AGS - Almost Beta

Started by Crimson Wizard, Thu 05/05/2016 18:53:56

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Crimson Wizard

AGS - Almost Beta

Download (Almost Beta) as a .zip archive

No-MP3 Engine (Windows):

Linux build package -- Download here and unpack into Editor's program folder

Source code:

Debug symbols (for developers):

Previous alphas:

This is a development version of AGS 3.4.0.
Use at your own risk. Please back up any games before opening them in this version of AGS.
New settings in this version may make your project files unusable in 3.3.* after saving with this version.

Last updated: 5th of May, 2016
Includes all content from AGS 3.3.5 (Patch 1) version
The differences from are marked with NEW sign.

Common features

Custom game resolutions
Make your game in any sensible or non-sensible resolutions, such as 1280x720, 1920x1080 or, heck, 233x856.
A proof that weird res work too:


Game resolution is now set not by simple drop-down list, but with a slightly more advanced dialog.

Select "Resolution" option and click on "..." button

In the dialog either choose one of the presets, or type in your own width & height, then press OK.

Extended WFN Font Support

Support was added for extended characters in WFN fonts (those with codes 128 - 255).

Papagayo lip sync

Support was added for Papagayo lip-sync format. The use is similar to Pamela lip-syncing (see "Lip sync" topic in the manual for more information).

Changed system limits

ItemOld limitNew limitComments
Custom properties30unlimited
Custom property name and value lengths20 / 500unlimited
Controls on GUI30unlimited
GUI name length20unlimited
Script modules50unlimited
Script symbols per script10,000unlimited


Free display resolutions

Run AGS games in literally any resolution your computer supports, with or without black borders. (Nearly) unlimited scaling up and down is supported. Run those old 320x200 games in 1920x1080 HD.
New Winsetup will help you to set things up.

Known issues so far:
- Do not expect magic from downscaling. When you shrink hi-res game more than 1.5-2 times down it becomes barely recognizeable (and font unreadable).
- There's a weird issue with mouse movement when you run a low-res game unscaled in a large fullscreen window. I am still looking into fixing this.

Full Screen VSync for Direct3D

This feature was previously available (but always on) in Draconian editions of AGS. With AGS 3.3.1, it has been integrated into the mainline builds. It's now possible to toggle VSync using the "Vertical sync" checkbox in Winsetup.exe. If it's checked, the game starts with vertical sync turned ON. In DirectX 5 mode, you can still toggle this by setting System.VSync to true/false. In DirectX 9 mode, the System.VSync property is now read-only (as opposed to being useless previously).


  • In 32-bit games DrawingSurface.DrawImage() now properly applies overall transparency when drawing opaque sprites over surfaces with alpha channel.
  • DynamicSprite.CopyTransparencyMask() now does not overwrite transparency on destination with opaqueness from mask.
  • Engine will now try to use all available graphic renderers in an order of priority, if the previous ones fail.
    (Now Direct3D will be tried if Software renderer was requested by user but failed.)

Bug Fixes

  • The engine now moves the portrait with the speaking character when using BasedOnCharacterPosition if the speaking character moves between calls to Say
  • Fixed occasional pathfinding failure on straight lines with complex walkable areas (reported here)
  • Printing [ no longer consumes all of the backslashes before it (e.g. "\\[" should now print \[ as expected)
  • Fixed crash that could occur when the screenshot is taken while game window is moved, minimized or restored
  • Fixed WAVE audio not looping after restoring a game
  • Fixed a bug that caused MP3 clip continuously increase its base volume if the directional volume modifier was applied.


For statement

In addition to a while loop, you can now use a for loop in AGS script. The syntax is:
Code: ags
    [loop body]

Code: ags
for(player.x = 0; player.x < 100; player.x++)

Code: ags
for(int i = 10; i > 0; i--)
    Display("i = %d", i);

Break statement

You can now break out of loops using the break statement. For example:
Code: ags
i = length - 1;
while(i >= 0)
    if(page[i] == target)

Will halt the loop when a match is found or leave i as -1 if there was no match.

Continue statement

You can now continue to the next iteration of a loop using the continue statement. For example:
Code: ags
for(x = 0; x < 100; x++)
    if(x % 2 == 0)
    Display("%d", x);

Will display only odd numbers between 0 and 100.

Do...While loops

The Do...While loop construct is now supported. For example:
Code: ags
x = 1;
    Display("%d", x);
} while(x < 1);

Unlike While, Do...While runs the loop iteration *before* evaluating the condition. The loop above will run once.

Switch statement

Added support for "switch" statement. Strings and other variable types are allowed to be checked in switch condition.
Standard case statement features like fallthrough and break are also supported.

Code: ags

String x = "a";

case "a":
    Display("X is A");
case "b": // fall-through
    Display("X is B");
case "c":
    Display("X is C");
case "d": // fall-through
default: // fall-through
    Display("X is D");

Dynamic Arrays in Structs

Dynamic arrays are now permitted inside structs.

You can declare a struct like so:
Code: ags

struct DieRoll
    int BaseModifier;
    int DieCount;
    int Dice[ ];
    import function GetTotalValueOfRoll();

function PrepareDice()
    DieRoll a;

    a.DieCount = 3;
    a.Dice = new int[a.DieCount];
    a.Dice[0] = 6; // d6
    a.Dice[1] = 6; // d6
    a.Dice[2] = 8; // d8

And the dynamic array "Dice" can be initialised and used like any other dynamic array.

Dynamic arrays returned by Struct member Function.

It is now possible to define a member function of a struct, that returns dynamic array.

Code: ags

struct MyClass
	int Max;
	int Arr[];
	import void  InitArray(int max);
	import int[] GetArray();
	import int   GetArrayLength();

void MyClass::InitArray(int max)
	this.Max = max;
	this.Arr = new int[this.Max];
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < this.Max; i++)
		this.Arr[i] = i;

int[] MyClass::GetArray()
	return this.Arr;

int MyClass::GetArrayLength()
	return this.Max;

function game_start() 
	MyClass my_obj;
	int get_arr[] = my_obj.GetArray();
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < my_obj.GetArrayLength(); i++)
		Display("#%i = %i", i, get_arr[i]);


Managed User Structs

In AGS parlance, a managed struct is a struct that can be created dynamically. You must use pointers to refer to them (similar to built-in types like Region or Hotspot). You declare them with the keyword "managed" and construct new instances with "new", like so:
Code: ags

managed struct Point
    int X;
    int Y;

Point *GetPosition()
    Point *result;

    result = new Point;
    result.X = 30;
    result.Y = 40;

    return result;

Important: Managed structs are currently VERY limited in that they can't contain pointers (including dynamic arrays). It is hoped that this restriction will be lifted in the future.

