Making a custom Dialogue GUI.

Started by DBoyWheeler, Sun 19/11/2023 18:57:24

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Aside from the verb coin, I had in mind making a custom dialog GUI for doing dialogues.

The graphics are a main field.

And an up arrow and down arrow, if there are sufficient dialog topics to warrant going up and down.

How can I set it so the field only appears when having dialogue, and the arrows only appear when there needs to be scrolling?  I know there's a regular dialogue thing in AGS, but I'm wondering if it is possible to make a custom dialogue thing.

Crimson Wizard

Indeed, there's a custom dialog options feature, it's all explained in the manual:


Thanks.  I'll take a look-see and respond if some things are a tad confusing.



Thanks for sharing... hopefully there's a way to include homemade graphics as well--might have to check out the code as well.

[Edit] Eh, might as well use the default dialogue settings, and keep this in mind for future projects.  I've been running behind on this game project as is.

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