A Tricky Problem: Wondering if it can be implemented...

Started by Kaeru, Wed 11/06/2003 22:48:54

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Okay, I'm not sure if this can be implemented or not.. But it seems that it MIGHT be able to work with variables and such. Of course I'm not that well versed in programming or AGS yet enough to figure a way out myself.

I am currently starting work on an adventure game that will function just like a regular adventure game.. but this time with a little extra:

Now what I want to do is create a battle system. One kind of like what an RPG
would be capable of.(and please don't attack me, for it wouldn't be a "straight" rpg.. still mostly adventure) In that there would be a GUI that would list Attack, Use Item, and so on. That would be probable cause you could use Inventory and such to equip and such. But I was wondering if there could be a skill range that could be set up. What I mean is that if you fight an enemy and win, you'll be amounted some experience and then if you have enough you'll ascend to a higher level.(standard fare in RPG's) Could a set of variables or whathaveyou be set up to track how much strength, speed, and such you'll be capable of.. and then within each enemy or battle, you can set how they might react with that? Also if you use a weapon on yourself or whatever, you could have your strength go to an absolute place, or go up a few.. or down a few if from a higher weapon and vice versa..

If this is completely impossible just tell me.. but I'm sure that with the scripting that does exist, it could accomplish it in some way.. But I am unsure and completely clueless how to do it.. but if it can be done it'll be marvelous.

This is totally just my mind working overtime.. so please, tell me what you think and please share some of your knowledge in how to do some of the things.
All help is appreciated, thanks.



Kind of. Basically AGS can do nearly anything you can imagine, if you can script it (Of course there are graphics limitations :P). What you are describing would actually be fairly simple once you have MASTERED scripting.

I would highly recommend starting off a little bit slower though. Make a short game first, just to learn scripting. Then start fleshing out some code for your RPG system.

You should pay attention to global varialbes a LOT. Learn how math functions work inside of AGS. Learn tons about GUI's. If you already have programming experience then you should pick up things within a month or so. If you don't and you work hard you could have it together within two months. Good luck.


Archangel (aka SoupDragon)

I think what you describe is a lot easier than junc makes out. If you already know C or C++ then the ags scripting will take you a weekend to learn, otherwise it could take a little longer. It might be worth supplementing the tutorials in the ags manual with some guides to C on the internet, since your first programming language is always the hardest!

Specifically to what you need, look up GetGlobalInt and SetGlobalInt in the ags help file. You can use global ints to store all information about character's levels, exp, attack and defence, etc. and the AGS engine will helpfully store all these automatically when a user saves their game. Your more detailed questions someone else might like to help with.


Tierra Entertaiment is using AGS to make a VGA version of Quest for Glory 2 (you may want to check their website http://www.tierraentertainment.com/ ), that shows that adventure-RPG games can be done with AGS.
I believe that even full RPG games can be done in AGS, you just need to learn to use well the script system.
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Ah, thanks for all your insight. It really does help when this aspect can actually be realised. I'm mainly just an art type person.. but I can understand programming once I get into it. I have a friend who knows a lot of C++ so I might get a lot of help this way.
Another question: Could a random attack from an enemy be able to happen.. like he doesn't just hit you or something.. he might do another type of attack. How could you set something to be random like that? Same for if you hit someone and they might dodge or block.. some way to make that kinda random too besides the other variables considered?


Yes, that is possible. We can't really be any more specific until you have a better idea of exactly how you want things to look and work.

Hollister Man

Actually, I was thinking of making a program with this idea.  I've been remaking Mask of Eternity as a true adventure.  One of the most interesting, and most hated, aspects of the original game was that they implemented a battle aspect to the game.  It was randon, poorly designed, and over all it sucked.  

I wouldn't mind having something along the lines of an inventory item or a GUI button that could be used to attack.  Really what I need is a good background artist, who can draw/paint like the original Sierra games.  On the other hand I can figure out the scripting part.  Maybe you would like to join the team?  I can always use suggestions.
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