#define Improvements

#define can now refer to other #define'd constants. Like VC++, #define symbol expansion only needs to make sense at the time of reference. Also like VC++, the order of previously defined constants isn't important, making stuff like this possible:
Code: ags

#define RED    GREEN
#define BLUE   456
#define GREEN  BLUE
Display("%d", RED); // Prints 456
#undef BLUE
#define BLUE  123
Display("%d", RED); // Prints 123

Note: To prevent circular references, a #define cannot refer to itself or anything previously used to expand the #define symbol.

Static extender functions

You can now declare the first parameter of a function as a static identifier that corresponds to a struct, e.g.
Code: ags
function AbsInt(static Maths, int value)
    if(value < 0)
        value = 0 - value;

This works in the same way as the normal extender method syntax (e.g. this Character *) but for static methods. The above code will define a new method in the static Maths called AbsInt. You can then import it in a header:
Code: ags
import function AbsInt(static Maths, int value);

And then use it elsewhere in your code just like it were a built-in Maths function:
Code: ags
int x = Maths.AbsInt(-3);

Extra Assignment Operators

The following C-style assignment operators are now supported:
*=   (Multiply by and assign)
/=   (Divide by and assign)
&=   (Bitwise AND and assign)
|=   (Bitwise OR and assign)
^=   (Bitwise XOR and assign)
<<=  (Bitshift left and assign)
>>=  (Bitshift right and assign)

Code Regions

This was previously available in Draconian editions of AGS. You can define an arbitrary region for code folding in your script like so:
Code: ags
#region MyRegion
do stuff;
do stuff;
do stuff;
#endregion MyRegion

The AGS editor will allow you to fold and unfold this region as though it were a code block. This has no effect on compiled code.

Bug Fixes

  • Better warning when trying to compile a function declaration in a struct
  • Struct member methods with the same name as a global method (e.g. AbortGame) no longer cause a variable already defined error
  • Better error message when a struct member method is declared twice in the same struct
  • Fixed incorrect compiler parsing of a static function call inside array index brackets.
Code: ags

int i = array[Game.GetColorFromRGB(0, 0, 0)]; // there was parse error after '['

Script API

Direction parameter for Character.ChangeRoom

This feature was previously available Draconian editions of AGS. The Character.ChangeRoom function now looks like this:
Code: ags
Character.ChangeRoom(int room, optional int x, optional int y, optional CharacterDirection direction)

Where CharacterDirection is a new built-in enum defined for facings (eDirectionUp, eDirectionUpLeft and so forth).

Character.DestinationX and Character.DestinationY

Two new read-only properties that can be used to determine where a character is currently heading (via a Walk command). If the character is currently stationary, these values are the same as Character.x and Character.y, respectively.


This function lets you to turn character to particular direction using new Direction enum (eDirectionUp, eDirectionUpLeft and so forth).

Global functions moved to Room class
GetRoomProperty ---> Room.GetProperty
ProcessClick -> Room.ProcessClick

GetRoomProperty is now Room.GetProperty to match Room.GetTextProperty.
The old ProcessClick is now Room.ProcessClick. An original ProcessClick only performed clicks on the room regions and objects, now its purpose is emphasized by moving it to the Room struct.
You may need to fix your scripts if you use any of these, or disable "Enforce object-based scripting" option in Game Settings.

IsInteractionAvailable() for Other Types

This is another feature from Draconian editions of AGS. The IsInteractionAvailable() method can now be called on Hotspots, Objects and Characters.

Audio Clips API

There are two new properties for dealing with audio clips in this version.
Code: ags

Retrieves the number of clips and
Code: ags

Allows you to access a particular audio clip.

The new property used to get or set audio clip's playback speed. The value is defined in clip's milliseconds per second; 1000 is default, meaning 1000 of clip's ms in 1 real second (scale 1:1). Set < 1000 for slower play and > 1000 for faster play.
NOTE: currently implemented for MP3 and OGG only.
NOTE: the engine will also map "AudioChannel.SetSpeed" function to this property, therefore you can run Gord10's "Self" game using new interpreter (e.g. on Linux).

Plugin API

There is now a new function that can be used to detect whether a plugin has been loaded:
Code: ags
Game.IsPluginLoaded(const string name)

Where name is the filename of the plugin

Improved Custom Dialog Options rendering

Following callbacks are now supported for custom dialog options rendering:

Code: ags

  // runs each tick when dialog options are on screen
  void dialog_options_repexec(DialogOptionsRenderingInfo *info);
  // runs when user pressed a key while dialog options are on screen
  void dialog_options_key_press(DialogOptionsRenderingInfo *info, eKeyCode key);

Additionally following items added to DialogOptionsRenderingInfo struct:
Code: ags

  bool RunActiveOption(); // runs the active dialog option (defined with ActiveOptionID property)
  void Update(); // forces dialog options to redraw itself ("dialog_options_render" callback will be called)

--- ATTENTION, breaking changes! ---
* You must now explicitly run active option, even if you use mouse controls.
* You must now explicitly reset active option if the mouse is not above options UI
* The "dialog_options_get_active" callback is now NOT called, at all. It is supported only for backwards compatibility when running old games.
You will need to slightly change the logic of your script. In most cases it will be enough to simply rename "dialog_options_get_active" to "dialog_options_repexec".

Following are two examples of making custom dialog options with the new script system:

1. Classic mouse controls

int dlg_opt_color = 14;
int dlg_opt_acolor = 13;
int dlg_opt_ncolor = 4;

function dialog_options_get_dimensions(DialogOptionsRenderingInfo *info)
    // Create a 200x200 dialog options area at (50,100)
    info.X = 50;
    info.Y = 100;
    info.Width = 200;
    info.Height = 200;

function dialog_options_render(DialogOptionsRenderingInfo *info)
    int i = 1,  ypos = 0;
    // Render all the options that are enabled
    while (i <= info.DialogToRender.OptionCount)
        if (info.DialogToRender.GetOptionState(i) == eOptionOn)
            if (info.ActiveOptionID == i) info.Surface.DrawingColor = dlg_opt_acolor;
            else info.Surface.DrawingColor = dlg_opt_ncolor;
            info.Surface.DrawStringWrapped(5, ypos, info.Width - 10,
                    eFontFont0, eAlignLeft, info.DialogToRender.GetOptionText(i));
            ypos += GetTextHeight(info.DialogToRender.GetOptionText(i), eFontFont0, info.Width - 10);

function dialog_options_repexec(DialogOptionsRenderingInfo *info)
    info.ActiveOptionID = 0;
    if (mouse.y < info.Y || mouse.y >= info.Y + info.Height ||
        mouse.x < info.X || mouse.x >= info.X + info.Width)
        return; // return if the mouse is outside UI bounds

    int i = 1, ypos = 0;
    // Find the option that corresponds to where the player clicked
    while (i <= info.DialogToRender.OptionCount)
        if (info.DialogToRender.GetOptionState(i) == eOptionOn)
            ypos += GetTextHeight(info.DialogToRender.GetOptionText(i), eFontFont0, info.Width - 10);
            if ((mouse.y - info.Y) < ypos)
                info.ActiveOptionID = i;

function dialog_options_mouse_click(DialogOptionsRenderingInfo *info, MouseButton button)


