonal's) but  it was funny  ;D

Some of my friends  :D

Some of my friends with me ;)

Lorena  :-*
Lorena ^_^/~
"Please, do stop" - m0ds

Privateer Puddin'

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