Please Help - left and right click interface

Started by Chicky, Tue 10/06/2003 13:22:17

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Hi all    :)
i really need to know how to make an interface where there is a pop-up inventory at the bottom of the screen with inventor scrollers. Also i want it so that when you right click it looks at, and double left click is use? Also i want single left click to be walk.

Its a lot to ask but i really need to know, pleese

Any help pleese im begging ;D


Don't beg! grovel works, on fridays and every other sunday.......
as for your Q i dunno! you need a much more superior being than me ;)

i'm sure some one will help if they can, asap....
little tip...don't double post the same subject in two sections, they kinda don't like it ;)


Nooooooooooo, i got soo excited when i had a reply ahhhhhhhhhhhh (puts head thru wall), dang and i gota log off now :(

ohhh ohh ohhh GROVEL

pleeeese reply

sorry about the double post (hangs head in shame)  :-[


For the GUI: You mean something like this:

I don't know about the double clicking, but you can set the right and left clicks functions in the global script's on_mouse_click function.

function on_mouse_click(int button) {
 // called when a mouse button is clicked. button is either LEFT or RIGHT
 if (IsGamePaused() == 1) {
   // Game is paused, so do nothing (ie. don't allow mouse click)
 else if (button==LEFT) {
   ProcessClick(mouse.x, mouse.y, MODE_WALK);
 else if (button==RIGHT) {   // right-click, so cycle cursor
   ProcessClick(mouse.x, mouse.y, MODE_LOOK);


Dang the zip file is too old :( But the script is a great help , i dont suppose there are any newer ace2game files with this gui are there :-\


QuoteDang the zip file is too old

Too old? If you can't load it, make sure you have the latest version of AGS.


Sorry a'J'a, the problen is i cant D/L the latest version at the moment, Ahh well thanks for all the help. ;D



Thinking bout it isnt there a way in the interaction editor for a hotspot to make any click as interact? i will have to set it as walk to, then do the pick up animation or what ever. thats it (gives himself pat on back)  


You double posted.  Continue in other thread.
- Oh great, I'm stuck in colonial times, tentacles are taking over the world, and now the toilets backing up.
- No, I mean it's really STUCK. Like adventure-game stuck.
-Hoagie from DOTT

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