2. Keyboard controls

int dlg_opt_color = 14;
int dlg_opt_acolor = 13;
int dlg_opt_ncolor = 4;

function dialog_options_get_dimensions(DialogOptionsRenderingInfo *info)
    // Create a 200x200 dialog options area at (50,100)
    info.X = 50;
    info.Y = 100;
    info.Width = 200;
    info.Height = 200;
    info.ActiveOptionID = 1; // set to first option

function dialog_options_render(DialogOptionsRenderingInfo *info)
    int i = 1,  ypos = 0;
    // Render all the options that are enabled
    while (i <= info.DialogToRender.OptionCount)
        if (info.DialogToRender.GetOptionState(i) == eOptionOn)
            if (info.ActiveOptionID == i) info.Surface.DrawingColor = dlg_opt_acolor;
            else info.Surface.DrawingColor = dlg_opt_ncolor;
            info.Surface.DrawStringWrapped(5, ypos, info.Width - 10,
                    eFontFont0, eAlignLeft, info.DialogToRender.GetOptionText(i));
            ypos += GetTextHeight(info.DialogToRender.GetOptionText(i), eFontFont0, info.Width - 10);

function dialog_options_key_press(DialogOptionsRenderingInfo *info, eKeyCode keycode)
    if (keycode == eKeyUpArrow && info.ActiveOptionID > 1)
        info.ActiveOptionID = info.ActiveOptionID - 1;
    if (keycode == eKeyDownArrow && info.ActiveOptionID < info.DialogToRender.OptionCount)
        info.ActiveOptionID = info.ActiveOptionID + 1;
    if (keycode == eKeyReturn || keycode == eKeySpace)

Dialog Options

The highlight colour for dialog options (default rendering) is no longer hard coded as yellow (14). You can use:
Code: ags
game.dialog_options_highlight_color = xxx;

And set the dialog options highlight colour to whatever you like. The default is 14.


New property of a GUIControl (button, label, etc) lets you to get its current ZOrder or even change one at runtime.

File.Seek and File.Position

New function File.Seek allows to set new position in the opened file stream, related to either beginning, end or last position, while File.Position property lets you to get its current value.

Mouse clicking simulation

This function fires mouse click event at current mouse position (at mouse.x / mouse.y).
So you can do following:
Code: ags

    Mouse.SetPosition(100, 100);

This will simulate user click at (100,100).

GUI.Click(MouseButton) and Button.Click(MouseButton)
Run the OnClick event handler for the GUI or Button, if there is one.
Code: ags

    btnStart.OnClick(eMouseLeft); // simulate user press on a button

GUI.ProcessClick(int x, int y, MouseButton))
Performs default processing of a mouse click at the specified co-ordinates on GUI, somewhat similar to old ProcessClick but affects only interface (GUI and any child controls).
Code: ags

    GUI.ProcessClick(50, 120, eMouseRight); // simulate user click with right mouse button on GUI

Custom property values can be set at runtime

The related script functions are added to all classes that supported GetProperty() and GetTextProperty(), that is - Room, InventoryItem, Hotspot, Object and Character:
Code: ags

  /// Sets an integer custom property associated with this room.
  static bool SetProperty(const string property, int value);
  /// Sets a text custom property associated with this room.
  static bool SetTextProperty(const string property, const string value);

They return 'true' if the property value was changed, or 'false' if such property does not exist, or property type is incorrect (like setting text value for integer property).

NOTE: Room, Hotspots and room Objects property values are reset to defaults when ResetRoom() is called.

Improvements to Tinting functions to make various tinting methods and properties compliant.
(This should be compatible with Draconian Edition scripts)

Region.Tint() script function now has optional luminance parameter
Code: ags
void Tint(int red, int green, int blue, int amount, int luminance = 100);

New SetAmbientLightLevel() script function.
Code: ags

  /// Sets an ambient light level that affects all objects and characters in the room.
  void SetAmbientLightLevel(int light_level);

New Character.SetLightLevel and Object.SetLightLevel script functions
Code: ags

  /// Sets the individual light level for this character.
  import function SetLightLevel(int light_level);

Negative light levels can be used in 8-bit games to produce darkening effect.
This applies to Ambient, Character and Object light level functions (it already worked with Region.LightLevel).

This property returns a string, which contains runtime information, same as you were getting when pressed Ctrl+V (Ctrl+Alt+V - since AGS 3.3.3).


Building for multiple platforms
The Editor can now build for several different platforms. This is configured with this new option in General Settings (Compiler -> Build target platforms):

Select the platforms you like to build the game for by pressing on "drop down" button to the right and checking or unchecking items in the list:

"DataFile" builds a game data file, and cannot be unchecked. Other targets may be selected in any combination.
More platforms will be added in time.
Note, this only affects doing full build (Build -> Build EXE / Rebuild all files). When running in test mode only Windows version is built always.

The "Compiled" folder has changed. Now each platform has its own subdirectory: "Windows", "Linux", etc. To distribute your game - pack/copy contents of corresponding folder(s).

More properties to set for game objects
Padding for Text GUI Windows
Text GUI windows now have a padding property which lets you control how much space appears between the border and the text inside a text GUI window. Previously, this value was hardcoded as 3 pixels. It now defaults to 3 pixels.
Clickable for Room Objects is now exposed in the editor.
TintLuminance for Room Regions to set all tint parameters at design time.

Editor Plugin API
Exposed GUI Panes to plugin API.

Various improvements

  • Added "Close all tabs" command for the pane's context menu.
  • Added Preference option "Prompt dialog on closing multiple tabs".

  • Allow room objects to be locked like GUI controls (by toggling Locked property)

Bug Fixes

  • Undo history will no longer be deleted when a tab changes its docked state
  • Fixed crashes under certain circumstances when a script editor is closed
  • Fixed crash if selecting a character without a normal view in the room designer
  • Ctrl+Tabbing now works the first time when cycling through open editor tabs
  • Go to Line... now goes to the correct line and doesn't select it
  • The project is now completely rebuilt whenever Enable Debug Mode in General Settings differs from the setting used for the last build
  • The sprite editor now highlights drop targets when you drag sprites around
  • Fixed a crash when trying to run game setup from editor while "Compiled" folder does not exist.
  • Fixed project items could sometimes get incorrectly arranged inside the folder.
  • Fixed writing faulty timestamps in project file on some occasions that could spoil usage of file versioning control.
  • Fixed Help window positioning on multi-monitor desktop.

  • Fixed error in autocomplete occuring when there is a single-line comment in the end of the script.

* You can now make actual language name displayed instead of "Game Default" if you put following line in the "[language]" section of acsetup.cfg:
Code: text

default_translation_name = "British"

Crimson Wizard

So, the AGS "Almost Beta" is released. This update is mainly a merge between prior release (which took place almost one year ago) and latest 3.3.* update (3.3.5).
The itself has only several minor corrections made, the list of them follows.

Changes since

Includes all changes brought by 3.3.5 update:

* Improved the definitions of "low-res" and "high-res" games. The "high resolution" is now determined by game width & height multiplied, rather than their individual values. Low-res games are those of 320x240 and lower. This has effect on fonts scaling, and similar things.

* Room Objects can be locked similarily to GUI Controls (using Locked property). That does not lock them in the game, only in the Room editor.
* Improved some game building error messages to make things more clear to the user.

Bug Fixes
* Fixed Windows plugins copied to wrong folder during game building.
* Fixed error in autocomplete occuring when there is a single-line comment in the end of the script.

* Further improvements and corrections to switch statement. For instance, now switch properly handles a case when you call function in the condition brackets (function should be called only once).

Bug Fixes
* Fixed refresh rate option was not correctly saved.

We have certain issue related to building Linux executable, this is why I did not include it yet. As soon as it is resolved, I will add download link. Or other developer will do.
Unfortunately, I must take a break for few weeks from development now; if there are any critical problems found in this release most probably this will have to wait, unless someone else fixes them and publish their own patched release.

After I am back I hope to finalize this 3.4.0 version that was in development for way too long.


Cool, thanks CW! :-D

Enjoy your break! It's well deserved. (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Proximity Entertainment


Okay. I've switched from to and it worked like a charm. Full screen mouse issue has been corrected. Cursor moves slower than before but what the hell, it's fixed :smiley:

Thank you so much Crimson to finish this before my deadline. I'm grateful to you.
Proximity Entertainment

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: proximity on Fri 06/05/2016 11:55:35
Full screen mouse issue has been corrected. Cursor moves slower than before but what the hell, it's fixed :smiley:
This is precisely why I added cursor speed setting to the setup (also, Mouse.Speed in scripts)!
I found that speed of 1.5-2.0 works pretty well for me.

Quote from: Cassiebsg on Fri 06/05/2016 10:41:44
Enjoy your break! It's well deserved. (nod)
Umm... I am afraid, the reason for this break is not what you probably think...


Sorry  maybe it's foolish question but my character doesn't walk at all . I made a new default game too . Not any error
My official site:


Mehrdad, can you elaborate on "not any error"? The default template under will give you an error about ProcessClick as it hasn't been updated yet. Did you have to correct that?

When you say your character doesn't walk at all, was that from a scripted walk action? Is the game not responding to the mouse? Not responding to the keyboard?


Quote from: Mehrdad on Fri 06/05/2016 15:39:36
Sorry  maybe it's foolish question but my character doesn't walk at all . I made a new default game too . Not any error

Have you laid down a walkable area?
If you have, does your character start on it?


Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Fri 06/05/2016 13:37:56
Quote from: proximity on Fri 06/05/2016 11:55:35
Full screen mouse issue has been corrected. Cursor moves slower than before but what the hell, it's fixed :smiley:
This is precisely why I added cursor speed setting to the setup (also, Mouse.Speed in scripts)!
I found that speed of 1.5-2.0 works pretty well for me.

Oh, that's even better. Thank you very much.
Proximity Entertainment


Quote from: Gurok on Fri 06/05/2016 16:09:12
Mehrdad, can you elaborate on "not any error"? The default template under will give you an error about ProcessClick as it hasn't been updated yet. Did you have to correct that?

When you say your character doesn't walk at all, was that from a scripted walk action? Is the game not responding to the mouse? Not responding to the keyboard?

Yes I renamed processClick to GUI.processclick and I hadn't any another message. Keyboard movement work fine. Mouse doesn't work. 

I made empty default game and walkable area and character is define into it.
My official site:

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Mehrdad on Fri 06/05/2016 16:21:04
Yes I renamed processClick to GUI.processclick and I hadn't any another message. Keyboard movement work fine. Mouse doesn't work. 
This is wrong, it should be Room.ProcessClick.

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 05/05/2016 18:53:56Global functions moved to Room class
GetRoomProperty ---> Room.GetProperty
ProcessClick -> Room.ProcessClick

GetRoomProperty is now Room.GetProperty to match Room.GetTextProperty. The old ProcessClick is now Room.ProcessClick.


GUI.ProcessClick(int x, int y, MouseButton))
Performs default processing of a mouse click at the specified co-ordinates, similar to old ProcessClick, but affects only interface (GUI and any child controls).

Room.ProcessClicks makes a click upon room only (walkable areas, regions, objects, characters), GUI.ProcessClick makes a click upon GUI only (buttons etc).


Quote from: Mehrdad on Fri 06/05/2016 16:21:04
Yes I renamed processClick to GUI.processclick and I hadn't any another message. Keyboard movement work fine. Mouse doesn't work. 

ProcessClick should be changed to Room.ProcessClick, not GUI.ProcessClick. Never mind, I must have been typing this at the same time as CW.

Crimson Wizard

I changed GUI.ProcessClick explanation in the first post a little, hopefully that will prevent confusion like this in the future.


Oh I'm sorry guys. It works fine now. I said it's foolish question.
Thanks so much CW and Gurok
My official site:

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Mehrdad on Fri 06/05/2016 16:30:57
Oh I'm sorry guys. It works fine now. I said it's foolish question.
No, it was not foolish, I know we still lack a proper articles in the manual explaining the changes, so misunderstandings like this are going to happen.


Games are art!
My horror game, Self

Crimson Wizard

Added Linux build pack:
Download and unpack right into the AGS Editor program folder (where you installed it).


Uhm... just installed it, but seems to have broken my (bad) code for my verbcoin. Was working okay (though not perfect) in but now it just crashes:

Illegal exception
An exception 0xC0000005 occurred in ACWIN.EXE at EIP = 0x0049CB6F ; program pointer is +6, ACI version, gtags (7,9)

AGS cannot continue, this exception was fatal. Please note down the numbers above, remember what you were doing at the time and post the details on the AGS Technical Forum.

in "GlobalScript.asc", line 233
from "GlobalScript.asc", line 431

Most versions of Windows allow you to press Ctrl+C now to copy this entire message to the clipboard for easy reporting.

An error file CrashInfo.dmp has been created. You may be asked to upload this file when reporting this problem on the AGS Forums. (code 0)

Line 233:
Code: ags

if ((IsInteractionAvailable(clicked_x , clicked_y, eModeTalkto)) || (inventory[game.inv_activated].IsInteractionAvailable(eModeTalkto)))

And line 431:

Code: ags

else if (IsInteractionAvailable(clicked_x,  clicked_y, eModeInteract))
    show_VerbCoin(); // <-- This is line 431

Did I do something so bad that now it crashes? :~(
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Cassiebsg on Fri 06/05/2016 23:58:55
Did I do something so bad that now it crashes? :~(
I cannot tell like this, could you send me the game project? Or give more details, like which functions are those called from, what game.inv_activated is equal to (does it refer to actual inventory item)?


Sure, I'll PM it to you.

I'm sure it's probably just my bad messy code. And actually, that may exactly be the problem, have no idea what the game.inv_activated value is... it should be zero (I think) cause I haven't activated anything. That part of the code was actually on my "to improve" list, but since it was working I haven't bothered with it yet.

Anyway, in the mean time, I'm back using so I can continue coding.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 07/05/2016 00:46:56
I'm sure it's probably just my bad messy code.
Even with messy script, game should not crash like that. This exception indicates that something very bad is going on inside the engine.

BTW, I think I found something related, but then if I am right, I cannot tell how it could work before...

For your case, try to add "game.inv_activated > 0" condition, like:
Code: ags

if ((IsInteractionAvailable(clicked_x , clicked_y, eModeTalkto)) || 
    (game.inv_activated > 0 && inventory[game.inv_activated].IsInteractionAvailable(eModeTalkto)))


Okay that did it! :-D

Thanks bunch! It also seemed to have solved a "glitched" I had on it before.
Funny, that after you asked about what the value for that was, I also started thinking that 0 was a value and would always turn it to be "true".
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

I found there is a bug which exists at least since AGS 3.2.1. If you do
Code: ags


when game.inv_activated = 0, the game will crash.

I will add this to bug tracker.

I honestly do not know how that could pass for you before.


Great news! Looking forward to using it with the next project.


Terrific news - thanks for your hard work.
Btw: Is the official Bugtracker now located at Youtrack or is it still this forum's module?

Monsieur OUXX

I, for one, would like to salute the new additions to the scripting language, which is slowly starting to lose all its little marks of awkwardness.


Dave Gilbert

Downloaded and testing now! Will dutifully update this thread if there are any problems. I'm replying now merely to echo the "Thanks CW!" praises of everyone else. Thanks CW!

Dave Gilbert

Everything works fine so far, but when I run a test build I get this dialog window:

I can hit the "run" button and play the game, but is there a way to get rid of this completely? I've tried unchecking the "Always ask before opening this file" box, I've tried running in admin mode, I've tried changing the security settings. Nothing seems to do the job. This didn't happen with the previous version of the engine.

Thanks again!


Calin Leafshade

You need to find the acwin.exe file, right click, properties, unblock.

Dave Gilbert

Thanks Calin. Sadly, that didn't work either. Although the problem seems to be on my end. I click "unblock" and then "apply" and then exit, but when I check it again it says that the application is still blocked.

edit: OK nevermind. I snagged the tool mentioned in this thread and that seems to have solved the problem. Thanks for the help!

edit2: Well, crap. It managed to solve the problem ONCE and then instantly reverted itself. My computer is being stubborn it seems.

edit3: OK so the problem was that I was running AGS from the "program files" directory which has extra security on it. I moved it to another folder and it works fine. Hurrah!


Nice work, downloading now! I've had to put my project on hold for quite a while but now I think I can finally get back into it. Looking forward to bugging you all with new feature requests, hehe! :grin:
--All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: abstauber on Mon 09/05/2016 12:39:26
Btw: Is the official Bugtracker now located at Youtrack or is it still this forum's module?
Still the forums, because I got lost in preparing all the new releases lately. But hope is not lost :tongue:.

Actually I think we could starting using it when developing next version (which may happen soon).



Not sure it's something I'm doing wrong, but my Project Explorer keeps "jumping" to the middle pane, instead of the left side like I want it to. Every time I open my project it's located in the middle, then I move it to the left, work, close the editor, and next time I open my game project it's again located in the middle.

Is there a setting I'm overlooking somewhere that will save the panes like I want them? I never had this issue before with

Edit: Disregard, I've just found out what I was doing wrong... I was opening instead of .7... :-[
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

Just to make things clear, I would like to "freeze" the 3.4.0 now, in the meaning that we won't be adding any more features in it, only fixing some stuff. 3.4.0 will receive beta status and be kept in this state for some time to let people test it little more and report any problems.

I think I mentioned this once, but I will repeat myself: we are planning to reduce time periods between version releases, regardless if they are major features or do not have much, to produce stable versions faster. The 3.4.0 was developed for more than 1.5 years, keeping some issues unfixed for too long, which caused numerous troubles.

To put this simple, there will be a set time length, like 3 or 4 months for example, after which we create a new version and try to make it stable; then continue with next version and so on.

Igor Hardy

wow, great birthday gift! Thanks Crimson, son of Crim! :cheesy:


Thanks again for this release! :-D Been using it for a week or so now and my experience has mostly been a smooth one.

However, there's one issue I've noticed, so far, in relation to queued music. In my game's Title Screen (room 300), there's a lead-in music track set to play one time, followed by a queued, looping music track:

Code: ags
mMaintheme_jingle.Play(eAudioPriorityVeryHigh, eOnce);
mMaintheme_loop.PlayQueued(eAudioPriorityVeryHigh, eRepeat);

When the game is run, the lead-in track plays, but when it finishes, the queued track doesn't kick in. The first track just stops abruptly and there is silence. This used to work before I upgraded to AGS If I change the crossfade value from 0 (none) to 4 (fast), it does play the queued track.

Strangely, there are similar lead-in and queued music tracks set to play in other rooms/script locations, which all use a crossfade setting of 0, and none of those instances have this problem. It only seems to to happen in the title screen. (Possibly because it's the first usage of PlayQueued in the game?)


Oh oh...

Seems like I did something "stupid" again... I know I changed some stuff no white, but not sure what or why it would even affect the font display... but now my Font display in the editor is all white (no white fonts displayed on a black BG, just plain white)! Fonts look just fine in game though. (roll)

There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: AGD2 on Fri 27/05/2016 15:34:21
However, there's one issue I've noticed, so far, in relation to queued music. In my game's Title Screen (room 300), there's a lead-in music track set to play one time, followed by a queued, looping music track:

Code: ags
mMaintheme_jingle.Play(eAudioPriorityVeryHigh, eOnce);
mMaintheme_loop.PlayQueued(eAudioPriorityVeryHigh, eRepeat);

When the game is run, the lead-in track plays, but when it finishes, the queued track doesn't kick in. The first track just stops abruptly and there is silence. This used to work before I upgraded to AGS If I change the crossfade value from 0 (none) to 4 (fast), it does play the queued track.

I will look into this, although I cannot think of any recent change related to queued music...

Quote from: Cassiebsg on Fri 27/05/2016 22:53:10
Seems like I did something "stupid" again... I know I changed some stuff no white, but not sure what or why it would even affect the font display... but now my Font display in the editor is all white (no white fonts displayed on a black BG, just plain white)! Fonts look just fine in game though. (roll)

Could you elaborate, what do you mean by "I changed some stuff no white"? Also what fonts are you talking about? like game fonts, or literally all fonts in the editor, including scripting window? I am confused.


I changed some font colors to white, while I was trying to set up the credits module, but can't remember what settings I changed anymore.

I'm referring to the the pane that displays the font, when you click on the Font branch on the Project tree, it opens a window/tab/pane with the Font settings and displays a box so you can see how they look like. That box is now all white. Normally it's black with the font characters displayed in white.
So I'm guessing that somewhere I set the background color of that pane to white. But beats me how. ???
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 28/05/2016 01:08:33
I changed some font colors to white,
But where do you change font colors? You mean setting text color in script? or character speech colors?

Also, does it occur with any project you load in the editor now?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: AGD2 on Fri 27/05/2016 15:34:21
However, there's one issue I've noticed, so far, in relation to queued music. In my game's Title Screen (room 300), there's a lead-in music track set to play one time, followed by a queued, looping music track:

Code: ags
mMaintheme_jingle.Play(eAudioPriorityVeryHigh, eOnce);
mMaintheme_loop.PlayQueued(eAudioPriorityVeryHigh, eRepeat);

When the game is run, the lead-in track plays, but when it finishes, the queued track doesn't kick in. The first track just stops abruptly and there is silence. This used to work before I upgraded to AGS If I change the crossfade value from 0 (none) to 4 (fast), it does play the queued track.

Regarding this, I tested similar script out, and it worked fine for me... would you mind sending me a project for a test?


Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sat 28/05/2016 16:33:20
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 28/05/2016 01:08:33
I changed some font colors to white,
But where do you change font colors? You mean setting text color in script? or character speech colors?

Also, does it occur with any project you load in the editor now?

It only affected this project, but I just realized where I changed it, even though I was unaware I had changed anything. Apparently I changed the Palette color 0 to white, while I was just tying to grab a color number to copy/paste into the script.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 28/05/2016 17:17:09
It only affected this project, but I just realized where I changed it, even though I was unaware I had changed anything. Apparently I changed the Palette color 0 to white, while I was just tying to grab a color number to copy/paste into the script.
Oh I see... yes, I remember first colors in palette are "system" colors that AGS use to draw certain things in the editor too... which may be very misleading when you think about that.


Okay, just sent you a PM, Crimson.


There's another bug where Ego can clip (or completely walk) through other Solid characters which have a valid BlockingHeight/Width value set.

To trigger it, hold down an arrow key to walk and push against the non-walkable "square" that said character is creating. Sometimes you need to approach the other character from a few different angles, but sooner or later you'll be able to force Ego to walk through it.

Once the perimeter has been breached and you're standing within the other character's non-walkable square, you can easily walk out of it again with the arrow keys or a mouse click, like it doesn't exist.

And while standing within the non-walkable square, if you call player.PlaceOnWalkableArea it doesn't work, because the game behaves like you're already standing on the room's underlying walkable area (which the other character is blocking out by creating its own square non-walkable).

The intended behaviour should be that Ego stops completely when coming up against such a character, without being able to pass through it.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: AGD2 on Mon 30/05/2016 21:59:47
There's another bug where Ego can clip (or completely walk) through other Solid characters which have a valid BlockingHeight/Width value set.

I found you have already reported this a while ago:


Ah, right. Is it an easy fix? Just wondering because we've started implementing a script-based workaround for the bug, which is difficult to get working properly. So I thought I should check to see if it's easy enough to fix on the engine side before we continue any further with it.


Uhm... is there a difference on how handles Speech files?

I was just adding some voice acting wav/ogg lines to my BSG game and when testing to hear how they sound in game, no sound come out. I thought something was wrong with the file, so I increased the volumed of one saved it as both wav and ogg... moved the file(s) (one at a time) to the project and still no sound... so I decided to test the voices I already had, and nope, they didn't play either. ???

Opened then project in and there the speech works just fine. ??? ??? ???
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 04/06/2016 23:11:12
Uhm... is there a difference on how handles Speech files?
Is there "Use speech pack" check set in the config window?

E: Actually, I noticed that speech.vox is not being copied to the Compiled/Windows folder.
E2: Something weird is going on there. The Editor is supposed to create a hardlink to the speech file in the Compiled/Windows (the actual file is located in Compiled), but it sometimes fail to do so. I think creates it only when you do "Build EXE" for the second time.

E3: Ok, I confirm, it only copies speech.vox properly when you do full rebuild for the second time.


Okay, thanks for the reply. :)
Nice to know that it isn't entirely broken. (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard


....three years after the Splash Competition..... (8-0)

The new splash screen based on the design by abstauber!



The splash screen looks really nice :) Would it be possible to update the icons of the AGS Editor (taskbar icon and etc.) to match the cup in the splash screen?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: ChamberOfFear on Tue 07/06/2016 12:30:39
The splash screen looks really nice :) Would it be possible to update the icons of the AGS Editor (taskbar icon and etc.) to match the cup in the splash screen?

One thing that really bothers me (it bothered me all the time, but even more now when I see it in real application) is that the cup is not blue. It is drawn upon blue background, but it is not blue itself, it is white... :-\
Aside from this issue with traditional cup color, I do not think white cup will look well as an icon.

That said, abstauber had another version of the cup, as shown here:

I know the first splash was chosen by community voting long time ago, but I wonder if we may try the blue cup with white outline (of minimal size) in the sake of experiment.
E: Or, alternatively, we may have white on on the splash and blue variant as the icons (unless that is too weird).


Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 07/06/2016 12:56:41
E: Or, alternatively, we may have white on on the splash and blue variant as the icons (unless that is too weird).

I think that's a great idea, let's do that.


Quote from: ChamberOfFear on Tue 07/06/2016 13:15:26
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 07/06/2016 12:56:41
E: Or, alternatively, we may have white on on the splash and blue variant as the icons (unless that is too weird).

I think that's a great idea, let's do that.


I had compiled for Linux and work fine :). But i have a question: I have two languages in my game ¿How can i chosse them?, always start with the language by default.


You need to run winsetup to change it, or you can make a GUI at game start to let the player choose (am guessing, haven't tried it).
For Linux, have no idea... but if the GUI idea works, then I would go with that. ;)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

We do not have setup program for Linux, but user may edit configuration file and set their own language, or other parameters.

Here's a list of options for config file, the graphics options are not updated to 3.4.0 yet, but others should work fine:


Thanks for the answers. But there is a form very simple:

  else if(Game.TranslationFilename=="Castellano")
This with only one button.


I dont't know if someone have the same problem with Linux compilation, everithing go fine until you have to move the character and doesn't move. Like if isn't the walkable area.
In Windows is the same.
Someone with this same trouble?

Edit: Solved. I had wrote GUI.Processclick and have to be ROOM.Processclick


Hi guys!
I don't know where should I ask my question, but I try it here. So I'm working on my game for months. It had no problem so far. But today I tried to test my game, and after the first cutscene video I got an error message.
This one:

What is this? I tried rebuild all files and restart the AGS but it didn't work :(

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: daneeca on Tue 14/06/2016 00:32:33
Hi guys!
I don't know where should I ask my question, but I try it here. So I'm working on my game for months. It had no problem so far. But today I tried to test my game, and after the first cutscene video I got an error message.

The first thing to check is "Compiler" -> "Build Targets" option in the General Settings. Does it have "Windows" platform selected?
I think there may be a bug that makes "Windows" selection dissapear, but I could not find how this is happening yet.


I think it's okay:

I made a backup and generated number speech lines and a voice acting script the day before yesterday to check how many lines I have. And then I deleted this folder (because it isn't done yet), and moved there the backup. The name is the same as before, so I dont understand why it's happening. Is it possible the problem is that I relocated the folder and later I moved it back?

I wanted to avoid the error message, so I used the debug mode. I went into some other room, and I got two new error message:

Once the debug mode was successful. I went into a room, where aren't any character, and the main character is invisible. Like in the first rooms before the cutscene video. It's interesting.

Crimson Wizard

E: corrected the previous answer.

It seems to me that there may be some file name mismatch, like the game expecting one file name, but you have another there.
I am not sure I properly understood the actions you did with folders, like which folder did you backup and which moved. Could you explain that in detail, with actual folder names?

Anyway, did you try completely deleting "Compiled" and "_Debug" subfolders and rebuilding the game? (Build -> Rebuild all files)


So, firstly I made a copy about the "Falcon City" folder (this contains the Compiled folder and the other files), and then I renamed this copy to "20160612_fc_backup". I opened the original file and generated auto number lines and voice acting script. I checked the number of lines, and then I deleted this original folder. I copied the "20160612_fc_backup" folder and renamed it to "Falcon City" and opened in AGS. I added some new script, and I tried test it. I got the error message this time. The first two room are working, but after these the error is appearing.

I deleted the debug and compiled folder completely, and I rebuilded all files, but it didn't work. There is the "20160612_fc_backup" folder, and this is working (with this folder name), but I don't want to recreate all script, if I can fix it easily.


This is not a solution to that problem, but just wondering why you didn't do it the other way around.
I mean, made a copy of the project folder to another place, generated the voice files in the copy, copy the generated voice files to elsewhere (if you wanted to keep them) and then delete the "temp folder"?
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

This is all is pretty confusing for now, for instance, I am not yet persuaded that this problem is related to moving project between folders.

Can you elaborate on following, you said:
I copied the "20160612_fc_backup" folder and renamed it to "Falcon City" and opened in AGS. I added some new script, and I tried test it. I got the error message this time. The first two room are working, but after these the error is appearing.

So, do I understand correctly, that the project in "Falcon City" folder stopped working not right after you copied the folder, but after you added something new?
What kind of modification was that - did you modify existing script, or create new script module, or new room perhaps?
Did you put any new material in, like speech files, audio etc?

Now, if that is correct, you have two folders - "20160612_fc_backup" and "Falcon City" - which are slightly different by contents.
What if you rename your "Falcon City" to something else (like "Falcon City copy"), then copy "20160612_fc_backup" again into "Falcon City" - will the project in "Falcon City" work?

In other words, it would be first important to understand, is it the folder movements/rename or your recent changes to script that cause this.


I renamed the backup to Falcon City and it worked. I gave up. I copied the scripts from the new version to the backup version the last two days. It's working, so I don't know what was the problem. Somehow the files has been corrupted.
Anyway, thank you for the help. I'll create backup files more often.


I got a weird bug(?), unless am doing something stupid. (roll)

In my latest game, I have a character (cCarEnd, that is just the car driving away with a view) placed around middle of the screen. This character never moves (so no walk or move commands) it only animates. I had place it outside the walkable area and set the variable "UseRoomAreaScaling" to false. It worked great, still does!

Anyway, I've been patching the game and I decided at some point to make the walkable area a bit bigger, which meant that the cCarEnd now is inside the walkable area. And suddenly the car was being drawn at about half size, so applying the scale! I've checked and re-checked,  even made sure to check it to false in the room also, yet it still gets scaled.

I've reverted the walkable area to a few pixels less to make sure the character's "feet" are outside the walkable area, so now it's being drawn properly again.

But is it me, that don't get how this "UseRoomAreaScaling" is suppose to work, could I have accidentally inserted some code that will make the character obey the scaling even though it's set to false, or is this an engine bug?
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Cassiebsg on Thu 16/06/2016 19:40:51
But is it me, that don't get how this "UseRoomAreaScaling" is suppose to work, could I have accidentally inserted some code that will make the character obey the scaling even though it's set to false, or is this an engine bug?
I think you understand how it works correctly, and I cannot reproduce this if I try to create same situation.

The only way to change this in script I know is Character.ManualScaling and Character.Scaling properties.


I can't believe this. I got the same error message... I copied all script and there wasn't problem so far. And now I just fixed some bug in the game and this sh*t is trying to kill me again...

I just added some new animation, exchange some coordinates, fixed some mouse over cursor changing. Honestly, I don't know what is the problem...

OMG! It's incredible. I deleted the sprites of the new animations and it's working now. So probably the animation's image files are corrupt.
Sorry for my whining, but this information would be useful in the future for anyone.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: daneeca on Fri 17/06/2016 00:58:10
OMG! It's incredible. I deleted the sprites of the new animations and it's working now. So probably the animation's image files are corrupt.
Sorry for my whining, but this information would be useful in the future for anyone.
Hmm, could you maybe upload those files somewhere and explain how did you use them (like put them into animation, etc)? Without this it would be super hard to track this bug in the program.

Also, I noticed that your game in production is pretty hi-res. Can you tell, what is the size of the "acsprset.spr" file in your game project?


Yes, of course. Here are the animations:
These are simple walk cycle animations. I created a new view and imported all image with "quick import sprites" to the correct loops. No transparency, because they have alpha channel. I use this way for years.
I checked the acsprset.spr file, and it's 1,91 GB. Is it problem?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: daneeca on Fri 17/06/2016 02:02:49
I checked the acsprset.spr file, and it's 1,91 GB. Is it problem?
AGS has a problem that it does not support data file with size over 2 GB. I cannot tell right away whether the cause of your trouble was that the new animation exceeded this limit, but that is hypothetically possible, and will become an issue anyway if you continue to add graphics.
I suggest trying to enable "Compress sprites" and/or "Split resources" option in the General Settings (Compiler section).


I think more than likely that this was the problem. I checked the "corrupt" version and there it is 2 GB.
This compressing is very effective. It's just 267 MB now.
Thanks for the help!


Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 16/06/2016 22:29:53
I think you understand how it works correctly, and I cannot reproduce this if I try to create same situation.

Okay, I know I didn't use those commands, so unless one of the modules does, something is weird.

If you like I'll put the "bug" back in and send you the source code.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Cassiebsg on Fri 17/06/2016 15:22:51
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 16/06/2016 22:29:53
I think you understand how it works correctly, and I cannot reproduce this if I try to create same situation.

Okay, I know I didn't use those commands, so unless one of the modules does, something is weird.

If you like I'll put the "bug" back in and send you the source code.

Okay, I will take a look.
Actually I remember someone reported a similar situation a while back, but I do not remember how they fixed it.

Crimson Wizard

AGS "Beta 1" is released and announcement is posted here:
I guess we should move further talk into that thread, since it is close to final release.

Specific changes since

Includes all changes brought by 3.3.5 Patch 2 and 3 update:

- Added Script API version switch to the project's General Settings. For every supported API version a "SCRIPT_API_vXXX" macro is introduced, where XXX are version numbers.
- Added explicit project option to use old-style dialog options API (in "Backward Compatibility" section). Introduced related "NEW_DIALOGOPTS_API" macro in scripts (if defined, then new dialog options API is used).
- Fixed compiler reporting errors as "runtime errors" under certain circumstances.
- Fixed compilation of struct member functions having name identical to existing global function.
- Fixed compilation of structs having members with names identical to non-basic types, global variables and game entities (such as characters, GUI, etc).
- Fixed continue statement did not work inside a switch block housed inside a loop.
- Fixed speech.vox was not copied to proper output folder when game is built for the first time.
- New splash screen!
- Added runtime support for experimental version of AGS with custom resolution feature that was never officially released, but nevertheless used to create few games, such as "All The Way Down". This means that you can run such games using the new engine.
- Minor fixes related to 3.3.5 file path features (some things were not reimplemented properly in 3.4.0).
- Fixed resource leak in the Direct3D renderer.
- Rised default sprite cache limit for desktop platforms to 100 MB (was 20).

- Reworked WinSetup to allow somewhat simplier selection of the graphics mode.


Ah nice! I was actually wondering how the new Beta was different from the .7 ;)
Thanks a bunch for all the hard work! Looking forward to upgrade, again. :-D
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Hi CW, though I'm still on 3.3.4 I wanted to ask and check about something, regarding the Translations section in editor. It's a suggestion, but if it's already updated by 3.4 please let me know! Maybe I'll move up to 3.4 in due course, and if this mini change occurs hehe. Good that you are or have at least been keeping it all up to date :)

So, my small issue, is there any way Update and Compile on the right click of each translation could be seperated please? Have Compile at the top, because that's the one you use after every small update you make, and have Update right at the bottom or at least seperated away from Compile, because that's the one you generally only click once or twice throughout a project -- and it can have dire consequences if you click it in later stages of the game.

When you accidentally hit Update instead of Compile, bad things happen. And anyone who works quickly will know two conflicting things right next to each other in a right click mouse menu is unintuitive. So I'd ask please, that Compile gets its own seperated thing at top. I've hit Update accidentally a couple of times over multiple projects, and naturally it wipes what is compiled in a TRS and replaces it with a new blank translation, that you often have to sit and wait 2 minutes for AGS to build. Granted I should be keeping backups but when you're working on a game and clicking things left right and center, it's not ideal... But that's really the only button in the whole editor I've ever had an issue with (and only since I started working with multiple translations). many thanks!

Crimson Wizard

No, nothing has changed in regards of that in 3.4. Actually you can read full list of changes here:

3.4.0 is practically out, any further fixes will go to next update (whichever number that will be).
Also I advise to put your suggestion on an issue tracker so that it don't get forgotten.


Ooooh does that "any further fixes" include the Mac OS port stuff that just got merged into master? If so, I can understand why. I mean, I know features are locked in right now. I do find it a bit weird that it went into master though. Is that so 3.3.x people can build for Mac? Will the Mac stuff go into 3.4.1?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Gurok on Mon 11/07/2016 04:54:14
Ooooh does that "any further fixes" include the Mac OS port stuff that just got merged into master? If so, I can understand why. I mean, I know features are locked in right now. I do find it a bit weird that it went into master though. Is that so 3.3.x people can build for Mac? Will the Mac stuff go into 3.4.1?

There is a literally one minor change to the engine's general code brought by that pull request, so code wise it may be merged to with 3.4.0, it does not really matter that much.
On other hand, as far as I know, this port requires to be tested before it may be announced as working, so for now it is like we have an experimental component in the repository.

E: That is one reason why it went to master, second reason is actually so that 3.3 users could use it too, but really this is aimed for Wadjet Eye, because it is their OSX code, and they wanted to have a merged version for too long.


Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 05/05/2016 18:53:56
Dialog Options

The highlight colour for dialog options (default rendering) is no longer hard coded as yellow (14). You can use:
Code: ags
game.dialog_options_highlight_color = xxx;

And set the dialog options highlight colour to whatever you like. The default is 14.

I have been waiting for this little change for so long. :cry::cheesy:

Crimson Wizard

lol, okay :).

I am going to lock this thread now, because it was dedicated to WIP version. In case someone did not know, there is a Beta thread going on here:

It also includes updated (offline) manual now, so you can enter anything mentioned in the "What's New" in the search box and look for explanation.

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